Moon or Chandra Mahadasha and Lagna

Moon or Chandra Mahadasha and Lagna      

Moon Mahadasha lasts for a period of 10 years and it is believed that Moon or Chandra mahadasha brings about a period of good luck and fortune on the native as it is one of the most beneficial planets in Vedic astrology. The beneficial effects of Moon Mahadasha include making the native highly imaginative and knowledgeable, bringing in money, success in career and business, including good health. On the other hand, during malefic Moon Mahadasha, it will make the life of the native a hell, with financial loss, business loss, career loss, health problems and so on. However, to get the maximum favorable results of the Moon Mahadasha, the moon must be very powerful in the native’s birth chart and it also depends on the placement of moon and on the ascendants or lagna on which the native was born.

Moon or Chandran Mahadasha and Lagna      

Let us now study the results of Moon Mahadasha based on ascendant or lagna. For example: a native born with Libra Ascendant will not get the same result as the native born in the Aries Ascendant. The result of the Moon Mahadasha depends upon many factors.

Moon Mahadasha for Aries Ascendant and Mesh Lagna
For Aries Ascendant born natives, the chandran mahadasha for 10 years is quite favorable. Here, moon is the lord of the fourth house which is beneficial for the native. He will be with the company of good friends, will do well in career, will gain material properties like house, vehicle, will get lots of maternal love. He will do well in business as well. Foreign travel is indicated. He will enjoy a good family life.  However, if the moon is afflicted by the malefic planets like as Shani, Rahu, Ketu, Sun and Mars, then the mesh lagna natives will lose friends and maternal happiness.

Moon Mahadasha for Taurus Ascendant or Vrishabh Lagna
During Chandran Mahadasha dasa of 10 years, there will be mixed results for natives born with Taurus Ascendant or Vrishabh Lagna. Here, the moon is placed in the third house that represents courage, force, short journeys and younger sibling. The native will remain mentally strong during this period. He will see success if he is in the field of sports, dairy and food business. He will fulfill the dream of owning his own house and he will get support from his siblings. However, his health will not be favorable and he might suffer from mental disorders, if the planet Moon is debilitated and afflicted by evil planets.

Moon Mahadasha for Gemini Ascendant or Mithun Lagna
The natives born with Gemini Ascendant or Mithun Lagna do well in the fields related to cinema, TV, sports, education, dairy business, fruits and flower business etc during the Moon mahadasa of 10 years. Foreign travel is indicated. Benefits from maternal side and wealth from women are indicated. Here, the moon is the lord of the second house that denotes money, wealth, family, immovable property and gift of eloquence. Hence, the mahadasha is a boon to the native. But, for a malefic placed moon with other planets will bring about unfavorable results like as monetary loss, dispute among family members, loss of parental property, health issues and other difficulties in life.

Moon Mahadasha for Cancer Ascendant or Kark Lagna
There can be immense benefit during the Moon mahadasha for the natives born with Kark lagna. Moon is a very beneficial planet for the Cancer ascendant. If the Moon is posited in the friendly sign, Mooltrikon, exalted sign and own sign in cancer, the native will see immense growth in power, social status, wealth and happiness in the family. However, the weak Moon will bring in many issues like as health problems, loss in status, failure in business and jobs etc.

Moon Mahadasha for Leo Ascendant or Sinha Lagna
Moon mahadasha is not favorable for natives with Sinha lagna as the moon is not a beneficial planet for them. Here, the moon is the lord of the twelfth house which is a malefic placement for the native. During the Mahadasha, there will be monetary loss, social disgrace, mental unhappiness and heavy expenses for the natives. The mahadasha can bring in fruitful results only when it is placed in the beneficial houses like as Cancer, Taurus or Kendra and Trikon.

Moon Mahadasha for Virgo Ascendant or Kanya Lagna
If the native is born in the Virgo ascendant, he can get immense benefits from the moon mahadasha as here the moon is the lord of the eleventh house, which indicates income and knowledge for the native. He will get lots of wealth and material success, he will be highly knowledgeable and honorable. But, if the moon is debilitated in the third house and afflicted by malefic planets Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Mars, and Sun, then it will bring great losses to the native.

Moon Mahadasha for Libra Ascendant or Tula Lagna
The 10 year mahadasha is favorable for the native born with Libra ascendant or Tula lagna. Here, the moon is the ruler of the tenth house which indicates many sorts of success in life. There will be professional and career success, growth in social status, power and authority, and business success, which will bring in more wealth and prosperity for the native. However, the results can be unfavorable if the moon is posited in the debilitated sign in the Scorpion in the 2nd house or surrounded by malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Mars and Sun.

Moon Mahadasha for Scorpio Ascendant or Vrishchik Lagna  
During 10 years of Moon dasa, the Scorpio Ascendant native will have mixed results. Here, the moon is the lord of the ninth house. The native will get support from his siblings but will suffer from losses if he is into partnership businesses. However, he will do well in individual businesses. His job will be a steady one though he will earn just enough to sustain. Social services and philanthropy are indicated. The native will suffer from some kind of insecurity. 

Moon Mahadasha for Sagittarius Ascendant or Dhanush Lagna
Moderate results are expected during this period. The native’s mother will suffer from health problems. Arguments and disputes with maternal relatives are indicated. The native will be irritated by a women relative. He will lose his confidence. Health problems are also seen. However, the native will do well in speculative businesses, he will work in foreign countries, he will get good returns from long term investments and he will do well in the fields of arts and literature.

Moon Mahadasha for Capricorn Ascendant or Makar Lagna
Here, the moon is the lord of the seventh house. It will not bring favorable results to natives born with makar lagna during the chandran mahadasha. Gossip mongers will target the native. The native will face differences with the opposite sex. Mother’s health will suffer. He will be blamed for secret activities. There will be court cases against him. Some favorable results will be success in the fields of art, literature and entertainment, success in dairy and rice business, and long distance travel will be fruitful.

Moon Mahadasha for Aquarius Ascendant or Kumbha Lagna
This is not a favorable mahadasha for natives born with Kumbh lagna. Moon is the ruler of the sixth house and it indicates diseases, debt and enemy. The native will suffer from frequent health issues. There will be conflicts between family members. Mother’s health will suffer. The native will face financial problems and harassment from higher officials. There will be court cases against him.

Moon Mahadasha for Pisces Ascendant or Meen Lagna
Beneficial results are expected during the moon mahadasha of 10 years for the natives born with meen lagna. Here, the moon is the lord of the fifth house a trine. The native will achieve phenomenal achievements in terms of knowledge, wealth, money, intelligence, mental happiness, material success, social status etc.


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