The 27 Nitya Yoga of indian astrology

Nitya Yoga
Yog is an important part of the Panchanga system that plays a crucial role in determining the right time / Muhurta for any action.


There are broadly speaking two types of Yogs in Panchanga:
Naisargika/ Nitya Yogs ,i.e based on the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon
Tatkaalika Yogs (,i.e based on the combination of Vaar / day of the week and constellation)

Nitya means daily. The angular relationship between the sun and the moon leads to the creation of daily Yogs which are based on the angle of separation between the Sun and the Moon. These take a bit longer than Nakshatra which takes only the Moon into account. With the Nitya Yogs, the Sun’s movement is also to be considered and the Moon has to travel 13°20’ away from the Sun for each Nitya Yog. There are in total 27 Nitya Yogs, some extremely favourable, others favourable and still others not so favourable.

In terms of Nitya Yog, the time period is mentioned in terms of Ghatis. A ghati is 24 minutes. There are 60 ghatis in one day.

Nitya Yogs are also known in Vedic Astrology as Surya Siddhant Yogs or Dina Yogs. They are different from Bhava Yogs or Planetary Yogs.


The calculation of the Nitya Yogs is simple. The heavens above is spherical, hence contain 360°, which divided by 27 constellations is equal to 13°20’. So, for each 13°20’, a Yog is formed.

Now, add the longitude of the Moon to the longitude of the Sun, divide it by 13°20’ and the consequent Nitya Yog is thus derived.

At the birth of every individual, a particular Yog is formed which then constitutes the Birth Yog of the native.

The most auspicious and benefic Nitya Yogs are:
No. 21 : Siddha Yog
No. 25 : Brahma Yog
3. No. 26 Indra Yog

The favourable Nitya Yogs are:

4. No. 3 Ayushman Yog

5. No. 4 Saubhagya YOg

6. No. 5 Sobhana Yog

7. No. 7 Sukarma Yog

8. No. 11 : Vriddhi Yog

9. No.12 : Dhruva Yog

10. No.14 Harshana Yog

11. No.16: Siddhi Yog

12. No.20 Shiva Yog

13. No. 22 : Sadhya Yog

14. No. 23 : Shubha Yog

15. No.24 : Shukla Yog.


The less favourable Nitya Yogs are :

16. No. 2 Priti Yog

17. No. 8 Dhriti Yog

18. No. 18 Variyana Yog


The most inauspicious Nitya Yogs are :

19. No.1 Vishkumbh Yog

20. No . 6 Atiganda Yog

21. No. 9 Sukla Yog

22. No. 10 Ganda Yog

23. No. 13 Vyaghata Yog

24. No. 15 Vajra Yog

25. No. 17 Vyatipata Yog

26. No. 19 Paridha Yog

27. No. 27 Vaidhriti Yog


A Brief Overview of Each of the Nitya Yogs for a Better Comprehension and Understanding

No. 1 : Vishkumbh / Pot of Venom Yog (Extremely Inauspicious in nature)
Ruled by Lord Yama and Shani Graha / Saturn ins the ruling planet.


A person born under this Yog is fortunate and enjoys all pleasures of life.
He is surrounded by good friends and a loving family.
He never encounters economic hardship of any kind.
He is extremely intelligent.
Such people have the ability to forecast or predict future.
They are more spiritual than material in their attitude.
He is very fond of his family and quite devoted to them.
He shall be wealthy and a man of multi talents.
They are enamoured with the occult sciences. And take keen interest in divine matters.
They love dynamism.
They may quite possibly a curvature in their stature or gait.

He is not to be trusted and can carry venom inside his heart for very long, if thwarted or crossed.

No.2 : Preeti / Attachment , Fondness Yog ( Less Auspicious in nature)
Ruled by Lord Vishnu and Buddha Graha / Mercury is the ruling planet


The incumbent is extremely lively, vivacious and energetic in his approach towards life.
He is knowledgeable and passionate about the work he does.
He is lover of beauty and aesthetics.
He is extremely and easily attracted towards the charms of opposite sex.
They possess keen public relation skills because of their loving nature.
They have a tendency to sacrifice themselves to please others
He is gifted with a naturally loving spouse and enjoys a happy, family life.

• He is clever, shrewd and can manipulate things in his favour.

No.3 : Ayushman / Long-Lived or Longevity Yog (Favourable in nature)

Ruled by Chandra Devta / Moon and Ruling Planetary Node is Ketu


The native is naturally blessed with a long and healthy life.
He is a lover of poetry, music and a man of refined taste.
He is wealthy, powerful and can easily vanquish his enemies.
His opinions and decisions stand very good chance of being accepted willingly by others.
He possesses high leadership qualities which confers on him the ability to sway crowd influence in his favour.
His natural vocation is in field of justice and policy making.
He shall be completely immersed in his work and will reap the full benefit of his tasks.
He shall easily earn a good living and not face nay financial constraints.

No.4 : Saubhagya / Fortunate Yog (Favourable in nature)

Ruled by Lord Brahma and ruling planet is Shukra / Venus.


The native is blessed with good fortune.
He shall be endowed with good qualities.
He shall be fortunate and gifted with talent and intelligence.
He will receive a lot of appreciation and respect for his qualities.
He shall also be easily enamoured of the opposite sex.
There are certain signs of good fortune in the native’s person which indicates this auspicious Yog.
They have the tendency to travel and reside in far-off, remote places.
Food preparation, packaging and distribution is their core area of interest and they stand a very good chance of building up a fortune if they deal in this matter.
He shall accrue a lot of wealth through legitimate means.
He shall be fond of good fragrances.

Tends to be gregarious at times.
Shall be devoid of virtues.

No.5 : Sobhana / Bright and Shining Yog (Favourable in nature)
Ruled by Brihaspati / Jupiter and ruling Star is Sun / surya.


The native shall have a beautiful and attractive appearance.
He shall also be interested in the field of Visual arts and display.
He shall be diligent and persevering in accomplishing his goals.
He shall be blessed with a charming and virtuous spouse.
His children shall bring him great joy and pride.
He shall be of artistic bent and are always fortunate in their professional dealings.
Their public relation skill is commendable.
Good food and good possession interest them infinitely.
He is gifted with intelligence, rich in virtues and possess a good heart.

The person has a tendency to be aggressive.
For all his good qualities, he shall be troubled by grief.
No.6 : Atiganda / Very strong knot Yog (Extremely Inauspicious in nature)
Ruled by the Moon / Chandra Devta and ruling star is also Moon


They are extremely strong-minded and courageous people.
They possess high integrity.
They appreciate the finer nuances of life like arts, music and movie.
He is heroic, truthful and charitable.

The Yog is considered to be extremely malefic in its influence.
The native has the tendency to harm his family and be a cause of shame and distress to them.
He is also responsible for causing misery and sorrow to his progenitor.
The person has the inclination to drift towards criminal activities.
They enjoy fighting and quarrelling.
They thrive on conflicts and strife. They are extremely stubborn and not easily influenced or swayed by others.
He has a habit of blaming others for his misfortune.
A tendency to fall for illicit relations.
No.7 : Sukarma / Good Actions Yog (Favourable in nature)
Ruled by Lord Indra and ruling planet is Mangal / Mars.


Such a person is extremely magnanimous and generous towards others.
He believes in spirituality.
He has a calm and composed demeanour.
He has love and affection towards all.
He is a man gifted with good qualities.
He receives appreciation and affection from others by virtue of his qualities.
He lives a life filled with worldly pleasures.
He is noble in his outlook towards life and dignified in his temperament.
He is extremely diligent about delivering his duties.
His colleagues and peers are impressed with his outstanding performance.
His words are backed by actions.
He is by nature generous and charitable.

He lusts over other women and has tendency towards impassionate affairs.

No.8 : Dhriti / Steady , Constant Yog (Less Favourable in Nature)
Ruled by Apas/ Jala and ruling planetary Node is Rahu.


The native is extremely calm and composed.
He is neither aggressive nor impulsive.
He is physically fit and active in his daily life and enjoys good health.
He is of calm dispositions and is extremely patient n his dealings.
He is by nature virtuous and believes in good karma.
He is a person blessed with high intelligence.
He is interested in scientific and logical matters and subjects.
Inventions, discoveries and innovations are his forte.
Space travel, astronomy are of special interest to him.
He is adept in communications and make eloquent speaker.
He is strong minded and cannot be vanquished easily.
He lives a happy, blissful and prosperous life.
He is fond of good fragrance

A propensity towards illicit relations with members of the opposite sex.
Tends to over-blame others.
No.9 : Shula / Sharp, Piercing Yog (Extremely Inauspicious in Nature)
Ruled by Sarp Devtas / Snake Gods and ruling planet is Saturn/ Guru.


Such people are by nature extremely spiritual and virtuous.
They are inclined towards the studies of epic and mythology.
They are extremely knowledgeable and well-educated.
They are aware of the rituals and the procedures to performed Yajnas.
They believe in saving money for a rainy day and are wise-spenders.
Such people possess sharp, athletic bodies.
Their thinking is also extremely sharp and to the point.
They are proud of their qualities and possessions, both on the mental and physical level.

However, they tend to be short-tempered and quarrelsome in nature with a sharp sting in their speech.
The native is condemned to face many stinging difficulties in life, mostly health-related.
They experience horde of problems and encounter and suffer a lot of pain in their personal life.
May suffer sharp, stinging pains in the body.

No.10 : Gandha / Knot, hindrance Yog (Extremely Inauspicious in nature).
Ruled by Lord Agni/ Fire and ruling planet is Shani/ Saturn.


The native shall possess power and determination.
They shall be extremely dedicated towards their assigned duties.
He is blessed with wealth and pride.
He shall be sagacicious in approach.

However they may to encounter the bad elements in society which may cause them suffering and unpopularity in the initial phase.
They worry too much about haelth and suffer too many health setbacks.
Its effect can be described as that of knots or obstacles.
He thrives on disputes and conflicts which cause him suffering
He causes misery to his mother.
He is inclined towards hypocrisy and garrulousness.
May also suffer from throat related ailments.
The native possesses large hands and feet and a large, predominant chin.
They have the tendency to blemish the family reputation.
Possess a short stature with head being disproportionately large.

No. 11 : Vriddhi / Increase, Growth Yog (Favourable in Nature)
Ruled by Lord Surya / Sun and ruling planet is Buddha / Mercury


Such a person has good outward appearance.
He is extremely well-mannered.
He shall be rich and a man of virtuous disposition.
He shall be blessed with a supportive life-partner and loving children.
He shall enjoy all material pleasures of life.
He has a high intellect and is of an analytical bent of mind.
He avails the best opportunities he gets and makes the maximum use of it to chart his progress.
He is firm in speech, pure, of high intelligence and naturally heroic.

No. 12 : Dhruva / Eternal, Stable Yog (Favourable in Nature)
Ruled by Bhumi/ Earth Goddess and ruling planetary Node is Ketu.


The person is endowed with a stable disposition and a calm mind with immense patience
He is completely devoted to his job and remain focussed throughout.
He shall be strong in physical health.
He shall be blessed with good wealth and fortune,
He shall receive a lot of respect in his lifetime and live to have a stable, healthy, long life.
He is firm in speech and of high intelligence.

He is inclined towards sinful pursuits and wicked deeds yet remain free from the grudges of enemies.

No. 13 : Vyaghata / Defeat, Blow Yog Extremely (Inauspicious in nature)

Ruled by Vayu God/ Wind and ruling planet is Shukra / Venus


He shall be sincere in his approach.
He shall a man of many virtues.
He will receive love, honours and adulation from the society.
He shall receive lot of name, fame and adulation.
He shall be resolute in his endeavours.
They have multi-talented skills.
On account of their varied skills and qualities they achieve success and become famous.

However he shall suffer from frequent loss of temper and spurts of volatililty.
Peers and associates will not like to mingle with him on account of this temperament.
His eyes might seem to be peculiar and they frequently come across as eccentric to others.
He shall be foolish and unclean, cruel and much too proud and likely to pilfer and steal things.
On accpount of his devious nature, he is likely to have many enemies.

No.14: Harshana / Joyous Yog (Favourable in Nature)
Ruled by Bhagya/ Fate and ruling Star is Sun/ Surya.


This is a favourable Yog in which the person is extremely blessed with good fortune.
He shall be armed with extensive knowledge on exhaustive subjects.
He will be expert in Shastras, Vedas and religious scriptures,
He shall be steadfast in his decisions.
He shall accrue a lot of wealth.
He shall receive success, adulation and respect from the society.
He shall make very good leader.
He will be quick to take up challenges and opportunities for further growth.

He shall be crooked in disposition and likely to be untruthful at times.

No.15 : Vajra / Severe as Indra’s thunderbolt Yog (Extremely Inauspicious in nature)
Ruled by Varuna/ Lightning and ruling star is moon/ Chandra.

Such a person is strong and powerful like Lord Indra’s thunderbolt.
He is a formidable opponent.
He possesses incredible power and strength
He is adept in all forms of art and expert in wielding different kinds of weapons.
He is extremely brave and courageous.
He hardly ever encounters financial struggle or setbacks in his life.

He will be identified as a trouble maker right from childhood.
He shall be very good at fault finding in others and thus make good inspectors or supervisors.
He rarely if ever appreciates the good in other people.
He shall not be charitable. In fact he shall be quite miserly, cruel and uncouth in speech and actions.

No.16: Siddhi / Success, Accomplishment Yog (Favourable in Nature)
Ruled by Lord Ganesha and ruling planet is Mars/ Mangal.


Such a person is a complete all-rounder.
He excels in whatever he does or attempts on life.
He is blessed with the quality of accomplishment and as such nothing is ever too daunting or impossible for him.
He performs all tasks with utmost dedication and sincerity.
He possess a pleasant outward appearance and enjoys the fruits of a blessed life.
He is also willing to extend a helping hand and is generous and giving in nature.
He also generously contributes towards charities for the needy and impoverished.
He possesses the gift of a remarkable spouse who is blessed with good looks and a good heart.
He shall be rich and affluent.
He will possess strong mind in strong body.
He is blessed with good fortune of having loving children.
He enjoys all the bounties of life.

Health front shall however offer some setback in his life.

No.17 : Vyatipata/ Calamity, Disrespect Yog (Extremely Inauspicious in Nature)
Ruled by Lord Rudra (Shiva in his destructive form) and ruling planetary node is Rahu.


Person born under this Yog faces number of obstacles and problems in his childhood.
As he grows up and takes charge of his life, his sorrows convert into happiness.
By the time he reaches adolescence, he enjoys a blissful life on account of his determination and resilience.
He also accrues a lot of fame and popularity in his lifetime.

However, the early hardships in his life may make the person come across as cruel and bitter in his relationships.
He will be quarrelsome and be argumentative for argument’s sake.
No. 18: Variyana / Ambitious, Strong Yog (Less Favourable in Nature)
Ruled by Lord Kubera / wealth God and ruling planet is Jupiter / Guru.


The native shall have an enhanced interest in philosophy and religion.
He shall achieve immense name, fame and popularity in the creative fields.
He shall be resolute in his determination to stick to his ideals and principles.
They have immense courage, self-confidence and pride.
They make their life partners proud and impressed.
They enjoy the pursuit of wealth.
They are the cause of happiness to others.
They are extremely good in music, dance, art and other creative pursuits.

They are pretentious and boastful in nature.

No.19: Parigha/ Iron bar Yog (Extremely Inauspicious in Nature)
Ruled by Lord Vishwakarma/ the Architect God and ruling planet is Shani/ Saturn.


The native is intelligent and wise.
He has a wide repertoire of knowledge in his stock.
He brings pride and grace to his family on account of his good deeds.
He lives a life full of luxury and enjoys all the worldly pleasures.
They are short in stature but are essentially fighters.
Their fighting prowess brings them adulation and pride but also leads them astray.
They have an innate interest in arms and ammunition related toys and accessories.
They make good teachers and mentors.
They possess delicate voice.
Their varied knowledge make them earn respect for themselves and their families.

They can sometimes be miser, fickle-minded and endowed with lust which can cause their downfall.

No.20: Shiva/ Auspicious, Bliss Yog (Favourable in Nature)

Ruled by Lord Mitra and ruling planet is Buddha / Mercury.

The person is extremely intelligent.
He takes pride in helping others.
He is neither selfish nor self-centred.
He is honest and compassionate in nature.
He gets a lot of appreciation and adulation from people on account of his benevolent nature.
He is extremely cool, calm and composed.
He does not get aggravated or excited easily.
He does not like to flaunt their wealth or their skills.
He does not believe in pretentiousness and show-off.
He is aware and conscious of a powerful spirit that governs each one of us and therefore are humble in nature.
He will be fond of going for pilgrimages and spiritual salvation.
He has an inherent wisdom about him which makes other people hold him in high esteem.


No.21 : Siddha / Accomplished, Proven, Celebrated Yog (Extremely Auspicious in Nature)
Ruled by Lord Kartikeya and ruling planetary node is Ketu


The person born under this Yog is extremely accomplished in matters of science, philosophy and literature.
He assures perfection in whatever he strives.
His dedication and sincerity is beyond reproach.
He keeps up a good appearance.
He enjoys all the pleasures of worldly life.
He is ever ready to extend a helping hand to others.
He generously contributes to charity for the poor and the derived people.
He is blessed with an affluent and noble spouse.
He himself shall be blessed with wealth and property.
He receives a lot of fame and adulation for his good deeds.
His natural vocation is that of a secret advisor and well-swisher.
He is skilful in business, a man of justice and ethics.
His inclination is towards the practice of occult sciences.

He may have to face some health-related issues or difficulties in his life.

No.22 : Saddhya / Accomplished Yog (Favourable in Nature)
Ruled by Goddess Savitri and ruling planet is Shukra / Venus


He is very steadfast in his decisions and extremely resolute about its implementation.
He is a diligent task performer.
He works honest and efficiently to gain results.
He strives to achieve success in all his endeavours.
He is patient in his approach towards performing his tasks.
He avoids being hasty or impulsive in his work-approach and takes well-thought decisions.
He ultimately accomplishes whatever he strives for.
He is a lover of music and fine arts.
He is loyal in his approach and liberal minded in temperament.

He does not get due recognition for his accomplishment.
He tends to have lots of enemies surrounding him.
No.23: Shubha / Auspicious, Radiant Yog (Favourable in Nature)
Ruled by Goddess Lakshmi and ruling Star is Sun/ Surya.


The name itself suggest that the people born under this Yog are extremely blessed and auspicious.
He shall have a pleasant outward appearance.
He shall be endowed with good intelligence , knowledge and wealth
He knows how to give respect to the truly learned and serve them to the best of their satisfaction.
He is quite suited for government and private sector services.
He earns respect and love from other people for his good deeds and dedication.
The person is by nature pure, modest and renders happiness to others.
He shall not encounter any financial hardship.
They are by nature extremely generous and have deep and abiding respect for the truly learned.

No.24 : Shukla or Shukla / Pure. Bright Yog (Favourable in Nature)
Ruled by Goddess Parvati and ruling planet is Moon/ Chandra.

Persons born under this Yog excel in many forms of art.
They take keen interest in good poetry and are themselves very good poets.
They are highly educated and well-read people.
They are people of formidable courage and strength.
They assure themselves of good and steady income.
They are able to win over the hearts of others with their loving and caring nature.
They become masters of wealth accrued through legitimate means.
They are by nature truthful and honest.
They possess good knowledge of scriptures.
They are financially secure in their lives.
Their bright and vibrant personality wins them many followers.

They incur the wrath and enmity of people who are jealous of their success.

No. 25 : Brahma / Eternal, Wise Yog (Extremely Auspicious in Nature)

Ruled by the Ashwini Kumaras and ruling planet is Mangal / Mars.


A person born under this Yog is well-informed, knowledgeable and wise.
He has a thorough grasp and a firm understanding of the Vedas and religious scriptures.
He is intelligent and wise and extremely adept in all creative pursuits and arts.
He is generous and kind-hearted.
He keeps a firm faith in the Almighty.
His natural inclination lies towards divine matters and philosophy.
He is also ready to sacrifice his own good for the well-being of others.
He is well-loved and richly admired by all.
He is proficient in religious scriptures and all other matters too.
He makes favourable gurus on account of the piety in his heart and the belief in Almighty.

No.26 : Indra or Mahendra / Excellent, First in Line Yog (Extremely Auspicious in Nature)
Ruled by Pitar Devta and ruling planetary node is Rahu.


Such a native shall be doubly blessed.
He shall be wealthy, virtuous and extremely fortunate in all his relationships and dealings.
He will be rich and enjoy all material pleasures of life.
He will possess many good qualities that shall make him stand up in a crowd.
He is likely to be an altruist.
He shall be possessed by professional brilliance, knowledge and brilliance.
He is normally of gentle temperament unless and until continually provoked.
He shall easily achieve success in all his endeavours
He possesses fine personality traits.

He may not however live long on account of certain afflictions and is advised frequent medical check-ups.
No.27: Vaidhriti / Division, Malignant Yog (Extremely Inauspicious in nature)
Ruled by Diti and ruling planet is Jupiter/ Guru.


The person is extremely energetic and enthusiastic in his approach towards life.
He loves to have anything to do with water and aqua games and sports are of special interest to him.
He is blessed with grace, beauty and sense of fashion.
He shall accrue a lot of wealth gained through legitimate means.
He exerts himself and is extremely hard-working.
He is always willing to lend a helping hand.
He shall stand out from the crowd on account of his unique vision and approach towards life.

He is extremely garrulous.
The fallout being in spite of his good deeds and good nature he does not receive the love and appreciation that he deserves and encounters many ungrateful people who stab on his back.
He is miserly in his financial dealings. He also tends to be extremely fickle-minded.



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