Revati Nakshatra: The Last Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology

Revati Nakshatra: The Last Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology
Revati Nakshatra is the last nakshatra of the 27 nakshatras in vedic astrology. It lies in the arena of the zodiac sign Pisces at the edge. Its ruling planet is Mercury and its presiding deity is Pushan, who is considered as the protector or nurturer of herds and flocks. He is one of the 12 Adityas and is known to provide guidance and protection on one’s path. This nakshatra is revered for safe traveling and fruitful journeys. The ruler of Pisces, that is, Jupiter gives compassion and Mercury brings the energy of completion for Revati. The natives born with this nakshatra are known to be wealthy, knowledgeable and have amicable manners. Revati is one of the most optimistic nakshatras in Hindu astrology.

The translated meaning of Revati Nakshatra is the one who is wealthy.


Drum, Fish: This nakshatra is represented by the musical instrument drum. A fish or a pair of fish is another symbol of this nakshatra. Thus, this nakshatra is associated with sea or water.
Animal symbol: The animal symbol of this nakshatra is a female elephant.

Positive Characteristics of Natives Born with Revati Nakshatra

The natives born with Revati Nakshatra are considered to be very amicable and soft-spoken in nature.
The male natives have an attractive appearance and the females are extremely beautiful.
The natives are very compassionate, kind-hearted and helpful.
They are considered to be creative thinkers, gifted in the arts and are independent.
They are pure in heart and liked by all.
They are very supportive and at the same time they also get support from others easily as they are skilled in pleasing others
The presiding deity being Pushan, they are born nurturers
They are brave and hence can be good protectors.
They are good counselor
They are great lovers and protectors of animals and pets
They maintain a good hygiene and have great longevity
They are very sincere in their work, whether in their personal lives or in their professional lives.
They do not hurt the sentiments of others and speak the right thing at the right time.
They are God fearing, religious and superstitious as well
Of all the nakshatras, Revati nakshatra native is the one who is the most God fearing native. Revati born are the most religiously inclined and hence it is believed that they enjoy maximum blessings of God.

Negative Characteristics of Natives Born with Revati Nakshatra

The natives lead an independent life and they can be hurt easily if their independence is controlled by someone.
Being ambitious in nature, they might get depressed if they suffer even a small setback.
They are not secretive and hence people should think twice before disclosing any secret to them
They are hot tempered as well.
They are very rigid and orthodox which make them feel that what they say or do is always correct and no one can change that.
They become stubborn at times
They become spiteful especially when hurt or jealous
They are overindulgent in nature
They have the habit of taking on too many problems from others and that affect their health
They are overly sensitive, feel inadequate and they lack self-esteem and self confidence
They get easily disillusioned and become insecure

Career Aspects of Natives Born with Revati Nakshatra

It is believed that the male natives take up any opportunity that come their way, irrespective of the fact whether they can do the work or not. Hence, this results to failure and disappointment.
But, when the natives do work as per their liking or of their own choice, then they do exceptionally well, and become successful in their chosen work.
They have strong will-power and can get rid of obstacles to reach their goals.
They have a scientific bent of mind, and do well in historical and cultural research, including astrology and astronomy. In fact they get name and fame in these fields in their career.
After the age of 50, the natives lead a stable and comfortable life.
They can also be good physicians
With a creative bent of mind, they can be good poets, film actors or comedians.
In government organizations, the natives are very successful in their profession.
Revati born natives usually settle down in foreign countries, far away from their home town.
They do well in humanitarian projects and charitable works.
Females specially do well in the field of arts, literature or mathematics.
Other recommended profession for the natives include urban planners, mystical or religious work, journalists, publishers, editors, travel agents, flight attendants etc.

Family life
The male natives of the Revati Nakshatra cannot gain any benefits from his father and other family members. The male native’s marital life will be a very happy one and he enjoys a wonderful rapport with his wife. The female native will also have a harmonious married life and enjoy all the pleasures and material comforts provided by her doting husband. She is of dominating nature and hence there might be minor tiffs with in-laws but get soon sorted out.

Revati Nakshatra Compatibility and Incompatibility

This nakshatra is compatible with Shravana, Poorvashada, Poorva Bhadrapada fourth quarter and Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra.
It is incompatible with Magha, Krittika, Ashlesha, Chitra third and fouth pada, Vishakha, Swati, Dhanishta third and fourth quarters, and Satabhisha nakshatras.
Revati nakshatra is moderately compatible with rest of the Nakshatras.

Padas or Quarters

First pada: The first pada falls on the Sagittarius Navamsa. This is ruled by Jupiter. Easygoing, philanthropic, and optimistic nature of the natives are reflected here.
Second pada: The second pada falls on the Capricorn Navamsa. This is governed by Saturn. The natives in this pada are realistic, organized, balanced and over ambitious.
Third pada: The third pada falls on the Aquarius Navamsa. This is governed by Saturn. Bohemian and humanitarian natures are focused here.
Fourth pada: The fourth pada falls on the Pisces Navamsa. This is ruled by Jupiter. The native here becomes the dreamer and can be swayed easily.


Revathi natives should worship Lord Vishnu
Chanting the root mantra "Om Lam" and "Om Ksham" 108 times is helpful
Wearing light and pastel and marine colors is recommended.


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