Moon in 12 Houses By Indranil Ray

Moon in 12 Houses

By Indranil Ray

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Moon in 1st house: Moon is the most sensitive presence among the planets in the astrological arena. It is the supreme expression of beauty and fantasies. The natives of Moon in Ascendant or 1st house would have absence of aggression. They would also lack the firmness and stability in their approach. They are easy receptors. Easily attain impacts of others. It could make them loose their own identity. These natives having Moon in ascendant, carry much endurance. They do not demand much. They are restless personas. They go through frequent mood change. People dominated with Moon are perceived as not being clear about the aspects of life. They are very much loving and caring personalities. They are sympathetic towards every other person. They are very romantic. The natives of Moon are advised to do not let their emotions over shadow their decisions.

Moon in 2nd house: Moon is the soft appearance of celestial arena. The natives of this placement receive the impact of Moon on their financial stature as well as oratory attributes. They will surely make them charming. They have instable financial path. They are inclined towards materialistic comforts. They are very much possessive to their possessions. They are quiet concern about their words. The natives of this placement will impress people around them.

Moon in 3rd house: Lacks the side of inner potency of the person. It will bring a serious approach towards life. They have imaginative blend. Here the Moon also brings longer period of life. They won't take hasty decisions. They have insatiable curiosity to learn variant things. They lack stability of mind. They are good communicators. Most of their emotional part they express in their words which is not good all the times. The placement of Moon in 3rd house along with placement of Mars and Venus in 9th and 11th will bring truly positive impacts from the 3rd house. The malefic placement of Moon in the 3rd house due to other planetary positions in the horoscope chart will bring loss of wealth in the period of malefic planet of 9th house.

Moon in 4th house: Moon has arrived in its own house for which, the placement of Moon is very much strong in the 4th house .They are very much sensitive. They are deeply attached to their belongings including values, their home & heritage. They don't want anything to change. They love antiques and genealogy. They are vulnerable and delicate from inside and due to the same, they confront much restlessness. Their immense impatience could take them towards frequent change of place. They seek for mental security throughout their lives as from their mother, spouse and family members. They are quiet depending in their approach towards life. They are generous and kind. They attain respect and honor in their profession they acquire good educational heights. If the Jupiter gets placed in 6th then the native would be best suited to the parental business. Besides this, the company of 4 planets to the will make the native very much strong at the financial aspects. They have tendency for adultery. For this they should seek mother’s blessings. The adverse placement of Jupiter in the 10th could be defended by taking the grandfather to pilgrims and worshipping along with him. The native would have good income as well as good expenditure.

Moon in 5th house: The 5th house represents inclinations, creativity, children, higher education, love life, gains, and income from investments etc. If Moon occupies this house at the time of birth, it increases emotions and feelings in the person. It is a constructive position for love .The native is likely to be talented in some creative hunt. If developed, will take them to new elevation. Such a person also has a sound judgment in speculation and risk of money. The Moon in the 5th should control their emotions when it comes to love. Moon in the 5th house gives a lot of children. The person shares a profound tie with them. They tend to be good at parenting .Drama or those involving creativity and speculation are encouraged for a fruitful career.

Moon in 6th house: The 6th house relates to service, litigation, enemies, finance, debts, conflicts, losses, health and difficulties. This person is helpful to colleague and workers. These people have a strong need to provide help to others. It gives them emotional achievement. They can be quite temperamental. If Moon is strong and free from malefics, the person is emotionally stable and has the skill for healing. An affliction over Moon gives the native fluctuations in health. The native has the vocational fondness. The may be workaholic also. They may insecure too. It effects the health. It gives digestive troubles. They should not do any excess.

Moon in 7th house: The 7th house of the horoscope relates to life partner, business partnerships, travel, foreign residency, domestic bliss etc. Moon in the 7th house indicates that the native is likely to get a devout partner. Partner would be quite sympathetic and supportive with motherly nature. These natives are likely to have a lot of relationships. If the Moon is under affliction, fight in married life is possible. They need to control their need and urge to depend upon others. Moodiness is the matter both native and the partner, in marriage or business. They need to restrain their desire for stable changes in the relationship. They have a strong need for partnerships. They prefer to work in a squad. They rely upon others to fulfill their work tasks.

Moon in 8th house: The 8th house represents gains, inheritance, accidents, longevity, health, illnesses, death-like experiences, disgrace, disappointments and partner’s finance. The person is likely to meet their death due to functional issues. Moon represents wealth and here it reproduced that the native may build up wealth through inheritance. Some unforeseen gains are also possible. The person may also enjoy financial gains through marriage or partner. Moreover, their partner is often supportive. Properties are important to them. They may be too inclined towards sensuality. This may damage marriage life. The native indulges in an occupation where they have to depend upon others’ resources. Psychology, occult, alteration, detective, and research are a few appropriate fields they do.

Moon in 9th house: The 9th house gives long distance travel or going abroad. Since the native is likely to stay abroad permanently or on temporary basis. The Moon’s influence also makes the person travel by water often. When it comes to religion and spirituality, the person is likely to follow the ideals practiced by their family. Such a person has a greater than average power of understanding for spiritual area. These persons are imaginative, always in search of fresh thoughts to pursue. As for the professional field, these natives outperform in areas related to application of higher mind. They do well in fields involving philosophy, religion, spirituality, metaphysics, law, traditions, civilization etc. The work location plays a huge role in success. That’s why, consider chance to work abroad.

Moon in 10th house: The 10th house relates to profession, character, reputation, position, status, karma, ambition, etc. Having the Moon in 10th , means it is important, what the society thinks of .Others’ view, matters to the native’s status and reputation. They seek to achieve something in life. They have important position in dealing with women, public, fame, or change. They have a charismatic personality.They have the power to influence others. Throughout the life, they may switch career options fairly. They like to have a managerial position. It becomes difficult for them to express their individuality. They don’t like to be dominated.

Moon in 11th house: The 11th house relates to income, gains, prosperity, friends, and elder siblings. Natal Moon in 11th house, usually to be a cooperative being. They make some long lasting friendships. They are relatively a simple person to work. with. They often indulge in social work .People having Moon in 11th house tend to be accepted among women. These native have lots of female friends. It gives an emotional security. Friends often assist the native for finding the right job. They also have cordial workplace relationships. They believe in cooperation.

Moon in 12th house: This position of Moon is commonly found in the horoscope of nuns, monks, surgeons, or nurse as it makes the person sympathetic and humane. Such a person has a life full of limitations. Such a native is also obsessed towards the occult sciences. There would be some unpleasant situation that may have to put up with, despite unwillingness. There can be a secret enemy who takes advantage. To help people is the best way to reach freedom. This position is perfect for behind the scenes jobs. They are in jobs that allow little get in touch with the people on the forefront.


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