Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra

All you want to know about Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is the twenty-sixth nakshatra out of the 27 nakshatras in Vedic Astrology. It is within the arena of the zodiac sign Pisces or Meen Rashi. It’s the third pair of the twin nakshatras, the twin partner being Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra. Its ruling planet is the Saturn and its presiding deity is Ahirbudhnya, which is considered as the serpent of the deep sea. It also implies fertility, kundalini and need for seclusion. The natives born with this nakshatra are considered to be happy people, virtuous, learned with supreme knowledge and good communication skills, caring towards children, and are able to conquer enemies. The natives are associated with strength and prosperity. They do have some of the attributes of Purva bhadra but also many differences. The nakshtra is also considered as a warrior constellation.

The translated meaning of this nakshatra is the beautiful left foot or ray of light or the auspicious one.


Two back legs of a bed or the back legs of a funeral cot
Animal symbol: Female cow

Positive Characteristics of Natives Born With Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra are endowed with many positive traits like as follows:
Both the male and female natives have attractive personalities which make people love and respect them
They are endowed with extreme intelligence and knowledge
They do not consider the background of people when they befriend them
They have a pure heart and will never hurt anyone.
They are kind, compassionate and caring and never hesitate to help those who are in need
They are born orators and inspiring speakers and good advisors
They are great problem solvers and can overcome any obstacles in their life path
The male native is usually a highly sexually charged person and prefers to remain in the company of the opposite sex.
They are not interested in worldly pleasures, remain contented
They are self-made and make money on their own. They are financially successful.
They are charitable in nature and are great humanitarians
They are merciful towards others and nourishes others
The female native is considered as Laxmi, the Goddess of wealth as she brings wealth to her family

Negative Characteristics of the Natives Born with Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra

One of the major negative qualities of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra natives is that they are very short-tempered, which at times spoil their relationship with others.
This temperamental nature of the natives leads them to controversy and disputes.
They remain withdrawn and unenthusiastic at times
They have few long-term enemies
Sometimes they get into disputes that do not get resolved or take a long time to resolve
They are self-centered and think too much about themselves
At times they are very irresponsible,
They are also lazy
They are highly emotional
They get involved in gossips

Career Aspects of Natives Born with Uttara bhadrapada Nakshatra

The natives of Uttara bhadrapada Nakshatra are endowed with intelligence and knowledge and they do very well in their professional arenas
They earn high respect and affluence in their professional arena
They are hard workers, have great determination and work with sincerity which make them very strong and help them in their career
They won’t leave the work assigned to them unless and until they accomplish it well.
They would be appreciated for their work and earn lot of acknowledgment and rewards in their professional path
They do better in their career after their marriage
The natives are self-educated and prefer to get involved in fine arts.
The natives do well as author
Working in charitable works and non-profit organizations for social services are favorable
The natives can do well in imports and exports, in travel industry, in teaching
Job opportunities related to justice, consultancy, and counseling are also meant for them.
They are known to do well in religious work, as priests or saints

Family Life of Uttar Bhadrapada Nakshatra Natives
The male native does not receive any benefits from his father, though he respects his father a lot. It’s seen that the male natives spend most of time away from their homes and hence used to feel neglected in their childhood. The native’s marital life is a happy one as he is blessed with a beautiful, loving and caring wife. Infact his good life starts after his marriage. He will also have good relations with his children and grandchildren.

The female native is the Lakshmi of the house as she brings wealth to the family. She is of good nature, very well-behaved, and becomes an excellent housewife. One best quality of hers is that she is adaptable and flexible to any circumstances. The female native also enjoys a blissful married life.

Overall, both the male and female Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra natives enjoy a happy married life and bring a lot of glory and fortune to her family.

Compatibility and Incompatibility

Uttara Bhadrapada is non-compatible to Purva Phalguni, Vishaka, Mrigasira, Pushya, Anuradha, Dhanishta, Satabhisha and Chitra nakshatras
Uttara Bhadrapada is compatible to Uttara Phalguni, Jyestha, Krittika, Anuradha and Pushya nakshatras

Padas or Quarters

First Pada: The first pada of the Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is in the Leo Navamsa. This is governed by the Sun. In this pada, the natives are characterized by proud, knowledgeable and goal-oriented characteristics. Experience is focused here.
Second Pada: The second pada of the Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is in the Virgo Navamsa. This is ruled by Mercury. Planning, analysis, back-end work are highlighted here.
Third Pada: The third pada falls in the Libra Navamsa. This is governed by Venus. The natives remain grounded and balanced in this pada.
Fourth Pada: The fourth pada falls in the Scorpio Navamsa and is ruled by Mars. Occult, mystery, and great wisdom are highlighted here.


The natives should worship Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu
Worshipping Goddess Durga is also helpful
Chanting the root mantra "Om Sham" and "Om Sam" 108 is recommended




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