Impact of Rahu and Ketu Mahadasha for Various Ascendants or Lagna(General)

Impact of Rahu and Ketu Mahadasha for Various Ascendants or Lagna(General)

Rahu and Ketu are considered to bring bad luck and misfortune to those born within its radius in Vedic astrology. Rahu is known as the dragon’s head and it is the north node of the moon. Ketu is known as the dragon’s tail and it is the south node of the moon. Rahu Mahadasha is a dasha period of 18 years and Ketu is a dasha period of 7 years. Both the planets bring adverse effects to the native. Both the mahadashas are a period of misfortunes, bad luck, sorrows, losses and obstacles. While the general interpretation of Rahu and Ketu Mahadasha is not a good one, however, astrological experts also say that the overall impact depends on many factors, including the houses and the ascendants or lagnas at the time of birth of the native.

Rahu and Ketu Mahadasha and Ascendants
The impact of the result, whether positive or negative, depends on the positioning of the planet in the different lagnas. Let us now know the impact of Rahu Mahadasha for various ascendants or lagna.

Rahu and Ketu Mahadasha for Aries Ascendant or Mesh Lagna
Rahu Mahadasha gives average results to the natives and this depends on owners of houses occupied, conjunctions etc. The native usually faces struggle to earn his livelihood, he suffers from loss of properties, there is business loss, and so on. The native’s luck fails to help him at the last moment. The native does not do well professionally. His kids also suffer in education. The Aries lagna native will get involved in legal cases. There are mental tensions. Overall, Rahu mahadasa brings about a negative impact on the Aries-born lagna native. During Rahu mahadasa, a native is advised to follow a non-vegetarian diet along with a simple and spiritual lifestyle so as to reduce the adverse effects of the dasa.

During Ketu dasa of 7 years, there is favorable result to a certain extent. He will be gain assets, he will get success in technical education, in competitive exams and sports. The native will do well in jobs like as a doctor, surgeon, lawyer. He can do well in the fields of hotel business, book shops, publications, toys business, agriculture etc. But there are chances of getting friends as enemies.

Rahu and Ketu Mahadasha for Taurus Ascendant or Vrishabh Lagna
For a Taurus born native, Rahu Mahadasa is a good period. The native will receive lot of unexpected gains during this period. He will be endowed with luck and prosperity. Foreign travel is indicated during this period. The native will have a good education. There is spiritual progress in his life. His mental strength improves. Overall, Rahu Mahadasha will bring good and satisfactory results.

Ketu Mahadasa will bring below average results. The native will suffer from losses, will have mental tension. But, it is believed that the natives who want spirituality in their lives face favorable results during this period. For a bad Ketu Mahadasha, performing Ganpati Homam is useful.

Rahu and Ketu Mahadasha for Gemini Ascendant or Mithun Lagna
Moderate results are expected for a native born with Gemini Ascendant or Mithun Lagna during Rahu and Ketu Mahadasha. The native’s life is filled with quarrels, he will be filled with debts, he will have many enemies. However, foreign travel is indicated. He will enjoy a happy and comfortable life, even for a short period. He will also enjoy wealth. To get favorable results, performing Chandi homam is recommended.

Rahu and Ketu Mahadasha for Cancer Ascendant or Kark Lagna
For natives born with Cancer Ascendant or Karka Lagna, Rahu and Ketu Mahadasha will give average to good results. However, if it is placed in the twelfth house, the results won’t be favorable. The native will face high expenses. There will be more enemies and health-related problems. Ketu’s Mahadasha impact depends to a great extent on mars’s placement.

Rahu and Ketu Mahadasha for Leo Ascendant or Sinha Lagna
Both Rahu and Ketu Mahadasas give moderate results for natives born with Leo Ascendants or Sinha Lagna. The native will be ill-famed. There will be disputes in the family. There will be loss in business. But, overall, his life will go on in an average way, with no major gains but just sufficient to sustain.

Rahu and Ketu Mahadasha for Virgo Ascendant or Kanya Lagna
Rahu dasa of 18 years is considered good for natives both with Kanya Lagna or Virgo Ascendant. However, Ketu mahadasa of 7 years will give moderate results to the natives.

Rahu Mahadasha for Libra Ascendant or Tula Lagna
During 18 years of Rahu Mahadasa, the native born with Libra Ascendant or Tula Lagna will have more or less favorable impact. The misfortune that will bring agony will be the death of some near and dear ones in your family.

Ketu Mahadasa of 7 years will also be more or less favorable. The native born with Tula Lagna will prefer a spiritual or religious path of life. The native will gain knowledge about religion, spiritualism and ancient scripts. Too much of inclination towards religion might lead the native to get into the trap of fake spiritual teachers and get cheated. So the native has to be careful in dealing with such people.

Rahu and Ketu Mahadasha for Scorpio Ascendant or Vrishchik Lagna
During 18 years of Rahu Mahadasa, for natives born with Scorpio Ascendant or Vrishchik Lagna, there are chances of them being addicted to gambling. The native will suffer from loss of money. His smoking and gambling habits will be disliked by his loved ones. The native will be lazy in his or her job. However, his family members will see progress in their jobs. There will be some disturbances in the family. Foreign travels are indicated. Friends in foreign countries will be helpful to the native during this period.

During Ketu Mahadasa of 7 years, there are chances of the native born with Scorpio Ascendant or Vrishchik Lagna being cheated by close associates. The native will be associated with a powerful person in the society but won’t be benefitted by him or her. The native will have inclination towards religious and spiritual works. Students during this period will experience a favorable time.

Rahu and Ketu Mahadasha for Sagittarius Ascendant or Dhanush Lagna
There will be slow progress for natives born with Sagittarius Ascendant or Dhanush Lagna during Rahu Mahadasha period. The native in import-export business will do well. Foreign travel is indicated for the native. The native will get ancestral properties.

During Ketu Mahadasha, there will be spiritual and materialistic progress in the life of the native. He will be a good orator on religious subjects. Students during this period will do well in competitive exams.

Rahu and Ketu Mahadasha for Capricorn Ascendant or Makar Lagna
Both the mahadasha period of Rahu and Ketu will give moderate results to the native born with Capricorn Ascendant or Makar Lagna. This, however, also depends on the placements of the laga, houses and other aspects of different planets.

Rahu and Ketu Mahadasha for Aquarius Ascendant or Kumbha Lagna
Rahu Mahadasha and Ketu Mahadasha will also give moderate results for natives born with Aquarius Ascendant or Kumbha Lagna. The natives during Rahu Mahadasha will face obstacles in their lives but won’t affect them much. Life experiences will teach the native to face life in a better way. Ketu Mahadasha will give a better life as compared to Rahu Mahadasha.

Rahu and Ketu Mahadasha for Pisces Ascendant or Meen Lagna
During mahadsha period of Rahu for 18 years, the lifetime ambition of the native born with Pisces Ascendant or Meen Lagna will be fulfilled. The native will do well professionally. His income will increase. He will also be involved in charity works. Long distance travel is indicated. Overall, the Rahu Mahadasha period will be favorable to the native.

Ketu Mahadasha period of 7 years will also be favorable to the native born with Pisces Ascendant or Meen Lagna. The native will be benefitted by sudden luck. The native will be blessed with a good life partner and healthy children. The native will be in a good paying job. Useful opportunities will come the way for the native. There will be spiritual progress. The native will also be involved in philanthropy works.

Astrologer Note:The above given results are very much general in nature. The planet if placed in benefic sign gives benefic results and if placed in malefic sign gives malefic results. In a same sign planet in good houses brings gains and planet in bad houses brings more competitions.The results also gets modified if planets are aspected by other planets.Each and every planet will be placed in a nakshtra. The planet forms strong relation with nakshtra lord. Results of planet combines with nakshtra lord.  


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