Vishkumbh Yog

Vishkumbh Yog

Vishkumbh Yog is the 1st Nitya / Naisargik Yog and is considered to be a highly inauspicious and extremely malefic one .

[Nitya means daily. These are instances of daily Yog formed by the angular relationships between the Sun and the Moon. These Yogs are based on the angle of separation between the Sun and the Moom. These take a bit longer than Nakshatra which takes only the Moon into account. With the Nitya Yogs, the Sun’s movement is also to be considered and the Moon has to travel 13°20’ away from the Sun for each Nitya Yog. There are in total 27 Nitya Yogs, some extremely favourable, others favourable and still others not so favourable.

Nitya Yogs are also known in Vedic Astrology as Surya SIddhant Yogs or Dina Yogs. They are different from Bhava Yogs or Planetary Yogs. The heavens above is spherical , hence contain 360°, which divided by 27 constellations is equal to 13°20’. So, for each 13°20’ , a Yog is formed. At the birth of every individual , a particular Yog is formed which then constitutes the Birth Yog of the native.

The most auspicious and benefic Nitya Yogs are :

1. No. 21 : Siddha Yog

2. No. 25 : Brahma Yog

3. No. 26 Indra Yog


• The favourable Nitya Yogs are:
4. No. 3 Ayushman Yog

5. No. 4 Saubhagya YOg

6. No. 5 Sobhana Yog

7. No. 7 Sukarma Yog

8. No. 11 : Vriddhi Yog

9. No.12 : Dhruva Yog

10. No.14 Harshana Yog

11. No.16: Siddhi Yog

12. No.20 Shiva Yog

13. No. 22 : Sadhya Yog

14. No. 23 : Shubha Yog

15. No.24 : Shukla Yog.


• The less favourable Nitya Yogs are :
16. No. 2 Priti Yog

17. No. 8 Dhriti Yog

18. No. 18 Variyana Yog


• The most inauspicious Nitya Yogs are :
19. No.1 Vishkumbh Yog

20. No . 6 Atiganda Yog

21. No. 9 Sukla Yog

22. No. 10 Ganda Yog

23. No. 13 Vyaghata Yog

24. No. 15 Vajra Yog

25. No. 17 Vyatipata Yog

26. No. 19 Parigha Yog

27. No. 27 Vaidhriti Yog

The confluence of Saturn and Moon in any house gives rise to Vishkumbh Yog. The Ruler of this Yog is Saturn/ Shani. Lord Yama, himself governs over this Yog.

Vishkumbh Yog , paradoxically , though in itself an inauspicious Yog, yet the native born under this confluence is fortunate and blessed with good qualities. He will be possessor of many riches and will enjoy all the material pleasures of life. He shall remain surrounded by friends and well-wishers and shall have a sharp intellect. He shall wield an upper hand in his dealings with others and accumulate immense property and wealth.

Positive Manifestation of Vishkumbh Yog

The native is a person of keen intellect.
He possesses both good qualities and good looks. He is essentially a charmer and has a wide circle of friends and well-wishers.
Their birth Yog favours a happy and well-settled family life.
The person has a keen aesthetic sense and is the admirer of all things beautiful and good-looking.
He is adept in his dealings with others.
He amasses huge amount of wealth.
Financial constraints and hardships are not something he easily encounters.
He enjoys all the worldly pleasures of life to the fullest.
He is independent in nature.
He is affluent, rich and prosperous.
He has the ability to influence and inspire others through his appearance, words and actions and has such commands a huge coteries of friends and followers.
The native basks in the company of female friends and followers and is never short of attention of the opposite sex.
He is fond of his family and makes sure they are well taken care of
Such people usually follow the vocation of a medical practitioner, surgeon or pharmacist since their natural calling, lies in the field of healing and medicine.
They are by nature palliative and aim to reduce or minimise the suffering of other people through any means, possible
Negative Manifestation of Vishkumbh Yog
The good looks of the native in such case can be deceptive since in the inner core lurks a cunning and manipulative heart.
The venom in their heart spills over in their personal relations and hence the name Vishkumbh / ‘pot of venom’ Yog.
He is treacherous in his dealings and possesses an extremely devious mind, at times.
The wealthy inheritance left behind by the native acts as a deterrent for his future generation who become sloths and laid back in their approach towards life and hence do not amount to much significance in their lifetime.
The native has the tendency to suffer from boils and skin infections or blood related disorders or sugar related diseases in the latter part of his life.
The native performs acts of magnanimity which might be governed by selfish reasons, so much so, that he commands absolute gratitude and expects immense appreciation for his deeds.
The native if he does helps any person, makes it sure to extract his gratitude and devotion from the benefiter of his action.
The native may also fall prey to death at an early age.
Since, by nature this is an inauspicious Yog, any activity done in this phase yields malefic results.
The native under the influence of this Yog is also prone to depression and periods of gloominess.
The native suffers from a pessimistic and negative mind set.
Vishkumbh Yog also creates the possibility of rifts and tensions.

Resolution of Vishkumbh Yog
Paying obeisance to Lord Saturn and Moon, accompanied by due rituals negates the malefic influence of this Yog to a large extent.

Please note that all these points are mere generalisation and cannot be taken literally. Since the actual interpretation of the Birth Chart may depend on the aspect, conjunction and placement of other benefic or malefic planets of the Sun, the Moon and the Lagna which shall alter, or modify or negate or aggravate the final reading.


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