Shatabhisha Nakshatra is the twenty-fourth nakshatra

Shatabhisha Nakshatra: The 24th Nakshatra in Vedica Astrology
Shatabhisha Nakshatra is the twenty-fourth nakshatra out of the 27 nakshatras in Vedic astrology. The nakshatra lies completely within the sign of Aquarius. The ruling planet of this nakshatra is Rahu and its presiding deity is Varuna – the God of rain. It is also ruled by Saturn and Uranus though the main ruling planet is Rahu and this nakshatra is the pinnacle of Rahu’s energy. Shatabhisha is considered to be secretive nakshatra with an emphasis on the hidden powers of life. As a result, the natives born with Shatabhisha nakshatra might get inclined to a reclusive life later on. They must be careful of depression and seclusion. The natives of Satabhisha Nakshatra are considered to be a balanced personality of both positive and negative shades which make them stand strong and tall in the society.

The translated meaning of this nakshatra is 100 medicines or doctors or healers. Hence, the natives born in this nakshatra do well in fields related to medicines and healing abilities.


Empty circle or a charm or Ox cart: The empty circle displays the quality of the natives to discover mysteries and philosophies of the unknown.
Animal Symbol: A Female Horse

Positive Characteristics of Natives Born With Shatabhisha Nakshatra

The natives of Satabhisha Nakshatra are strong and brave.
They have great stability of mind
They are endowed with immense knowledge and sharp mind
They do have mysterious personalities, yet they are liked and respected in the society
They are independent and become rich, prosperous and wealthy but are economical in their way of living and spending
They are very soft hearted and cannot do harm to anyone
They are selfless givers as they are kind hearted and charitable
They are true believers of scared path and pious words and are always truthful.
They follow strong principles in their life path.
They are emotionally very controlled and have a strong sense of justice
They are able to defend themselves and defeat their enemies well
They are enterprising in nature
They try to find happiness within themselves which is a great quality

Negative Characteristics of Natives Born with Shatabhisha Nakshatra

They at times become very stubborn and indifferent to others and become self centered too.
They have a tendency to remain secluded and reclusive
They lack self confidence
They to remain restricted and quiet but at the same time do not hesitate to say things in a careless manner
Some says, they are born con artist
They remain unstable
They are argumentative
They have a mysterious personality, are secretive and hide true intentions
They remain reserved, intensely restrained or mentally anguished
They have problematic relationships
They keep weaknesses to themselves

Career Aspects of Natives Born With Shatabhisha Nakshatra

Being mysterious and secretive in nature, they become interested in astrology, psychology and other esoteric subjects
Till the age of 34 years, the male natives will not face a good time in their career but will make steady progress thereafter
They do well in fields related to medicine, drug and pharmaceutical, reiki and other healing arts. Physicians, healers, surgeons, X-ray technician, Zen practitioners, healers are popular professions
The natives have great writing skills and are artistic too. They do well as writers and in film and TV industry
The female natives become interested towards scientific study.
It has been observed that most female doctors belong to this Nakshatra.
Astronomers, engineers, aeronautics, space engineer, pilots, nuclear physicists, explorer are other recommended professions of the natives

Family life of Shatabhisha Nakshatra
The male native of the Shatabhisha Nakshatra will face many problems from his relatives, his near and dear ones. But being kind-hearted in nature, he helps them when they need help. The native has to suffer a lot because of his brothers. He won’t get help or benefit from his father but will receive all love and affection from his mother. His marital life won’t be a smooth one though he will be married to a good wife. He will have a problematic relationship and get little emotional satisfaction from his wife.

The female native, inspite of many family problems, will doubt on her husband. However, she will face a long separation from her husband. She may even become a widow at a very young age. The female native though calm in nature, can be hot-tempered when provoked. There are chances of her getting into family quarrels, which lead to disturbance in mental peace.

Shatabhisha Nakshatra Compatibility and Incompatibility

Satabhisha nakshatra is incompatibility with Ashwini, Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, Ardra, Poorva Phalguni, Shravana, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshta nakshatras, Uttarashada 2nd 3rd and 4th padas, Poorva Bhadrapada 4th pada and Revati nakshatras.
All other nakshatras are compatible with this Nakshatra.


First Pada: The first pada of the Shatabhisha Nakshatra is in the Sagittarius Navamsa. This is ruled by Jupiter. The natives born in this pada are optimistic, casual, and helpful.
Second Pada: The second pada of the Shatabhisha Nakshatra is in the Capricorn Navamsa. This is ruled by Saturn. Practicality, methodical, becoming over-ambitious are emphasized here.
Third Pada: The third pada of the Shatabhisha Nakshatra is in the Aquarius Navamsa. This is ruled by Saturn. Fat-sightedness, hot-temper or eccentricity are highlighted here.
Fourth Pada: The fourth pada falls in the Pisces Navamsa and is ruled by Jupiter. Compassion, healing are focused here. Negative planets can influence the native to get addicted to intoxication. This pada is good for natives relying on imagination activities like film-making etc.


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