Distinctive Features in the Palms of Special People

Distinctive Features in the Palms of Special People

Palmistry is the ancient art of characterizing or foretelling the future through the reading of the palm. There are certain lines in the palms of your hand which make you stand apart from the crowd and shine bright. One particular formation could make you more distinctively earmarked for great things. That is the letter ‘M’.

According to renowned Palmists, those with creases which make the formation of letter ‘M’ on their hand are destined for great fortune and special achievements.

This rare marking indicates you are one of the God’s special ones who are chosen for their self-motivation and special attainments in respective field of interest.

This concept was first pointed out by Hand Reading expert Jon Saint- Germain in his book ‘Karmic Palmistry: Explore Past Lives, Soul Mates and Karma’. He also augured that such people have higher powers of intuition and are terrific judges of character of another individual which makes them extremely successful. However, he categorically mentioned that the ‘M’ mark needed to be present in the non-dominant hand of the native to have some manifestation in his life.

Isn’t that motivation enough for us to cast a look back straight into our palm? The lines and creases out there are like a beautiful work of art, each forming a distinctive shape with its weave and bob and curl and turn. Do you see the letter ‘M’ in this crowd? Is it a resounding ‘Yes’ Well, the good news is that in all probability you are specially gifted. It is a symbol of good fortune.
Such people will do exceptionally well in their career because they are so disciplined and self-motivated.
Their accurate intuitive sense guides them regarding the character analysis of another person which makes it easy for them to decide with whom to work / partner in collaboration with, for greater success.
However, it is important that the mark must be present in your non-dominant hand. (For the uninitiated, if you are a right-handed person, then the line son your left hands reveals your personality and destiny at the time of birth and vice versa for left handed individuals)
If at all the shape ‘M’ is visible of the dominant hand, it augurs bad luck for the native.
The special powers bestowed by the letter ‘ M’ lies in the perfect alignment of the Head, Heart and Life Line which are in symmetry in such hands.
The Letter ‘M’ is also supposed to refer to money after marriage. Such people usually marry spouses who have high earnings and are extremely affluent.
People with ‘M’ sign enjoy a lot of wealth and success between their 35th till their 55th year of their life.

Well, there are sceptics who rule this out but only a true and learned palmist will be better able to guide you towards light.

Some other distinctive features to look out for which are known to bring good luck and fortune to a person are:

The Mounts of Sun, Venus and Jupiter, if high and wide represents success, luxurious lifestyle and power respectively.
The Fate Line, if it is straight, thick and brown in colour indicates a continuous flow of good money.
The presence of the Sun Line is believed to award with success in financial and professional matters.
The three major lines of Life, Head and Heart must be clear and unblemished. This indicates perfect physical and mental health, so critical to achieve success and happiness,
If the Venus Mount is pronounced with a clear fate Line and a long Head Line, it forms a hook like shape. This indicates the person shall accrue a lot of wealth through his own hard work and determination.
If a line originates from the Life Line and proceeds towards the mount of Saturn, it indicates sudden gain of wealth and property or a sudden spurt in job or career.
When there is a sudden line originating from the Mount of Venus and reaching the Mount of Saturn, it indicates attainment of wealth on account of one’s spouse or inheritance from relatives.
When there is line which originates from the mount of Moon and reaches the Mount of Saturn, the person is indicated to achieve unprecedented success with the help of others. He might also inherit a lot of sudden wealth from the women relatives of his family, i.e. mother / wife.
When there is a line originating from the middle of the Palm and heading towards the Mount of Saturn it indicates social status and riches by the person’s own efforts in his middle age, though his initial stage shall be beset with problems.
If the person has a curved Fate Line which heads towards the Mount of Jupiter, it is said that the person shall witness unprecedented spike in politics, business and professional fields. He shall enjoy a lot of success and it is one of the essential signs to look out for if one is aims to have a successful political career.
If the Fate Line curves and heads towards Mount of Mercury, the person enjoys a lot of success in business and financial transactions. It also indicates that he has a lucrative career spell in the field of Journalism and Mass Communications.
When the Fate Line branches into three and each heads towards the Mount of Saturn, Sun and Jupiter respectively, it is a sure shot sign of great success in the field of business/ money-making, social status and power.
In case of more than one Fate line, i.e. dual Fate Line, the person is extremely fortunate to enjoy success and financial gains from two different fields on interest. Generally people with alternative careers / dual income couples have this line in their hand.

Whether you chose to believe all this in absolute or take it with a grain of salt, please be informed that there are nuances to reading a hand which an amateur knowledge of palmistry makes you ill-equipped to reveal much. However, in the hands of an experienced and informed Palmist, the hand is an ocean and this is just the tip of the iceberg.





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