The Yoga's of Vedic astrology-The special planetary combination of Indian astrology.

The Yoga's of Vedic astrology-The special planetary combination of Indian astrology.

In indian/Vedic astrology there are many planetary combinations which are known as yog.These special planetary combinations helps astrologers to know more about the Birth chart.   

Name Description Impact
1 ADHI YOGA It is a powerful combination of 3 planets: Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. When all these three planets are in the 6th, 7th and 8th houses from the Moon sign, they form Adhi Yoga, also known as Raja Yoga. Adhi yoga is a powerful yoga provided all the three planets are not joined or associated with malefic planets.
The native has leadership qualities, very trustworthy, polite in nature, powerful and influential, and can defeat his enemies
It is a rare yoga combination. This yoga is formed on the native’s birth chart when Jupiter is placed in 2nd, 5th or 11th house, provided the houses are not weak or debilitated. This is possible only when Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius or Taurus are ascendants of these houses. At the same time, lords of 2nd, 9th and 11th houses should be in kendra from Moon. Benefic
A fortunate yoga combination, which makes a native rich and powerful. The native will be in an authoritarian position in his life and will have many followers. He will be highly educated and blessed with worthy children. He will travel a lot.
This is an auspicious planetary combination. This yog is formed under 3 conditions:
In the native’s birth chart, all houses are occupied by malefic planets
All houses are occupied by all benefic planets.
When the Sun or Leo occupies the Aries Ascendant or any other house while Moon is in Cancer or Taurus (in its own house), and Jupiter and Venus occupy the 8th or 12th house.

In the first position, the native is endowed with real estate and landed property.
In the second position, the native becomes very rich, influential and powerful
In the third position, all evils in the horoscope are nullified.
4 AMARAK YOGA In Amarak Yog positioning, the lord of the 7th house is placed in the 9th house. The 7th house is occupied by the lord of the 9th house. That is, the lords of both the houses of 7th and 9th exchange their houses, and this planetary yog position gives favorable results as both these planets are strong.
The native becomes very religious in nature. He becomes greatly knowledgeable in subjects related to law and religious scriptures. The native is bestowed with highly moral values and he is blessed with a faithful wife.
When the 12th house from the moon is occupied by any planet other than the Sun, it forms Anapha yoga. The native with this yog in birth chart is blessed with favorable results depending on the planet which occupies the 12th house.
He will become very powerful. He will be self-controlled by nature, very well-mannered and will have self-respect. The native will be blessed with good communication skills.
The Ara Sauri Yog position is a planetary position between Saturn and Mars. Malefic
Ara Sauri Yog produces serious afflictions.
7 ARDHA-CHANDRA YOGA In Ardha Chandra Yog, the planets are occupied in the 6th, 8th and 12th houses from Ascendant or the first house. In such a planetary positioning, all planets occupy consecutive houses and the intervening cardinal houses remain vacant. Benefic
The native born in this yog is blessed with happiness in life. The native is also blessed with good looks. His life is also filled with ornaments, gems and jewels.
8 ARISTHA YOGAS There are many planetary combinations that give rise to Aristha Yoga
When the malefic planets are in the 6th, 8th and 12th houses or the lords of these houses are malefic
When the planets Sun, Mars, and Saturn are in the 5th house or 8th house
When the native is born with weak Ascendant lord, Sun or Moon
When the native has Sun, Mars, Rahu and Saturn in Lagna or Ascendant
Houses are exchanged between Jupiter and Mars Mars and Saturn in the 2nd house and Rahu is in the 3rd house
When the Moon is in the 6th or 8th house and Rahu in the 4th house
Jupiter, Sun, Rahu and Mars has malefic signs and Venus is in the 7th house
Moon and Mercury in the 6th or 8th house etc.

This yog produces misfortune. All auspicious results are nullified and hardships are seen in the life of the native. The native suffers a lot. The native dies at a young age.
In Ashta Lakshmi yog planetary position, Rahu planet is in the sixth and the planet Jupiter is in a kendra from Lagna. Benefic
The native becomes very popular. He is known for his gentle nature. The native is blessed with wealth and happiness.
Avatara yog is formed by the planetary combination when Venus and Jupiter occupy the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th houses and ascendant occupies a cardinal sign. Another condition is when Saturn position is in exaltation. Benefic
The native is endowed with spiritual blessings. The native achieves inner wisdom. He is in a powerful position and has a high status in the society. He tries to attain mystic awareness and becomes interested towards esoteric literature with psychic susceptibilities. He visits religious and historical places.
11 BAJRA YOG This type of yog is formed when all benefic planets are located in the 1st and 7th houses from moon in the native’s birth chart. Benefic
The native born with this yog combination is of good-nature and is born lucky. Luck favors him all throughout his life.
This is a fortunate planetary combination and comes under one of Pancha Mahapurushayoga in Vedic astrology. This is formed when the Mercury planet occupies Kendra or Quadrant houses or it is placed in Trine or Trikona Houses from Lagna. The Ascendants or Lagnas should be Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Here, mercury should be either in its own sign or in its exaltation sign.
The native will be blessed with all positive results of Mercury. This means that the person will be intelligent, well-educated, will have good communication skills. He will influence others with his eloquent speech. He will be in good relations with his siblings. He will travel a lot.
A Bhaskar yoga planetary combination is a favorable planetary combination. Here, the yog is formed Mercury is placed in the 2nd house from Sun, Jupiter is in the Trine house from the Moon and moon is in 11th house from Mercury.
Here the native will become very courageous. He will be very learned and powerful. He will be very knowledgeable in subjects related to religious scriptures, including mathematics and classical music.


A planetary combination of Bhavya yog is formed when the Moon is in the 10th house. Here, the lord of Moon is exalted, and there is close association between the lord of the 9th house and the lord of the 2nd house. Benefic
The native is blessed with wealth and richness. The native is well respected in the society. He is a learned man. He becomes well known as a botanist and also as a collector of artifacts.
15 BHERI YOGA There are three planetary combinations that give rise to Bheri Yoga:
All planets occupy the Lagna or Ascendant in the 2nd, 7th, and 10th houses
Venus and the lord of Lagna occupy cardinal house from the Ascendant. The ninth house’s lord is strong
Venus and the lord of Lagna and Jupiter are in mutual angles. In this position, the lord of the 9th house is strong.
This yoga gives benefic results to the native. The native becomes learned in scientific subjects. He is bestowed with wealth and luxuries in life.
16 BHUPA YOGA When 9th lord from Navamsha lord of Rahu comes in association with 5th lord in own sign and is aspected by Mars, the Bhupa yoga planetary combination is formed. Benefic
The native is blessed with high military or administrative position. He also wins in wars.
17 CHAKRA YOGA This type of yog is formed when there is Rahu in the 10th house and is the lord of the ascendant in the 9th house.
Some also believe that when all the planets are in odd houses beginning with Lagna, this planetary position also produces Chakra Yoga.
The native become an administrator. He can also become commander of army. He is respected by others in the society.
Chamar yoga is a planetary combination in which the lord of the Ascendant is in exaltation and occupies a cardinal house aspected by Jupiter. It is an auspicious planetary combination.
Another situation which gives rise to Chamar yog is when the benefic planets occupy the 7th, 9th or 10th houses and also the Ascendant.
A favorable yog also referred as Raj yog.
The native will be blessed with name, fame and riches. He will enjoy high status in the society and also in a high position officially. He can become a good leader who can lead, rule and administer. The native becomes a good orator and is also philosophical. He is generally born in a royal family.
19 CHANDRA YOGA A planetary combination formed when there is an exalted planet in ascendant and it is aspected by Mars. At the same time, the lord of the 9th house occupies the 3rd house. Such a planetary positioning forms Chandra Yog. Benefic
The native has good leadership skills, is brave, can be an advisor and can lead or command an army. He also lives a long life.
This is another good yog in a native’s birthchart. This yog is formed when the planet Mars is in 7th house or in combination with Moon.
The native is blessed with landed properties. He earns reputation. He becomes wealthy. However, he might suffer from restlessness and worries.
21 CHANDRIKA YOGA Chandrika yog is formed when the lagna is occupied by the lord of the sign in which the 9th lord is placed. At the same time, Mars is placed in the 5th house.
The native becomes highly powerful. He earns a high status in life and society. But he is not blessed with any male issues.
Chapa Yoga is also referred as wealth yog in vedic astrology as mentioned in B. V. Raman's 300 Important Yogas. The conditions for the formation of this Chapa Yoga are: The lord of 1st house or lagna should be exalted.
The 10th house lord should be in 4th house.
The 4th house lord should be in 10th house.

The native is blessed with important official position in the government. He can be a diplomat or someone very close to minister in cabinet. He can also become an important minister. The native has wealth, power and status.
23 CHATURMUKH YOGA A planetary combination in which Jupiter is in a cardinal house from the sign which is occupied by the lord of the 9th house, and at the same time, Venus is in a cardinal house from the sign occupied by the lord of the 11th house. Here, the lord of the Lagna and the lord of the 10th house are placed in the cardinal houses.
This planetary combination makes the native learned and successful in his works and undertakings. He is very respected in the society. He is blessed with material possessions. He is also blessed with a very long life.
24 CHATURSAGAR YOGA This is an auspicious yog. Chatur Sagar yog is formed in which all planets, benefic as well as malefic planets, are placed in cardinal houses.
The native is blessed with wealth, affluence, power and respected status in life. He also earns name and fame even after death.
When all planets occupy the first seven houses of the birth chart, it forms Chhatra yoga.

The native lives a happy life all throughout his life.
This yog can be formed in many ways: If Venus aspects Jupiter occupies the 3rd house, and the lord of the 3rd is in exaltation
When all planets occupy Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces signs.
When all planets are placed only in the 10th, 11th, and 12th houses (inauspicious)

Benefic /Malefic
Danda Yoga gives benefic results in the first 2 conditions. It makes the native well respected, very rich and wealthy, a capable able administrator, and a pious person.
In the third condition, it gives malefic results. It makes the person poor, deprived, dependent on others for a living and discarded by his near and dear ones.
Not an auspicious planetary yog. Daridra yog is also formed in several ways: Jupiter is the lord of the 8th house or the 1st house and its strength is more than the strength of the lord of the 9th house, and at the same time, the lord of the 11th house is neither placed in a cardinal house nor is combust
When a malefic Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, or Mercury is placed on the 11th, 6th, 12th, 8th or the 5th Bhava
When Saturn in 9th house is aspected by malefic planets and at the same time, Mercury gets connected to Sun and occupies the Ascendant and has Pisces Navamsa etc.

The native that is born with Daridra yog suffers from
deprivations, poverty, misfortune, ill-luck and failures. Whatever the native earns, it is through foul means. The social life of the native is greatly dis- honoured.
This yog is formed when Jupiter is in lagna, Venus is in 4th house, Mercury in the 7th, and Mars in the 10th house. Benefic
It makes the native rich, powerful and generous.
This is a favorable yog formed by Ascendant when it occupies a place in a fixed sign, and there is Ascendant lord in 11th house, and the lords of 2nd and 10th houses exchange their houses Benefic
The native is blessed with extremely good looks, get loved by pretty women. He is also blessed with lots of wealth and villas, including a very high status in the society.
Dharma Yog is formed when Jupiter and Venus occupy along with the lord of the 2nd in the 9th house.
It makes the native very pious. He becomes very fond of warfare and becomes the commander of an army. He is also blessed with wealth. He is also charitable.
This type of yog is formed when planets occupy either side of Moon (except Sun, Rahu and Ketu). In other words, the planets are placed in second house and 12th house from the Moon. Here, the sun and the nodes are not involved in this combination.
The native is blessed with wealth, leads a comfortable lifestyle and achieves respectable social status.
This yog planetary combination formed by all the malefic planets when they are placed in the 8th house and all benefic planets are in the Ascendant. Benefic
A native born with Dwaja Yoga is a born leader.
In this yog planetary combination, all planets occupy different houses and the condition is that the planets occur in a sequential manner.
A native born with this yog becomes an emperor.
The Gada Yog is formed in 2 ways:
Moon occupies the 2nd house with Jupiter and Venu,s and at the same time the lord of the 9th house is aspecting them.
The second condition is that all planets, excluding the nodes, occupy the adjoining cardinal houses.
Gada Yoga makes the native get involved in charity and philanthropic works, including religious activities. He has a dominating personality and free from any enemy. He is rich and lives a happily married life.
Gaja Yoga is formed when the lord of the 7th house from Ascendant is in the 11th house along with Moon. The Ascendant would be 9th from the 11th house, and the lord of the 11th house aspects them. Benefic
A native born under this yog leads a happy life. He becomes rich. He leads a religious life and is bestowed with a luxurious lifestyle
This is an auspicious yog. It is formed as a result of certain relationships between Moon and Jupiter. It is believed that when Jupiter is in an angle from Moon or the Ascendant or benefic planets like as Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury are not debilitated or combust, and aspect the Moon, Gaja Kesari yog is formed.
Another condition that forms this yog is that Jupiter is in a quadrant from the Lagna or Moon is in association with or expected by benefic planets which are neither combust nor placed in the 6th house.
A native born with this yog is intelligent, bright, and affluent. He becomes an accomplished person and is greatly favored by the government. This yoga combination protects the native from evil impact of other malefic planets. At the same, the native is blessed with favorable results of the benefic planets.
The Go Yoga planetary combination is formed by exaltation of the lord of the Ascendant. Here the Jupiter is placed in its Mool Trikona and is very strong as it is in association with the lord of the 2nd house. Benefic
The native is born in an elite family from whom he achieves lot of happiness. He has an attractive appearance and earns a high social status.
The Guru Chandala yoga is formed with the two planets Jupiter and Rahu. Inauspicious results are expected when they occupy together the same house. Malefic
The native born with this yog is deprived of many things in life and get involved in morally and socially unethical activities.
The Hala yog appears on the birth chart when all the planets occupy a group of triangular houses other than the Lagna.
Some say that this yog is formed when all planets occupy the 5th and 9th houses
The native born in this yog are engaged in agricultural activities and they do very well in it.
This yog is very auspicious as it is formed by Jupiter in exaltation or in its own sign and occupies a cardinal house either from Ascendant or from the Moon sign.
This is one of the five Maha Purusha Yogas.
The native is fortunate, with a well built personality and a voice like that of a swan. He is blessed with a beautiful wife and leads a comfortable life. He becomes a religious person. He lives a life of more than 82 years.



Name Description Impact

There are 3 planetary combinations that give rise to this yog:
Benefic planets occupy the 2nd, 8th, and 12th houses from the sign where the lord of the 2nd house is positioned
Jupiter, Moon, and Mercury occupy the 4th, 9th, and 8th houses from the sign in which the lord of the 7th house is placed
Sun, Venus and Mars occupy the 4th, 10th, or 11 house from the Ascendant lord.

The native born with this yog becomes a very truthful person. He is an effective speaker. He is victorious in his works. He is well-knowledgeable in religious scriptures, and philanthropic in nature.
This planetary yog combination is not a favorable one. It is formed when Mars is in a cardinal house and Rahu is in the 7th house. Malefic
The native born with this yog leads his own destruction.
43 IKKBALA YOGA Usually in annual forecasting, this term is used. Ikkbala yog is formed when all the planets occupy 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th houses, also known as Succedent or Panphara houses. Benefic
This is a beneficial yog and produces many desired significant events during the year.
44 INDUVARA YOGA This yoga is formed when the seven planets (leaving aside Rahu and Ketu) occupy Apoklima houses. Houses 3,6,9 and 12 are called the Apoklima houses or cadent houses Malefic
It is an inauspicious yog. The native’s life is full of hurdles and obstacles.
This yog is formed in several ways:
It is formed when the lords of 9th and 4th houses are in mutual angles and the lord of the Ascendant is strong.
It is also formed when the lord of the 4th house occupies its exaltation or own sign and at the same time it is expected by or is in conjunction with the lord of the 10th house.
Both benefic and malefic
The native born in this yog are brave, masculine and commanding in nature and can be good administrators or rulers. But at the same time, the native is ignorant and intellectually foolish.
Kalanidhi yoga is formed by the planet Jupiter in 2nd or 5th house, and at the same time, the two planets Mercury and Venus expecting or combining with it. Benefic
A native born in this yog is given respect or being honored by heads of state. The native is also blessed with affluence, wealth and high position. He also remains healthy.
This yog is formed when all planets (both favorable and unfavorable) are found between Rahu and Ketu. The favorable planets might occupy their own houses but there is force between them, and hence this yog is not a good one.
This yog is a malefic one and it is believed that the native’s first half of life will be in struggles.
Kamal yog is formed by all planets placed in 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses.
The native born with this yog becomes very renowned. He stays a happy life and do well in many arts.
Kalamboola yog is formed by Ithasala relationship between the lord of the 10th house and the lord of the lagna. One of the planets is associated with Moon.
This yog has three impact depending on the strength of the concerned planets. It can be Shrestha (the best), Madhyama (ordinary) and Adhama (the worst).
49 KANDUKA YOGA This yog is formed when the lord of 10th house is placed in 9th house, the lord of 2nd house is in Ascendant, and the 2nd and 10th houses are occupied by benefic planets.
The native is charitable in nature. He is also very materialistic in his life. He leads an enjoyable, luxurious and comfortable life
50 KARAGAR YOGA This yog is not a favorable one. It is formed by one, two or three malefic planets which are not aspected by any benefic planet, and occupy simultaneously in 2-12, 3-11, or 4-10 houses.
The native might suffer from imprisonment, or detention.
This yog is formed when the lords of 9th and 4th houses are in mutual angles and the lord of the Lagna is strong.
Another planetary combination when this yog is formed is when the lord of the 4th house occupies its exaltation or own sign and the lord of the 10th house is expecting it or is in association with it
This yog produces contradictory results. The native
Is considered courageous, and can be a good commander. At the same time, the native is also considered foolish, ignorant and has no common guts. However, the person becomes very religious and God fearing.
This yog is formed when all planets occupy the four houses in a natal chart. It is a very favorable yog position. It makes the native always ready to fight a righteous war. He is an extremely righteous person and also religious, follows traditional religious practices. He is humble in nature. He is also patient, philanthropic. He becomes interested in agriculture. He is a man of respect in his society
This type of yog is formed when Moon is not flanked by any planet on any of its sides. Here, sun is not included. Moon forms this planetary combination when planets do not occupy a cardinal house in the horoscope. Malefic
The native is not educated. He is not intelligent. He suffers from penury. He faces hardships and difficulties in life
Kesari yoga is formed when Jupiter and Moon are mutually Kendra. Jupiter is in Kendra, occupies 7th house to Moon. During this yog formation, there is bright period Moon.
The native is blessed with name, fame and wealth.
Kshema yog is formed when the lord of the lagna and the lords of 8th, 9th and 10th houses are placed in their own signs.
The native gives lot of support to his family members and relatives. He becomes a rich person and lives a long life.
Kurma yog is formed when the benefic planets are in 5th, 6th, and 7th houses, either in their own signs or in exaltation, or in the navamsa of friendly planets.
Another way when this yog is formed when the benefics are in Ascendant, occupy 3rd and 11th houses in own signs or in exaltation or placed in their Mool Trikona positions.
The natives are born leaders. They become very popular. They are charitable and helpful in nature. They have a very happy life.

Here, Saturn occupies the 10th house, Venus is positioned in a cardinal house with fixed signs and there is a weak Moon in a trine house.
Another way when this yog is formed is when Jupiter is in Ascendant, Moon is placed in the 7th house and Sun occupies 8th position from Moon or the 2nd house.
The native is born to an aristocratic family. He achieves high status in the society, He is of charitable nature. He enjoys unblemished glory.
Here, all planets occupy 4th to 10th houses consecutively.
It makes the native live in forests or mountainous regions. The natives have a very cruel temperament.
This is a very auspicious planetary combination. This yog is formed when the lord of the Ascendant is strong, when the lord of the 9th house is in its own, exaltation or is trine sign and it also occupies a cardinal house. Benefic
The natives become very wealthy and rich, popular and achieve high position in the society. They are graceful in nature. They are also religious. Their offsprings also have a very bright future.
Madan yoga is formed when the lord of the 10th house occupied the Ascendant’s house along with Venus and the lord of 11th house is positioned at the 11th house itself. Benefic
The native born in this yog has an attractive appearance. He becomes prosperous in life at a very young age of 20 years. He is also highly placed in political circles.
The yoga is formed in association with Rahu, and moon is aspected by Jupiter and is associated with a malefic. Melefic
The native might become an intellectual and might have a high position in the society, but he will get involved with mean behavior and acts. Therefore, this yoga is not a favorable one.
This type of yoga shows the maturity of the soul. The yoga is formed when Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Venus, that is, the five luminaries, occupy their own, exaltation, or friendly sign similar with cardinal houses. Benefic
The native born in this yog frees himself from involuntary actions. It helps the natives to achieve the specific goals in their life through consistent efforts.
Mala yog is formed when the lords of the 2nd, 7th, 9th and 11th houses occupy their respective signs. Benefic
The native is blessed with high administrative status. He can become a minister, a royal treasurer, or a leader. He becomes very prosperous after the age of 33 years.
This is a favorable you and one of the 5 planetary combinations that is known for human greatness. The yog is formed by Venus in exaltation or when it occupies its own sign and positioned in a cardinal house. Benefic
The native becomes head of a cultural organization. He lives a long life and dies at a sacred place. He has a graceful appearance.
65 MARUD YOGA Marud yoga is formed when Jupiter is in a trine house from Venus, Moon is placed in 5th house from Jupiter, and Sun is in a cardinal house with respect to Moon.
The natives becomes a successful businessman and also becomes very rich.
66 MATSYA YOGA In this yog, both malefic and benefic planets occupy the 5th house, malefic is the lagna and in 9th house, and a there is a malefic planet in either the 4th or the 8th house from the lagna.
The native born in this yog is compassionate and religious. He is intelligent and becomes very renowned.

This yog is formed by Jupiter in the 9th house from the sign which the lord of the 9th house occupies. A benefic planet is placed in the 9th house from Jupiter and Saturn in the 10th house from the lagna. Benefic
The native becomes owner of farms and forests. For the tribal people, he becomes a leader. He has a cruel temperament. He is learned and rich.
68 MUSALA YOGA The musala yog is formed when all planets occupy fixed signs. The yog is also formed when Rahu is placed in the 10th house, the lord of the 10th house is in exaltation and is expected by Saturn.

The native born with this yog becomes very rich. He has lots of immovable assets. He can become an advisor to the government. He has also chances to be in a powerful commercial organization. He is blessed with a high status in administration.
69 MRIGA YOGA Mriga yog is formed when the placement of Navamsa lord of the 8th house is in an auspicious sign. There are other auspicious planets too along, and the lord of the 9th house is in exaltation. Benefic
The native born in this yog becomes very rich. He is a respected person in the society. He becomes very powerful in personality. He is also charitable in nature.
70 NABHI YOGA Here Jupiter is in the 9th house, lord of the 9th house is placed in the 11 th house from Jupiter, and Moon is associated with Jupiter. Benefic
The native is blessed with many auspicious events in life, after the age of 25 years. He gets many State honors. He also bestows lot of wealth.

Name Description Impact
Naga yog is formed when the lord of the Navamsa sign of the 10th house lord is positioned on the 10th house along with the Ascendant lord. Moderate
The native gets his education after the age of 16 years. Later on, he receives state honors and becomes rich. He has a polite nature
This yoga is used in Tajaka system. Here, the relationship between planets with different motions is depicted where the planets are in close association. This yog is formed when there is a fast-moving planet between the lord of the Ascendant and the lord of the house whose result is being studied but these two planets do not have mutual aspect.
The fast-moving planet transfers the benefic effects of the anterior planet to the forward one
Nala yog is formed when the lord of the Navamsa sign is exalted and the lord of the 9th house is placed on the Navamsa house and is in association with the lord of the Ascendant.
The native becomes powerful after 7 years of age. He is blessed with many state honors. He is also fond of learning the scriptures.
Nagendra Yog is formed when the lord of 9th house is placed in the 3rd house and is inspected by Jupiter. Benefic
The native is born with a good nature. He becomes a learned man and his life’s prosperity starts after the age of 6 years.
Nalika yog is formed when the lord of the 5th house gets placed in the 9th house. At the same time, 11th house’s lord is placed in the 2nd house along with Moon. Benefic
The native becomes a very creative person. He also becomes an excellent orator.
Nanda yog is formed when there are two planets in each of the two signs and there is one planet in each of the three signs. Benefic
The native is bestowed with affluence. He also lives a long life.
Here, the Ascendant lord and Jupiter are positioned in the 4th house, and the planet Moon is in close association with the lord of the 7th house. The lagna is aspected by a benefic. Benefic
The native is of very charitable nature. He becomes very rich. He earns reputation after the age of 33 years.
78 NAU YOGA Here, all planets are placed in the first seven houses consecutively without any gap.
The native is involved in professions related with navigation, import-export, fishing, and international commerce.
This yoga position of planets helps in cancelling the adverse effects of a debilitated planet. There are many ways in which this yoga is formed: A planet is in its depression at birth has the lord of that sign
The exaltation sign of the planet is in a cardinal house either with respect to Moon or ascendant sign
The lord of the Navamsa occupied by the depressed planet is placed in a cardinal house at birth
The depressed planet is placed in a trine house with respect to the lagna while the lagna lord itself is in a Navamsa possessed by a movable sign.

An auspicious yog, this gives the native the status of a king.
This yog is formed when the lord of Navamsa sign of Ascendant is connected with the lord of Moon sign and the lord of the 10th house is aspecting it. Benefic
The native born in this yog gets a very high status in the society and becomes very popular. The Yoga brings benefits to the native early in life.
81 OBHAYACHARI YOGA Here, all planets are placed on both sides of Sun, except the moon. Benefic
The native has a very handsome look. He is a very efficient person and skilled in many undertakings. He is a balanced person with full of enthusiasm, he is tolerant, and knows to handle complicated problems efficiently. He gets the status like a king, enjoys good health and leads a good life.
The lords of the 9th house from Ascendant and from Moon are placed together in the 7th house from Venus to form this yog. Benefic
Native born with this yog is very happy, lives a luxurious life and is involved in auspicious activities. He gets favors by the state and elders after the age of 18 years.
In this yog, all planets are placed in the 4th and 10th houses.
The native is quarrelsome in nature. He keeps on travelling. He can become an ambassador.
This yog is formed by planets like as Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn , also known as the non-luminaries. These planets are in their own sign or in exaltation, and each occupy a cardinal house. Each of these non-luminary planets creates the yoga singly, and each of them has a separate name and effect.
Ruchaka yoga is formed Mars, Hamsa by Jupiter,
Bhadra by Mercury,
Malavya by Venus, and Sasa Yoga by Saturn.
Each yoga has its beneficial effect on the native. Overall, the native born with any of the 5 combinations is blessed with wealth, riches, becomes very famous and intelligent, life is full of enthusiasm and energy.
Parivarthana yoga means exchange of mutual houses. In this planetary position, any two lords may exchange their houses. Benefic
Depending on the exchange, there are different effects on the native. When lord of 9th house exchange its house, very good results are seen.
When the lords of 5th and 10th house exchange their houses or 7th and 10th their houses, very good results can be seen. This yoga is formed partially when the lords of the 10th and 9th houses interchange

In this yog position, malefic planets flank any house or a planet. Malefic
This is not an auspicious yog. The native does not prosper.
This yog is associated with the position of the Ascendant lord. This yog is formed when the lord of the sign where the Ascendant lord is located or if the lord of the navamsa where the lord of the sign in which the Ascendant lord is located is positioned in a cardinal or trine house. Benefic
It makes the person destined to be happy, especially during the middle or the later part of his life. He is man of great respect. He is wealthy and dutiful towards the state. He is also compassionate in nature.
This is an ascetic yoga and it is formed in several ways:
Four or more planets in strength are placed in a single house and there is Raja Yoga present in the horoscope
There is no aspect on the lord of Moon sign but aspects Saturn or Saturn aspects the lord of the sign occupied by Moon which is also weak.
Moon occupies drekkana of Saturn and at the same time is expected by it.
Moon occupies the navamsa of Saturn or Mars, and is expected by Saturn.
Saturn unaccepted by a planet occupies the 9th House and there is Raja Yoga in the horoscope.

Overall the impact is favorable for the native.

This yog is formed in two ways: When benefic planets are placed in kendra house from Ascendant, and 6th and 8th houses are occupied by good or vacant.
Second, the Ascendant lord and the 12th house lord are placed in cardinal houses and are expected by friendly planets.

Both the combinations are beneficial to the native. The native is very fortunate, is interested in learning different subjects and is considerate and charitable in nature. He also becomes a political or social leader.
90 PASHA YOGA Pasha yoga is a beneficial yoga position. This is a very common yoga and most people are born under its influence. Benefic
The native is rich, skilled, and respected by others.
91 PRESHYA YOGAS There are several ways in which this yog is formed:
When Sun is in the 10th house, Saturn in the 4th, Moon is in the 7th, Mars in the 3rd and the Ascendant is in a cardinal sign and at the same time, Jupiter is placed in the 2nd house.
When Venus is placed in the 9th house, Moon is in the 7th house, Mars is placed in 8th, and Jupiter occupies the 2nd house or the Ascendant while the Ascendant is in a fixed sign.
At the time of birth, Mars, Jupiter, and Sun occupy, respectively, the Sandhis of 6th, 4th, and 10th Bhavas etc.

The native always lives the life as a slave of another person.
There are different ways in which Rajya Yogas are formed: Mutual relationship between Karakamsa and Ascendant.
Ascendant, 2nd, and 4th houses are closely connected with benefics and the 3rd house is occupied by a malefic.
The 2nd house is occupied by Moon, Jupiter, Venus, or a strong Mercury occupying their own signs.
Lord of the 10th house occupies its own or its exaltation sign aspects the Ascendant.
All the benefics are placed in cardinal houses etc.

The native is blessed with affluence, wealth, and royal status.
This is formed by Moon and Ascendant in Vargottama Navamsa, and there are more than four planets expecting them.
It makes the native head of a state or its equivalent.
This yoga is formed by all planets in movable signs.
The native settles in a foreign country. He is generally unjust and gets involved in illegal activities.
Here, the lord of the 12th house is in exaltation, and Venus is placed in the 12th house and is aspected by the lord of the 4th house. Benefic
The native born in this yog attain the status of head of state.
96 RAVI YOGA This yog is formed by Sun in the 10th house and the lord of the 10th house is placed in 3rd house along with Saturn. Benefic
The native takes up scientist as a profession and he attains a powerful status in administration. He is greatly respected.
This is formed when a weak lord of Ascendant is aspected by the lord of the 8th house, and Jupiter is combust by Sun. Malefic
The native’s life is full of poverty
It is formed by all the planets in the 1st and 7th houses.
Sakata yog is also formed when Jupiter is placed in the 6th or 8th position from Moon and occupies house other than the cardinal houses in association with the Ascendant.
This is an inauspicious yog. It brings poverty to the native even if he is born in a royal family. He remains troubled throughout his life. He loses his wealth or position in life, but at the end regains them. There is cyclic fluctuation in fortune for natives born in this yog.
99 SAMRAJYA YOGA This is formed by the lord of the Navamsa sign of the lord of the 9th house. Jupiter is in the 2nd house. Benefic
The native lives a luxurious life and he attains a top-ranking administrative position.
Samudra yog is formed by all planets in even houses such as the 2nd, 4th, 6th, etc., while odd houses remain vacant. Benefic
The native becomes a renowned person. He gets all conveniences of life.
101 SANKHYA YOGA Sankhya Yoga is formed depending on the number of signs occupied by the seven planets and each is given a different name based on the house it occupies. (1) Vina Yoga (seven signs occupied); (2) Dama Yoga (six signs); (3) Pasha Yoga (five signs occupied); (4) Kedar Yoga (four signs occupied); (5) Shula Yoga (three signs occupied); (6) Yuga Yoga (two signs occupied); and (7) Gola Yoga (one sign). Benefic
These combinations produce benefic results when no other yoga is formed by other combinations like
Kshetri Yoga, Nav Yoga, Chap Yog etc.
This is one of the Panch Maha Purusha Yogas. It is formed by a strong Saturn which occupies a cardinal house while occupying its own or its exaltation sign. Moderate
It makes the native command many retinues. He shows excessive sexual urge. He commands over a region. A radical transformation in his attitude is imminent. Disappointment with sex life can make him drawn towards spirituality.
This yog is formed by all planets placed in the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th houses.
It makes the native lazy. He does not get wealth. He does not remain happy. He can argue a lot. He is involved in criminal activities.
Shankh yog is formed in 2 ways: The lords of the 5th and 6th houses are in cardinal houses and the Ascendant is strong
The lords of the ascendant and the 10th house occupy movable signs and the lord of the 9th house is strong.

The person is well versed in scriptures. He is a man of principles and ethics. He gets involved in laudable activities and lives a long life.
This yog is formed by all planets in the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th houses. Malefic
The native is cruel and lives in prisons.
Sharda yog is formed in two ways:
The lord of the 10th house is placed in the 5th house, Mercury occupies a cardinal house, and the Sun is there on either in its own sign or in a very strong position
Jupiter is located in a trine house from Moon, and Mars occupies a trine house from Mercury.

The native is well behaved. He is a God-fearing person. He is dutiful and is honored by the state.
This yog is formed by Venus, Jupiter and Mercury in such a way that Mercury is not associated with any malefic, in Upachaya house from Lagna or with Moon.
The native has the chance of becoming a billionaire.
When the planet is in 12th house to Sun, vasi yoga is formed.
The person is blessed with name and fame
Vesi yog is formed when a planet excluding Moon occupies the 2nd house or the 12th house from Sun sign. Another way by which Vesi yog is formed is when Sun sign is flanked by planets excluding the moon on both sides. Benefic
The native is rich, truthful and unbiased but lazy in nature. The person is skillful in many arts. He becomes a learned and popular person. He is also charitable.
110 VIBHAVASU YOGA This yog is formed by Mars which is either exalted or placed in the 10th house, there is exalted Sun in the 2nd house, and Moon along with Jupiter in the 9th house.
The individual is blessed with an adorable wife. His marital life is a happy one. He becomes rich and occupies a high status in life.
This yog is formed by the lord of 11th house in exaltation in association with Venus which occupies a cardinal house in relation with the house occupied by the Ascendant lord. Benefic
It makes the native charitable. He occupies a high status in life. He is blessed with affluence.
112 VISHNU YOGA This is formed by the lords of the 9th and 10th houses. Also the lord of the Navamsa sign and lord of the 9th house is posited in the 2nd house in this yog formation. Benefic
The native gets favored by the state. He is patient by nature. He is a good debator and an engaging conversationalist. He is blessed with wealth and long life.
Yav yog is formed by all benefics in 4th and 10th houses and all malefics in 1st and 7th houses Benefic
The native is brave. He leads a very happy life in his mid span.
This yog is formed by the lord of the 4th in 9th including some benefic and the planet Jupiter expecting it.
The native receives valuable gifts from the state and from persons in authority. It is an auspicious planet allowing the native lead a happy and affluent life.
This yog is formed by all planets in Ascendant, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th houses. Benefic
The native becomes religious. He is charitable and generous in nature. He gets involved in many important rites.



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