I want to tell you that these signs never decide whether somebody is good or bad. These signs only tell how people think.

We all know the nature of cancerians .

Generally people with cancer moon sign are moody,childish,good mind reader,emotional,imaginative,day dreamer, desirous.

There are so many who's moon signs is cancer but all may not be same.

Three type of cancers:

1. Extraordinary Cancers
2.Over-sensitive Cancers
3.Indecisive Cancers

1. Extraordinary Cancers: Such people are actually genius.They have great ability to understand human psychology. They are very practical and full of positive thinking. They possess fantastic knowledge in their subjects as well as appreciate others knowledge. They are most powerful kind of cancers who can solve any problem.

They are expert in finding positive traits of people.

2. Over-sensitive Cancers: This type of cancer's are basically emotionally not strong.They easily get into depressions. They are highly sensitive. They are also suspicious. Mostly their emotions over flow. Their likes and dislikes are at extreme level. Interesting thing is that these type of cancers are extremely caring. Their extreme care sometime may irritates others.

In short these type of cancers are highly imaginative,very impractical, Often misunderstand others,extremely caring even for no reason.

Their worries are mostly impractical. They often think negative.

3. Indecisive Cancers: These type of cancers are very talkative,intelligent and can also be tricky. Depending on the mood they easily change their mind. These cancerians are somewhat indecisive. They never wanted to miss any opportunities. They may remain in two minds. Also their emotional feeling towards anybody can be unexpected.

Their moods changes unexpectedly.


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