Ashta – Lakshmi Yog

Ashta – Lakshmi Yog
Various Yog or Planetary combinations find their place of pride in Indian Astrology. These Yogs plays a pivotal role in an individual’s life. Based on the astrological combinations of the different planets, these Yogs play either a benefic / malefic role in an individual’s life.

Ashta Lakshmi Yog is a beneficent Yog, formed when Jupiter is in Kendra House / quadrant from birth lagna, 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th and North Node/Rahu is in the 6th House or in any other Trika Griha, like, for instance 8th or 12th House, from conception Lagna.

Ashta Lakshmi Yog is known to grant the native with immense popularity, distinction, success, peace and joy. He shall enjoy immense wealth, name and fame, good health and all kind of worldly pleasures.
Goddess Lakshmi is the patron Goddess of wealth and prosperity. Wealth is a much needed component for a comfortable and happy life without which we might find difficult to survive. But Prosperity is more than just wealth or money. It means a complete package which includes valour, patience, fortune, knowledge and skills. Lakshmi is the energy source that manifests in the complete spiritual and emotional well-being of a persona as well as his material comfort.
The 8-fold prosperity is known by the term Ashta Lakshmi Yog in Vedic Astrology. The 8 symbols of Ashta Lakshmi Yog are: Adi Lakshmi or Mahalakshmi (Prosperity / Power in its Primeval form) – It is that aspect which takes us back to our roots , our basics and keeps us connected and grounded, Without this we are rudderless, anchorless and adrift in the sea of humanity. She grants protection to her devotee and sits in Abhaya Mudra (protection gesture) and Varada Mudra (welcome gesture).
Dhan Lakshmi (Wealth as Prosperity / Monetary Wealth) - Relates to the granting of Material Wealth
Dhanya Lakshmi (Harvest Prosperity / Wealth of Grain) - Relates to Cultivation and Agriculture, which is the source of sustenance for the planet Earth and its denizens. It provides food, nourishment and nutrition to the human race. This patron Goddess is responsible fro bountiful harbest and agricultural wealth.
Raj Lakshmi / Gaja Lakshmi / Bhagya Lakshmi (Imperial Power/ Will Power) Relates to fortune blessing the chosen ones. She is the patron Goddess who has the power to reinstate the ones who have lost power. Also responsible in mythology for gifting Lord Indra back his kingdom after he lost it.
Sanatan Lakshmi (Progeny Power) – Relates to the act of procreation much needed to keep the human race alive. Also relates to the simple act of creativity which might manifest itself in creation of other aspect too. She is the one who grants the gift of off-springs to her devotees and keeps the lineage alive.
Dhairya Lakshmi (Patience as prosperity) - Relates to valour, courage and patience which is the key component to a successful endeavour. She grants gut strength to her devotees.
Vijaya Lakshmi (Triumphant Prosperity) - Relates to Victory, triumph and Success in any human endeavour. Without her blessings, success shall never ensue.
Vidya Lakshmi (Knowledge Prosperity) - Relates to Knowledge, skill, talent and education without which prosperity shall remain elusive. She is the bestower of all arts and sciences.
The absence of these eight forms of prosperity is known as Ashta Daridrta.

Symbol of Ashta Lakshmi

This Octagram symbolizes Ashta Lakshmi. Indian scripture have long maintained that Lakshmi or the Goddess of Wealth has eight known forms which together is the cornerstone of a happy and prosperous life. Lakshmi in these 8 forms associates herself with eight different qualities in people.

The Octagram is the emblem of the eightfold prosperity. Mathematically, it is a complex star figure with two squares with the same centre at 45 degrees.

This particular Star figure, also known as Star of Lakshmi, is used since time immemorial in Vedic Astrology to indicate the 8 types of wealth. The native who is conceived under this Yog reaps the benefit of this Ashta Yog.

Benefits of Ashta Lakshmi Yog:

The existence of this particular Yog makes human life successful and complete.
The absence of money or wealth in life is eliminated.
Farmers or cultivators can come out of the deathly debt trap set in by greedy money- lenders.
Longevity increases and health improves.
Wisdom is enhanced and intellect sharpened.
The native gets the much needed appreciation from society.
He also reaps in the benefit of an indulgent lifestyle.
Overall peace and prosperity prevails.
Ashta Lakshmi Yog, in essence grants the native fame, knowledge, courage, victory , healthy off-springs, valour , monetary wealth, food in abundance, happiness, bliss, intelligence , aesthetics, high thinking, ethics and morality , good health and a long peaceful life.


Jupiter and Rahu ought to be powerful for the complete manifestation of this Yog.
It is the best Yog for complete devastation of enemies.

Important Point:

The Yog stands negated if the exalted planets are related with other debilitated planets


If any of the exalted planet is in retrograde position or is in themselves weakened or debilitated position
Case in Point: Lord Rama was considered the noblest human incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He had in himself the best of human qualities incorporated within himself and as such is designated as Puroshottam Ram. He enjoyed the best qualities of the Yog and completely vanquished his enemies wherever he set his foot. He left behind himself a code of conduct worthy of emulation for the netire human race.
In Sanskrit there is a term known as ‘aishwarya’ which means prosperity and also something more than that. It means that it indicates not merely wealth but also bliss and peace of mind. Ashta Lakshmi Yog has the power to grant its native all the eight forms of prosperity. She is the patron Goddess of prosperity, peace and illumination and without her bountiful grace, one can never enjoy perennial joy or inner peace.




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