Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra

All you want to know about Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra
Uttara Ashadha nakshatra is the twenty-first nakshatra out of the 27 Nakshatras in vedic astrology. It lies in the arena of Zodiac signs Sagittarius and Capricorn. The controlling planet of this nakshatra is the sun, whose ruling deity is Lord Shiva. It is predominantly ruled by the constellation Sagittarius or the Jupiter. As a result, Jupiter and Sun have a strong influence on the natives of this nakshatra.

The presiding deity is the Ten Vishvadevas, the sons of Lord Dharma. Thus, a native born under this nakshatra is considered to be very righteous with noble aspirations and is very optimistic towards life. A native is born with leadership qualities with a commitment towards duty and to achieve something. The native also has great respect for tradition but at the same time becomes very practical when it comes to start any new ventures.

The translated meaning of this nakshatra is "Latter Invincible One", "Latter unconquered", "Final victory" and in Vedic astrology, this is associated with the fact that Uttara Ahadha nakshatra natives consider themselves as invincible like its previous nakshatra Poorva Ashada. After all, both these nakshatras are twin nakshatras in astrology.


Elephant’s tusk; planks of a bed: The nakshatra is represented by 4 bright stars in the night sky, giving the appearance of planks of a bed. On the other hand, the Vedic astrologers consider the tusk of an Elephant as the main symbol of this nakshatra, which gives some prominent characteristics of the natives like as royality, courageous, values, leadership, controls and confrontations.
Animal Symbol: A Male Mongoose

Positive Characteristics of Natives Born With Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra
The positive characteristics and good qualities of natives born with Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra are derived from the ten Vishvadevas and compared to its twin nakshatra Poorva Ashada, this nakshatra is much more better and balanced. Some of the good qualities possessed by the natives are goodness, truthfulness, genuineness, forgiveness, skillfulness, brightness and many other good qualities. Infact for many astrologers, this nakshatra is another name for goodness.
The natives are energetic being influenced by the Sun Lord and are sincere in their work.
The natives are very modest and soft spoken.
They are also known to be innocent with a friendly nature.
They are sincere and undertake any works with complete dedication and responsibility.
With a helping and honest nature, they are liked by others and can be easily noticed and highly endearing.
Regardless of any financial position or status, the natives have respect for others.
Another good quality of the natives is that inspite of having strong difference in opinions, they are never bitter against anyone.
They are intellectuals and intelligent
They work hard for their goals and they become very successful in lives

Negative Characteristics of Natives Born With Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra
Inspite of all the good qualities, the natives do have their negative characteristics as well:
The natives lack motivation in life at times
They expect appreciation of their work, and incase if they are not appreciated, they become depressed and unhappy.
Being humble in nature and tolerant to people of extreme nature cause problems to the natives many a times
Being influenced by the Sun, the native also has an aggressive nature.

Career Aspects of Natives Born With Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra

Both the male and female natives are educated and intelligent
The male natives of Uttar Ashada nakshatra can reach great heights through their own hard work and efforts.
They have a positive attitude towards life which helps them to be successful in lives.
They are intellectuals as well as creative and artistic which make them professionally do well in the fields of medical, science and even in art and creative jobs too.
Their professional career becomes more bright after the age of 38 years and they attain prosperity in life.
Jobs associated with teaching, banking, religious institution, publishing or writing are favorable jobs for female natives.
Jobs recommended for the males are architects, mechanical engineering jobs and working with maps and planning.

Family life
Usually, the natives of Uttarashada Nakshatra are believed to lead a fine, quiet life during their childhood. As they grow up, they start facing hurdles from family side. Significant changes are seen in the family life of the natives in the period of 28 years to 31 years. For the male natives’ marital life, there is happiness and peace as the spouses will have all the good qualities to lead a good life but usually the wives suffer from occasional health problems. Children would not bring much happiness to the natives.

On the other hand, the female native cannot enjoy her married life in a peaceful manner as she would be remain disturbed most of the time, either on account of her husband’s separation or some other problems associated with him. Usually, the female natives remain very religiously inclined and observe all the religious formalities.

Uttara Ahadha Nakshatra Compatibility and Incompatibility

The male natives’ compatible nakshatras are Hasta, Bharani and Rohini
Astrologers say that Uttara Ahadha Nakshatra born female natives will gain maximum happiness in their married lives by marrying male natives of Revati or Uttara Bhadra nakshatras.
The incompatible nakshatras are Bhadrapada and Ashlesha.

Padas or Quarters

First Pada: The first pada falls on the Leo Navamsa. This pada is governed by the Sun. Proud, active and goal oriented nature of the native is reflected here.
Second Pada: The second pada falls on the Virgo Navamsa. This is ruled by Mercury. Planning, calculations, analytic, wisdom are highlighted here.
Third Pada: The third pada falls on the Libra Navamsa. This is ruled by Venus. This pada highlights the passive and balanced nature of the native and the natives lack energy in this pada.
Fourth Pada: The fourth pada falls on the Scorpio Navamsa. This is ruled by Mars. The natives during this pada go to extremes of wisdom or confusion and their energy gets externalized aggressively, which can take the natives to great heights.


Worshiping Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu or Goddess Durga is very helpful.
Chanting the root mantra "Om Sham" and "Om Sam" 108 times is also recommended


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