Knowing a Person’s Potential through Palmistry

Knowing a Person’s Potential through Palmistry
It would be wonderful to be able to have the special quality to see though a person in the very first meet so that we could ascertain whether we would like to strike up a friendship or woo a potential life partner or recruit an employee based on his potential. Sadly and realistically, it does not quite happen in practical life though. And it is a good thing since it gives human being the pleasure of unravelling the layers of another human being layer by layer and the process itself entails falling in love or bonding with a person.

Palmistry, however is a an art which penetrates deep into the psyche and mental built of a person to gauge his personality, attitude, approach and orientation thus enabling us to have an upper hand when it comes to forming lifetime bonds with a person or able to ascertain huis character before we form any kind of association with him, professional or personal.

Which Hand to Consider? The answer is clear. For every right-handed individual, the right hand is the dominant hand and the left is the passive and vice-versa for every left-handed individual. The passive hand throws light on inherited and genetic traits while the right hand reveals how far the person has been to bring about changes on his personality of his own doing.

Shape of the Hand: Human Hand can be categorized into four kinds, each indicating a different kind of personality.

Air Hands: Square Palms, long fingers and thin, but distinctive lines.
Such people are intelligent, social and always on the lookout for fresh mental stimulation in relationships.

Earth Hands: Square Palm, Short fingers, strong and thick skin and deep clear and straight lines.
Practical, down to earth people with lot of dedication but not much imagination. Usually dependable and hardy in relationships.

Fire Hands: Long Palms, short fingers and prominent lines and warm skin.
Risk-takers, adventurous and gutsy people. Willing to take up initiative and demonstrate leadership traits. Make confident partners

Water Hands: Long Palms, long fingers, fine lines which are not very clear and soft, damp hands.
Creative and emotional people. They are usually vulnerable, emotionally fragile and need a lot of care and pamper in relationships.

Role of the Thumb: Represents will-power. The upper / second phalange indicates determination and the first or the lower phalange indicates logic.
Flexibility of the thumb indicates adaptability in relationships.
If the thumb has a narrow waits the person is tactful and diplomatic.
A longer thumb indicates strong and faithful person.
If the first / lower phalange is very long, the person has strong will power.
If the fore part of lower phalange is squarish, he is good in legal matters.
If the fore part of lower phalange is too wide, he is stubborn.
If the upper phalange is long the person has high intellect.
If the upper phalange is shirt the person does not exercise adequate forethought. And undertakes unnecessary risks.
If the upper phalange is depressed, the person is sharp.
If the upper phalange is clumsy, he is devoid of reasoning power.
If the Mount of Venus is protruded the person is advanced in matters of heart.
If the Mount of Venus is too protruded and bulging, the person tends to be sexually immoral.
If it is submerged then the person is of frustrated temperament.
If the thumb is too long, the person given pre-dominance to intellect.
If the thumb is small the person gives per-eminence to matters of hear.
If the thumb is hard and inflexible, the person is obstinate but alert and intelligent.
If the thumb is flexible and supple the person is adjusting and interested in money matters.

Interpretation of the Nails

Short and Wide Nails: Criticize and interferer in others’ matters.

Hard and Narrow Nails: Quarrelsome and obstinate.

Square Nails: Coward, timid and subdued in nature.

Short and Triangular Nails: Lazy and sloth in nature. Also prefer their own company.

Wide Nails: Quick-tempered but resolute.

Rounded Nails: Quick Decision Makers.

Thin and Long Nails: Fickle-minded and frail, easily swayed by the influence of others.

Perfect Nails: People with Natural shiny nails have high ideals and good intentions. Also tend to be immensely successful.

Texture of the Hand:
Smooth Hands: Clam unruffled and of even temperament. Good co-workers and leaders.
Rough Hands: Easy to flare up and of volatile temperament. Good, hardy workers.
Lined Hands: Too many lines indicate a person who frets and worries too much and easily loses temper.
Soft Hands: Too laid-back, not prone to take initiative and sustain motivation. Tendency to indulge in immoral activities.
Firm Hands: Energetic and active. They can multi-task effectively.
Hard Hands: Bony and tough hands means a dispassionate, selfish person who is potentially disheartened and pessimistic in nature.
Mixed Texture: Mixed attributes depending on the individual.

Colour of the Palm:
Red Colour: Robust personality who is passionate, quick-tempered and ardent suitor.
Yellow Colour: Melancholy and morose in nature.
Pink Colour: Hopeful, positive and optimistic in nature. Optimal colour for a well-adjusted personality.
White Colour: Dispassionate, disinterested, apathetic and cold towards others.
Quality of the Lines:
Deeply-cut line: The deepest cut of line shows dominance of that aspect in the person’s life over others. For ex – If a person has the most prominent Head Line, he is intellectual and gives preference to rationality of thought over emotions.
Thin Lines: Has little or no significance in the person’s life. For example – if a persona has thin Line of Life then it indicates a disposition towards frail health.
Broad and shallow line: Indicates weakness on account of physical factors which be congenital or incidental.
Straight, firm pink Lines: Normal and average person of sound disposition.

Types of Hand:
Very Small Hand: Narrow-minded and suspicious in nature. Quarrelsome and selfish. Pull down others and offer no contribution to the society.
Small Hands: Lazy and laidback. Visionaries but lack the drive to execute them. Low will-power and dynamism.
Ordinary Hands: Practical people who know how to gel with others. Achieve success by virtue of their hard work. They are of healthy constitution and adapt themselves well to society.
Long Hands: Useful to the society Well-balanced persona and are intelligent and promising. Problem-solvers in nature.
Extremely Long Hands: Much too emotional and live in an imaginary world. Cannot handle problems effectively and lack competence and strength to function well.
Primary Hands: Coarse, heavy and fatty. Such hand are unsymmetrical in shape. Materialistic people who do not understand the value of life. Find it easy to trespass the boundaries of law.
Square Hands: Knotty with prominent bones. The fingers are supple and overall less coarse than Coarse Hands. Genius and intellectuals fall in this category who lead the society by their positive contribution. Philosophers, artists, psychologists and men of letters fall in this bracket. They are not mercenaries by nature.
Workman’s Hands: Long hands where the mounts are muscular and hard and heavy. Extremely hard working people who achieve success by dint of their hard work.
Philosopher’s Hands: Learned and intellectual people who balance between emotions and sentiments. Not very wealthy but in terms of their contribution to the society, they are well – respected.
Ideal Hands: Well-formed, soft and supple hands which is perfectly balanced in shape. They face trouble headlong and are extremely spirited though not very successful in their endeavours.





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