Surya Mahadasha for Various Ascendants or Lagna

Impact of Sun or Surya Mahadasha for Various Ascendants or Lagna
Sun is considered to be a powerful and positive planet. It usually brings brilliance in the life of the native. It has a supreme place in vedic astrology and, hence, the native is bestowed with dominance and higher position during the 6 years of Sun Mahadasha. Also referred as Ravi or Adityan or Surya Mahadasha, a native is bestowed with favorable results that bring goodness in his or her life. There are many positive impact of Sun Mahadasha on the life of the native like as richness, wealth, prosperity, affluence, high position, spiritualism. But, just as Sun gives in heat and energy, a mahadasha period may also lead to aggression of the native and also enhance anxiety and restlessness. Thus, the overall impact of the sun mahadasha depends on many factors like as the houses of the lord, placing of the ascendants or lagna at the time of the native’s birth.

Let us know below the impact of sun mahadasha for various ascendants or lagna

Sun or Surya Mahadasha for Aries Ascendant or Mesh Lagna
Sun mahadasha will bring in a favorable period of 6 years for the natives born with Aries ascendant or mesh lagna. The native will do very well professionally and will be promoted to a powerful position at wealth. His confidence level will increase and this will be visible in his work. His speech and thoughts will also reflect his confidence. There will be no health problem. He will be connected to people of high positions in the society, including politicians. He will be bestowed with property, house, vehicles etc. It is believed that if the native is in politics or want to get any government contracts, sun mahadasha will bring in the best results.

Sun or Surya Mahadasha for Taurus Ascendant or Vrishabh Lagna
The Sun Mahadasha for natives born with Taurus ascendant or Vrishabh lagna is also a favorable one with minor disturbances. The native will do well in studies. His health will remain good. There will be improvement in finances. If he applies for government jobs and contracts, he will get it during this period. Those who are studying medicine and practicing medicine will do well. Natives will do well in the fields of political heritage, agriculture, pharmacy business. However, there are chances of the native being affected by eye problem during this period.

Sun or Surya Mahadasha for Gemini Ascendant or Mithun Lagna
Sun Mahadasha will not be a favorable one for natives born with Gemini Ascendants or Mithun Lagna. There are chances of the natives selling their ancestral properties at low prices for which they will regret later. Inspite of hardwork, inspite of being intelligent, the native will not do well in education. His results will be moderate or poor. Family conflicts, difference of opinions with family members and friends are seen. The native will be cheated by his friends. His office colleagues will create problems in his work. His health will not be very good as he might suffer from frequent headache or pain in chest/rib. There will be times when he will lose control over group leaderships. One favorable impact will be that the native will remain confident at all times, which will help him to sail through all situations.

Sun or Surya Mahadasha for Cancer Ascendant or Kark Lagna
During 6 years of Sun mahadasa, the impact will be a moderate one for natives born with cancer ascendant or kark lagna. Professional growth is seen. The native will gain political power, name, fame and money. He will do extremely well in pharmacy business, military, adventure sports, or as a doctor. The native will gain name as a honest and selfless person in the society.
Married couple will be blessed with male baby. He will be involved in charitable works but at times will suffer from loss. The native will suffer from eye related problems. The native will enjoy a good family life but no moral or financial support from his father will be seen.

Sun or Surya Mahadasha for Leo Ascendant or Sinha Lagna
Sun Mahadasha is favorable for ascendants with Leo Ascendant or Sinha Lagna. The native will get recognition through his talent and skill. He will achieve suitable position in his work. The native will make materialistic progress in the name of his father and family. He will get back his ancestral properties partially. His wishes and dreams will come true and he will achieve lot of fame. Foreign travel is indicated. Natives are highly prosperous in the fields of medicine, ayurvedic, homeo. Eye specialists do very well. Marriage is indicated. Native gets involved in charity works but gets cheated too. The native should remain mentally strong to face all situations in life.

Sun or Surya Mahadasha for Virgo Ascendant or Kanya Lagna
During Surya Mahadasha of 6 years, the impact will be a malefic one for natives born with Virgo ascendant or Kanya Lagna. Huge financial loss, loss of ancestral property is indicated during the dasa. Business will fail. The native will face civil and criminal cases. There will be differences with spouse. The native will not receive any support from his father. Behavior of kids will irritate the native.
The native will suffer from health issues like as insomnia, frequent headaches, migraine etc.

Sun or Surya Mahadasha for Libra Ascendant or Tula Lagna
Sun Mahadasha is unfavorable for natives born with Tula lagna. The native will suffer from health problems. There will be loss of power and prestige for a temporary period. Business loss is also indicated. He will be cheated by partners. He will lose ancestral properties. Separation from spouse, defamation, criminal cases are also visible during this mahadasha.

Sun or Surya Mahadasha for Scorpio Ascendant or Vrishchik Lagna
Sun or Ravi Mahadasa will bring about favorable results to the native. The native will gain from land or agriculture. There will be progress in profession. Powerful position in his career is indicated. He will also develop ancestral properties. The native might suffer from minor health issues.
Students will do well in competitive exams.
A disciplined way of life is adopted by the native. Social services and philanthropic works are indicated.

Sun or Surya Mahadasha for Sagittarius Ascendant or Dhanush Lagna
During ravi dasa, the native will witness favorable results. He will settle down in life. Name, fame and money are indicated at work.
Politicians will do well in theor career and gain power.
He will make donations for charity.
There will be minor health issues. However, he will gain
self confidence.

Sun or Surya Mahadasha for Capricorn Ascendant or Makar Lagna
During 6 years of sun mahadasha, the native will face moderate impact. There will be humiliating situations. The native will do well in profession. The native will be happy in relations. There will be loss of finance. Health of the native will be affected. Loneliness will bother the native. There will be depression and fear in his mind due to court cases and pressure from higher officials. In order to sail through crisis in these 6 years, the native will need to be stubborn in nature.

Sun or Surya Mahadasha for Aquarius Ascendant or Kumbha Lagna
Sun mahadasa will give malefic effects but the native with Aquarius Ascendant will also overcome them.
The native will find alternate ways to face each situation or problem.
The native will not get any proper job or position inspite of being educated.

Sun or Surya Mahadasha for Pisces Ascendant or Meen Lagna
Sun Mahadasha is malefic for the natives born with Meen Lagna. The native will be unstable in his profession. There will be heavy pressure on account of loans. He will suffer from loss of prestige and investments. There will be loss in speculations as well. The native will face problems due to government decisions or for some government officials. This period is favorable for natives who are involved in research, art and literature.




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