Planetry results in Taurus by indranil ray

Planetary Results in Tauras

By Indranil Ray
WhatsApp: 91-9433031757
The Sun in Tauras:
Tauras is a fixed earth sign. Its lord is Venus. Venus is a feminine watery planet. The Sun is a
masculine fiery planet. Both are inimical to each other. The placement of the Sun in Tauras is not
considered positive. Natives born with the Sun in Tauras, face a lot of difficulties. These people
have lack of immunity, bodily weakness, diseases related to face or eyes. Water may also pose
some risks. This position of the Sun gives dissatisfaction from spouse. They are shrewd. They
have good knowledge of singing, dance and music, musical instruments. They have rich lifestyle
and tend to earn a lot.
The Moon in Tauras:
Moon placed in Tauras sign at the time of birth makes Tauras Moon Sign. It is basically the
physical plane of the Moon. Tauras is an earthy sign. Ruled by Venus. Here the attraction is
governed by how the native would see, touch, smell, hear and taste. Permanence and patience,
emotional security, sudden changes, unpredictable circumstances are the keyword for the Moon
in Tauras. The natives here are the cautious. Material comforts, possessions and comfortable
dwelling make the native happy. The native is the peace-loving person. They give good advice.
The Moon in Tauras use to go to the same place every year to spend holidays. They don’t like to
be pushed into doing something. However, once make a commitment, they fulfill it. Tauras is a
creature of fixity and routine. Break-ups are rare in case of Tauras.
Mars in Tauras:
It shares a neutral relationship with Mars, which on the other hand, is a fierce masculine energy.
When Mars is placed in such a stubborn sign having a delicate planet as its lord, its energy is not
as active as in other signs. They a low physical drive and level of activity. However, their mental
concentration is outstanding. These people learn a lot from their experiences and mistakes. They
have a strong feeling for beauty and arts. They tend to have a strong hold over financial matters.
They tend to be inclined towards love. They also have more than one lover. They often feel
dissatisfied with their spouse. They can also be overly possessive ,become violent in love and
sexual matters due to overflow of Mars energy.
Mercury in Tauras:
Mercury is a neutral Earthy planet and when it sits in Tauras, which is also a fixed Earth sign, the
person tends to be fixated in views. It is difficult to move these individuals once they have made
a decision. They seek stability in life. They are practical beings who believe in logic. Their
concentration power is exceptional. They are, in fact quite dependable and loyal too. They excel
in money management. These natives also have strong business acumen, good organizers, like to
live a luxurious and secure lifestyle. They like beautiful objects. They are quite soft-spoken.
Sexual satisfaction is important for them. Mercury relates to muscles and Venus represents
beauty, an amalgamation of these energies makes the native fond of physical exercises. These
people pay attention to how they look.
Jupiter in Tauras:
Venus is neutral towards Jupiter, which in turn is inimical towards Venus. Despite this enmity,
the position of Jupiter in Tauras is positive since both the planets are benefic in nature, especially
Jupiter. People having Jupiter in Tauras are endowed with a broad body and good appearance.
These God fearing people respect spirituality. They can earn a lot of fortune and wealth. They
also do well in their professional life. These natives are judicial. They can make a lucrative use
of their assets and money. They are skillful and intelligent and quite political too. They have
strong business sense. They easily play with new ideas. However, Jupiter in Tauras gives these
natives conservative views. They also give rigid way.
Venus in Tauras:
Venus is the planet of love and beauty. Such people are of an independent nature. There is a
strong fondness for nature. They are elegant and sophisticated. Their taste in dance and music is
exceptional. They have a luxurious lifestyle, happy with riches, majestic homes and vehicles.
These natives also want to look attractive. They spend a lot of time and money on their beauty.
They do however stability in their life. Their approach in love is quite direct and simple. They
tend to take their relationship seriously. They handle love life with caution.
Saturn in Tauras:
Saturn is the lord of karma. It represents perseverance and liberation. Venus on the other hand is
all about luxuries, material comforts, passion, sensuality and possessions. People born with
Saturn in Tauras always find themselves torn between these two forces. It gives the native strong
need for emotional as well as financial security. Saturn in Tauras makes the person overly
cautious with money matters. Such people tend to be thrifty. These people are disciplined and
patient. They endure the harsh realities of life. They are very clever. They are good for politics
and business. They can be quite tactful in love.
Rahu in Tauras:
Rahu is said to be exalted in Tauras so it brings positive results most of the time. Tauras is an
earth sign and when Rahu is placed in it, it brings stability and a sense of permanence. Tauras is
ruled by Venus, which represents love, passion and partner. Rahu is associated with foreign, out
of caste, so people with Rahu in Tauras often get married to someone of an opposite caste. Such
people get a lot of recognition and respect from the Government. Rahu in Tauras affords the
native with property and land ownership. These people however are emotional and a little short-
tempered too. They tend to face issues with spouse due to their harsh language. They often
indulge in unnecessary arguments. Rahu in Tauras makes the person a spendthrift. However, this
position of Rahu can also make the native prone to addictions. The native may also choose some
shady mean of earning.
Ketu in Tauras:
Tauras is ruled by Venus and it shares an average relationship with Ketu. Here, Ketu is in an
earth sign and in mythology. Such people want to walk freely and seek movement. That does not
mean that they fly in the air. As Tauras is an earthy sign. This element keeps them grounded.
Due to the impulse given by Ketu, such people are always pulled between need for movement.
Ketu in Tauras also gives a pensive mood to the person. Such people like to talk a lot and are
sometimes quite insincere. These people face hurdles in acquiring luxuries and material comforts
they want. Ketu in Tauras also creates hurdles in love life. Such people also face issues within
their family. They often move towards wrong directions in life. . They struggle to get the love
and compassion. Ketu in Tauras also makes the native lethargic. Such people have a tendency to
postpone. These natives can also be quite stubborn. Ego also strongly marks their character.


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