Abhijit Nakshatra

Abhijit Nakshatra
Abhijit Nakshatra is the twenty-second nakshatra out of the 27 nakshatras in Vedic astrology. The meaning of the word Abhijit is "Victorious" or "the one who cannot be defeated". Each of the 27 nakshatra in the universe is a female nakshatra. Abhijit is the only male nakshatra in vedic astrology. Hence, it holds a very important position. This nakshatra is considered to be one of the most auspicious nakshatras as it is believed that Lord Krishna was born in this nakshatra. The nakshatra lies within the arena of Makar Rashi or Capricorn Zodic. The controlling planet of this nakshatra is Budh or Mercury and its ruling deity is Lord Brahma.

According to some vedic texts, there is a belief that 28 minutes before and 28 minutes after 12:00 clock (day or night) is a very auspicious time or Muhurtah and is referred as Abhijit Muhurtah and any kind of auspicious activities can be done during this period. The natives born in this Nakshatra are learned and respected individuals in the society, endowed with fame and higher position for being positive at attitude and ambitious in nature.

Many vedic texts mention Abhijit as a Nakshatra after 21st Nakshtra Uttara Ashadha in the last quarter and before Shravana, the 23rd Nakshatra in the first quarter. Hence, many believe that it is not a regular Nakshatra with four Padhas but has a great influence on the lives of the natives. Abhijit Nakshatra is normally used for auspicious timing purposes and not for horoscope predictions.

Positive Characteristics of Natives Born with Abhijit Nakshatra

The natives born in Abhijit Nakshatra are considered to be affectionate souls
They are soft spoken and kind hearted
They are learned, intelligent and intellectuals, well respected by others
They are liked by people around them for the way they are
They are very optimistic and always have a positive attitude towards life. As a result, they can overcome all hurdles in life
They work hard, have determination and are ambitious
They attain respect in life and earn name, fame and affluence
They do well in their lives and enjoy all materialistic comforts
They are very honest in their words and action
They are also true spiritual beings

Career Aspects of Nakshatras Born with Abhijit Nakshatra

The natives of the Abhijit Nakshatra are intellectual and intelligent types
Their hard work and honest dealings make them very successful in whatever profession they choose
They attain high position in their career
They are known to be engaged in professions where there is power and authority
They do very well in research work.
These individuals would work at higher positions of authority and dominance.
They are also involved in some advanced studies.
Till 27 years of age, there are struggles in their lives and after that they won’t face any financial problems

Family life
The male native of the Abhijit Nakshatra gets married around the age of 23. Overall his marital life is quite satisfactory, though more than one wife is indicated in his birth chart. He becomes the father of many children. However, he might face the untimely demise of one of his children. Their eldest son takes care of him in his old age.

The female natives of the Abhijit Nakshatra are usually against the concept of marriage and commitment. This is due to an unforgettable sexual assault that they face at a very young age of 12 to 14 years. Those who marry, they have a late marriage in the late 20’s. However, they enjoy a happy and smooth marital life.




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