Ayushman Yoga

Ayushman Yoga
According to the tenets of Vedic astrology , human nature is moulded by the Birth date on which he/she is born, the day of the week one is born, the moon sign / Rashi under which one is born and the ‘Yog’ under which the birth takes place.

A Vedic natal chart becomes the Birth Chart of an individual. This chart known as Janam Kundli is takes into account the date of birth, time of birth, place of birth and sex of the native. The date , time and place of Birth helps in recreating the snapshot of the sky along with all the stars, planets and the position of the celestial bodies at that particular juncture which then becomes instrumental to predict the behaviour of the individual and his future.

Although, it is equally true that the course of human action shall influence the chart of his future yet this planetary confluence seems to act as a guiding and motivating force to shape the direction and speed of human endeavour.

Yog or the planetary combination between two Stars or Planets or a Planet and a Star is the most elusive and complex in its nuances to be deciphered. Only a trained and experiences astrologer will be able to forecast the influence whether a particular Yog and the manner in which it is going to affect the nature and future of the native.

Today, we are dealing with the various facets of Ayushman Yog.


What is Ayushman Yog ?

Ayushman is the 3rd Nitya (Naisargika) Yog which is ruled by the Moon/ Chandra Devta and considered to be extremely benefic. Its effect is usually describes as "one who has longevity’, since it is derived from the word ‘ayush’ meaning life in Sanskrit.

[Nitya means daily. These are instances of daily Yog formed by the angular relationships between the Sun and the Moon. These Yogs are based on the angle of separation between the Sun and the Moom. These take a bit longer than Nakshatra which takes only the Moon into account. With the Nitya Yogs, the Sun’s movement is also to be considered and the Moon has to travel 13°20’ away from the Sun for each Nitya Yog. There are in total 27 Nitya Yogs, some extremely favourable, others favourable and still others not so favourable.
The most auspicious and benefic Nitya Yogs are :
No. 21 : Siddha Yog
No. 25 : Brahma Yog
No. 26 Indra Yog

The favourable Nitya Yogs are:
No. 3 Ayushman Yog
No. 4 Saubhagya YOg
No. 5 Sobhana Yog
No. 7 Sukarma Yog
No. 11 : Vriddhi Yog
No.12 : Dhruva Yog
No.14 Harshana Yog

11. No.16: Siddhi Yog

12. No.20 Shiva Yog

13. No. 22 : Sadhya Yog

14. No. 23 : Shubha Yog

15. No.24 : Shukla Yog.
The less favourable Nitya Yogs are :
16. No. 2 Priti Yog
17. No. 8 Dhriti Yog
18. No. 18 Variyana Yog
The most inauspicious Nitya Yogs are :
19. No.1 Vishkumbh Yog
20. No . 6 Atiganda Yog
21. No. 9 Sukla Yog
22. No. 10 Ganda Yog
23. No. 13 Vyaghata Yog
24. No. 15 Vajra Yog
25. No. 17 Vyatipata Yog
26. No. 19 Parigha Yog
27. No. 27 Vaidhriti Yog

Ayushman Yog is the 3rd favourable Yog in this list.
Graha / planet, which is ruling this particular Yog is Ketu.
This particular Yog is known to bless the native with longevity. He shall also be a connoisseur of art, poetry and music. He shall have access to abundance of wealth and will wield power and authority. He shall be a formidable force and can vanquish his armies effortlessly.

Manifestation of Ayushman Yog

The Yog blesses the native with good health, longevity and energy.
Natives of this Yog shall be blessed with a long life.
The native shall enjoy the pleasures of life for a longer duration than his contemporaries and peers.
Such natives have an inbred aesthetic sense and are extremely fond of poetry and music.
They are born with a silver spoon in their mouth and wealth does not figure in their list of concerns.
They do not encounter much financial problems in their lifetime. Wealth keeps pouring in their threshold without much effort or stress.
They are physically resilient and extremely strong people, both physically and mentally.
They enjoy good health in the major part of their lives, primarily on account of their smooth life and their lively temperament.
They make formidable opponents and can uproot their enemies at one stroke.
They possess the power to vanquish their enemies and foes.
The birth of such a native is believed to be the outcome of the good deeds of the parents and the blessings of sages, ascetics and ennobled souls.
The parents of such a native are believed to be extremely religious and pious in nature who indulged in many noble and charitable activities, prior to the birth of the native.
The native in his long tenure remain free from most obstacles and hindrances and leads a smooth, uninterrupted life.
The spirit of such a native remain lively, free and unencumbered even if he is surrounded by people who breed ill-will towards him.
They are extremely lively and cheerful people who remain unfazed by the turmoil around them.
Such a native is known to be the carrier of good wishes and his blessings towards all his loved ones attain fruition. Ill-feeling or malice does not come naturally to them and even if they do get momentarily enraged, their flare-ups do not carry much malice.
The effect of this Yog is long sustaining and as such any activity initiated during this time period yields long-drawn results.

Ayushman Yog, as mentioned is one of the auspicious ‘Nitya Yogs’ and activities which are flagged off under the influence of this Yog have high chances of fruition and render long term benefits.







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