Mula Nakshatra

Mula Nakshatra
Mula Nakshatra is the nineteeth nakshatra out of the 27 nakshatras in vedic astrology. This nakshatra lies within the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. The Milky Way constellation is in this nakshatra. Its ruling planet is Ketu, the south node of the moon and its presiding deity is Nirriti, which is referred as the goddess of dissolution or goddess of destruction and lives in the kingdom of the dead. As a result, there is this myth that natives born with this nakshatra bring problems to the family. But, actually this is far from truth and Mula natives have many honorable qualities. Infact, the presiding deity no doubt brings the energy of loss and destruction to this nakshatra, but on a positive note, this destructive force is helpful for surrender and transformation. Sometimes Moola nakshatra becomes negative due to the effect of Ketu but at the same time, it implies non-violence and protection of that which is good.

The translated meaning of this nakshatra is "The Root" or "Innermost Core". Thus, a native born under this nakshatra has a very inquisitive mind that helps him to get into the core or root of all things. Research, investigation and exploration are supported by Mula Nakshatra. There is another characteristic associated with this meaning. There is a common believe that the native is an expert in handling roots and herbs and medicine.


Bunch of roots tied together: Mula means root and this nakshatra is represent by a bunch of roots tied together, which in turn is associated with a deeper meaning. The mula or the root represents the feet, which bear the entire weight of the body.
Lion’s tail: Another symbol to represent the nakshatra is the lion’s tail. The nine stars that form this nakshatra appears like a tail in the night sky.
Animal symbol: Male Dog

Positive Characteristics of Natives Born With Mula Nakshatra

A person born in Mula Nakshatra has a good physical appearance
Natives are very devoted and spiritual in nature
They are peace lovers
They follow certain principles of life
Besides believing in God, they are very optimist
Being sweet in nature, they enjoy sweet relationships with others and are admired by others
They never use physical power to solve problems. Rather they use their minds in any situations.
They are intelligent, clever and good decision makers
They enjoy a good health in their lives
A man of principle, the native will always choose respect over wealth.
They are wealthy and live a comfortable life.
They are ambitious to succeed in life
They have this tremendous good quality to face adversity with composure

Negative Characteristics of Natives Born With Mula Nakshatra

Natives remain insecure inspite of being successful in life. Infact, they create their own insecurities
People do not trust them always
Too ambitious and goal-focused
They are generous but at the same time, they do not genuinely care about others
Because of Ketu and Niritti’s influence, the natives are headstrong, self-destructive, destroy their own achievements
Always adventurous, they cannot tolerate boredom
The natives are very fickle minded in relationships
While they love to receive things, in return they give little back
They are considered to be proud and arrogant at times
They have the ability to persuade or manipulate people to serve their needs, which can be sometimes good and sometimes bad

Career Aspects of Natives Born With Mula Nakshatra

The native can be successful in both jobs and businesses.
With good public speaking skills, they can be good politicians, public speakers, ministers, orators
Being spiritual in nature, they can be good spiritual advisors, philosophers
The natives are more successful in foreign lands
Being associated with the roots or mula, the natives can have professions as doctors, pharmacists, healers
Since, the nakshatra helps to get into the core of things, investigators, explorers, lawyers, researchers are other recommended professions
They can do well in business and sales etc.

Family Life
The male natives are believed to have a difficult phase of life in their early ages. They do not get any support from parents and siblings or anyone else till their adulthood. As a result, they are self-made man and do well in life through their own efforts. However, the marital life is a satisfactory one as there is peace and stability between the native and his spouse. The native’s wife will have all the good qualities of a wife, which make their marriage a blissful one.

Females born in the Mula Nakshatra, however, cannot enjoy blissful married life. There is separation on account of death or divorce. Even, the female native might get married late. If the Mars’ positioning is unfavorable, then, she will face more problems from her husband or children.

Mula Nakshatra Compatibility and Incompatibility

The compatible nakshatras with the Mula natives are Hasta, Shravana, Revati and Pushya
The incompatible nakshatras are Swati and Magha

Padas or Quarters

First Pada: The first pada falls on the Aries Navamsa. This is governed by Mars. Self-centered, egotistic, optimism, hopeful are emphasized here. Ketu, Mars, Jupiter and the Sun are favorable planets
Second Pada: The second pada falls on the Taurus Navamsa. This is ruled by Venus. Occult, material aspects, hard work, material objectives, arts, music, obstacles are highlighted in this pada. Mars, Moon, Venus and Jupiter are favorable planets.
Third pada: This is on the Gemini Navamsa. This is ruled by Mercury. Word play, relationships, communication, intelligence, spiritual and material values are highlighted here. Ketu, Rahu, Mercury and Jupiter are favorable planets.
Fourth pada: The fourth pada falls on the Cancer Navamsa. This is governed by the Moon. Constant struggles, emotions, higher objectives are emphasized here. Jupiter is the most favorable planet in this pada.

Remedies for Moola Nakshatra Natives

Worshipping God Rudra and Goddess Kali is helpul
Reciting the root mantra "Om Nam", "Om Pham" and "Om Pam" 108 times is also recommended
Wear dark, earthy colors, gold and red colors for favorable results



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