Rajbhanga Yog

Rajbhanga Yog

Before comprehending what the Rajbhanga Yoga means in essence, we have to fist grasp the meaning of Raj Yog. Raj Yog is that planetary combination in one’s natal chart which extends the native the power to control and maintain a position of authority and dominance. It may also entail access to wealth, fortune and fame, though not necessarily since these are peripherals and not critical to Raj Yog.

In ancient times Raja meant a King / a Ruler but times have changed. Now it means whoever is in a position to make difference to the society, lead people by their thoughts or action and wield power whether be it political or spiritual or intellectual. It is also an undeniable fact of life that power comes to an end and people in exalted positions do face their share of downfall. The end can be either due to death / lack of popularity or some ill-will or in ignominy. The learned astrologer knows that this downfall is the result of past deeds / Karma of the native and is already mentioned in the native’s natal chart. The particular planetary combination which can cause sudden or abrupt downfall from power is Rajbhanga Yog. It can cause a complete uprooting of power and end of an empire. The more exalted the rise, the more bottomless the downfall.


We can see myriads of examples strewn in our current scenario of leaders and spiritual Gurus who once enjoyed the goodwill and adulation of millions now languishing in jails or doomed to lead a life of ignominy and disrepute.
In many situations, the person might make a transient come back and enjoy the erstwhile popularity once again for a short – lived tenure but in most cases the person is shunted and left to a life of complete abandon and neglect.
Case in point being the filmstar Sunjay Dutt, who once ruled the hearts of millions but then had to bite the dust and face the harshest consequences for his reckless behaviour behind the bars for a prolonged period of time. Even, when out from the confinement and being back in the spotlight his yesteryear fame has dwindled and he has to be contented to watch the show from the side-lines.
The downfall of people like Amar Singh and Laloo Prasad Yadav in politics, Vijay Mallya amongst industrialist and scores of others are pointers to indicate how potent can the malefic effect of Rajbhanga Yog can be and how hard-hittingly it manifests itself in the life of its native.
The Rajbhanga Yoga has the power to offset the positive influence of Raj Yog and dissolve it completely.

What combination lead to the formation of Rajbhanga Yog?

Sun is in exalted sign but it is debilitated in Navansh Kundali and aspect by Malefic planets and hence cannot extend auspicious benefits.
When Lord of 9th House is in 12th House or present with Malefic planets.
When Saturn is in centre house of the natal chart, Moon is in ascendant and Jupiter is in 12th House.
When both Sun and Moon co-exist with Saturn in the 6th House.
When Moon is with Mars in Aries sign and aspected by Saturn.
When the trio Sun, Moon and Saturn are present together in the centre of the Birth Chart.
When Saturn is in 2nd House and in its weak State.
When Venus is in the 5th house and in its weak State.
When Jupiter is at its weakest and aspected by another weak planet.
When the Lord of the Ascendant is associated with malefic planets and is in its weak State.
When Lord of 9th House is weak and the Lords of 12th House and Ascendant are also weak.
When the Lord of the Ascendant is weak and aspected by Lord of 8th House with Jupiter also in its weak State.
Sun and Saturn : Both Sun and Moon are the natural leaders in our charts. The Sun is leader amongst the Stars and in the planetary cabinet the Moon is the King. Saturn is the Karaka or Servant and therefore responsible for diminishing their power authority and influence. Saturn exerts itself in the Libra sign of democracy and is also the wielder for de-throning others which so often happens in today’s democratic set-up.
For those sitting in power, it makes sense to remain wary of Saturn and about the associated Lord of Bhavas, known as Dushatana Lords.

The benefits of Raj Yog is nullified by the malefic combination of Rajbhanga Yog which happens in case of the following influencing factors:

Debilitated Planets ( Planets which are in their waning period )
Defeated Planets ( Planets which lost the planetary war on account of longer longitudes)
Planets in Hostile Houses (Planets in inimical houses are weak and as a result, the native suffers).
Planets in Bhava Sandhis / Rasi Sandhis ( Planets at the cusp between 2 Houses or 2 Zodiac Signs)
Retrogade Planets ( When Malefic planets retrograde, they cause immense suffering and misery)
Combust Planets ( Proximity to Sun, that is within a radii of 8 degrees, cause planets to become combustible and hence malefic)
Planets associated with the North Node (Planets in conjunction, i.e. within 12 degrees of the North Node , i.e. Rahu are malefic)
Planets devoid of Strength (Planets which get less than the stipulated minimum if the Six fold Source of Planetary strength are considered to be devoid of strength)
Lords of 6th, 8th and 9th Houses. (The Lord of the 6th House brings diseases, the Lord of the 8th House brings health risks and the Lord of the 12th House bring wasteful expenditure , hence all three are malefic in influence)
Lords of Angular Houses ( Benefic Planets like Venus and Jupiter become Malefic if afflicted by angular ownership)

Instances when the Raj Yog becomes null and void :

If the lords of the 9th (Fortune), the 11th (profession) and the 10th (Position in Society) houses are all in depression, all the raj yoga formed may become futile.

ii) When Bhadra tithi and Vyatipata Yoga are ruling on any day or should the birth take place at the equinoctial point; the Raj Yoga that may be formed becomes futile.

iii) Should Moon be in her extreme depression point, the Raja Yoga formed may become futile.

iv) If the planets in exaltation occupy their depression Navamsa, the Raj Yoga may become futile.

v) If the Sun in his exaltation is in his depression, even a prince would become a pauper.

vi) Should the Sun be in his extreme depression point, the Raj yoga would become inoperative.

vii) If the Venus is in depression and occupies Leo Navamsa or his own one, the Raj yoga is not operative.

viii) If planets capable of bestowing a kingdom be in depression and are in inimical houses or become eclipsed the Raja Yoga are futile.

ix) Should a birth takes place at a time of public calamity like eclipse or earthquake, the Raga Yog dos not operate.

x) If a planet is in his fall occupy the 10th house, the Raj Yoga would be futile.

xi) If four Planets are in inimical houses or depression, the Raj Yoga is futile.

xii) If the Moon or the Ascendant is without any aspect, the Raj Yoga would be inoperative.

xiii) If the Sun is in Leo Navamsa and is associated with a malefic planet, Moon be waning and be unaspected by any Benefic, the Raj Yoga shall be futile.

xiv) If Jupiter or Venus be in his extreme fall, the Raj Yoga if any, shall become futile.

xv) If the Malefics are all in depression and occupy Kendra houses and Benefics occupy the 6th, the 8th and 12th, the Raj Yog may become Futile.

xvi) If all the Benefics be eclipsed and occupy houses other than Kendra, Rahu be in the Arc aspected by Moon and Malefics are in the 3rd, 6th and the 11th houses, the Raj Yoga would become futile


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