Jyeshtha Nakshatra

Jyeshtha Nakshatra
Jyestha Nakshatra is the eighteenth nakshatra out of the 27 nakshatras in vedic astrology. In the night sky, the bright red star "Antares" is recognized as this nakshatra and many times, the star looks even bigger than the Sun. This nakshatra lies within the arena of the zodiac sign Scorpio. Its presiding deity is Lord Indra, king of the Gods. The controlling planet of this nakshatra is the Mercury whose Lord is Vishnu. Hence, it has all the energies of Mercury and Lord Vishnu. The natives are known to be protectors of the vulnerable or underprivileged. Lord Indra gives a courageous and a shrewd nature to the natives. The natives have the tendency to become very conscious with fame and recognition and they should take care of this. Their philanthropic nature helps them to become great authoritarians.

The translated meaning of this nakshatra is the "Eldest", "Seniormost". Thus, the star is based on seniority and is believe that natives born under this nakshatra can reach great heights of achievement, provided they know how to deal with their inner conflicts and use their power in a responsible manner. Another translated meaning is the middle finger or the holy river Ganges.


Earring, Umbrella, or Disc: The nakstatra is represented by symbols like earring, umbrella, disc, which in turn acts a protective shield or a circular protective talisman just like Lord Vishnu’s disc. The symbol has a deeper meaning too. The natives born under this nakshatra are bestowed with protection and intellectual abilities.
A Male Deer or Hare: The animal symbol of this nakshatra is a male deer or hare

Positive Characteristics of Natives Born with Jyestha Nakshatra

The natives are physically strong with an attractive appearance.
The natives are known to be very sober, pious and clean in heart and this is something which is not easily noticeable by others as the natives do not have the habit to show off.
The native will be most successful among all his siblings in his family
He has many friends and tries to keep a good rapport and support network.
The natives are self-reliant, do well in their lives, become wealthy and shoulder the responsibilities of the entire family.
They are generous in nature and always try to help others in need.
They become highly reputable and earn lot of fame and honors
They have leadership qualities
They are virtuous and usually remain satisfied with life
They are also creative, can create innovative design and are skilled at music
When they decide to do something, they can do it. They always want to make a difference in their lives

Negative Characteristics of Natives Born with Jyestha Nakshatra

One major drawback of this nakshatra native is that he cannot face any problem, even if it is a small problem.
He cannot keep any secrets to himself. It is believed that if the native keeps anything to himself, he will have a disturbed sleep. That’s the reason, he discloses secrets told to him even if these are not to be shared. So, he cannot be trusted all the time.
The native is also considered to be stubborn and hot tempered
Due to his short temper, he faces lots of problems in life and these also act as a barrier to his progress.
The native cannot accept advise of others
He makes instant decisions, which at times, work against him
His short temper also distanced him from others
He is too intense for others
For self-importance and to gain control, he tries to make others dependent on him
With a peaceful outside appearance, he tries to cover his impatience and immorality
Has a possessive nature

Career Aspects of the Natives Born with Jyestha Nakshatra

The native is a self-made man and usually takes up a job away from his birthplace or home
He does well when he is self employed
He has great management qualities and can do very well in roles as managers
Being authoritative in nature, the natives can become military leaders
With a creative bent of mind, the natives can become great musicians, dancers, models,
Other professions include engineers, intellectuals, police detectives, philosophers etc.

Family Life
The native faces family problems in his life. His mother and siblings never help him and eventually become his enemies. He is not liked by his relatives and dear ones and this is due to his own nature of keeping a separate identity and existence. However, he will have a happy married life, which unfortunately will have setbacks like as occasional health problems of his wife or separation due to some unavoidable circumstances. If the native gets carried away by alcohol and drug intoxication, it will be his spouse who will fight tooth and nail to get him out it.

On the other hand, the female natives do not enjoy a happy marital life. The female native may also face loss of children. She might be also harassed by her in-laws. She might also be framed in various false accusations by her in-laws. Her children won’t take care of her. Overall, she will have a life full of worries and tensions.

Jyestha Nakshatra Compatibility and Incompatibility

Jyeshtha nakshatra is incompatible to Ashwini nakshatra
Jyestha nakshatra is compatibile to Anuradha nakshatra.

Padas or Quarters

First Pada: The first pada falls on the Sagittarius Navamsa. This is ruled by Jupiter. Financial interests, higher education, knowledge, generosity, chivalry, protection are the highlighting elements here. Mars, Sun, Ketu and Jupiter are favorable in this pada.
Second Pada: The second pada falls on the Capricorn Navamsa. This is governed by Saturn. Selfish, materialistic, protective, challenging, ruthless, revengeful, stingy, overbearing, authoritative nature of the natives are reflected here. Saturn and Mars are favorable in this pada.
Third Pada: The third pada falls on the Aquarius Navamsa. This is ruled by Saturn. Humanitarian, protective, mysticism and occult science, weird sexual encounters, personal philosophy are emphasized here. Mercury, Venus, Rahu and Saturn are strong.
Fourth Pada: The fourth pada falls on the Pisces Navamsa. This is ruled by Jupiter. Emotional, fantasy, intoxication, creative expression, responsibilities, lack of patience are highlighted here. Venus and Jupiter are strong here.


Worshiping Lord Vishnu by Jyeshta natives is helpful
Astrologers also recommend to worship fierce female goddesses like Durga and Kali
Chant the root mantra "Om Dham" 108 times is also very helpful
For favorable results, wearing light blue, blue, dark green, black and red is also recommended.



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