Shiv Yog

Shiv Yog
According to the norms of Vedic Astrology, a person’s character, nature and disposition depends on his/ her date and time of birth and the astrological combination that governed the sky at that particular juncture. This written documentation of the alignments of stars is known as the person’s horoscope which reveals a lot about the person and his disposition.

Yog is the combination of planets which may either be benefic or malefic to the native. Today, we shall be discussing in details about ‘Shiv Yog’.

Shiv is not only a part of trinity. He is eternal, timeless and universal. The universe starts and ends with the word ‘Om’ which is related to Shiv. Hence, it is but obvious that a planetary combination which connects one to the infinite must hold special significance.

Nature of a Person born under Shiv Yog
A person born in ‘Shiv Yog’ is wise and altruistic in nature. He is not selfish and is always willing to lend a helping hand to others and abandons his desires for the benefit of others. He is an honest and compassionate human being who attracts the respect of his fellow men by virtue of his generous and simple nature.

When is the ‘Shiv Yog’ formed?

When the Lord of the 5th House is in the 9th House and the lord of the 9th House is in the 10th House and the Lord of the 10th House is in the 5th House, ‘Shiv Yog’ is formed.
Shiv Yog is considered to be benefic. Its effect is usually described as "auspicious".

Effects of ‘Shiv Yog’?

The person may either opt for one extreme and lead a virtuous life and be extremely pious and wise.
Or alternatively, he may be a conqueror and Commander of arms with capacity to wreak devastation on the enemy front.
He may also be a successful merchant and a flourishing businessman.
Interpretation of ‘Shiv Yog’ The 5th and 9th House are powerful trines/ trikonas, the abode of Lakshmi whereas the 10th House is potent quadrant / Kendra, the abode of Narayana.
The disposition of these three Houses and their respective Lords make the fortune / Bhaggya favourable and actions / karma stronger so that the native benefits in terms of wisdom, material wealth and philosophical learnings.
The native becomes religious and indulges in auspicious activities.
Person under this Yog become extremely intelligent and work for the betterment and upliftment of other people.
Material desires are of no consequence to them and they are above the worldly temptation of money and riches.
They are genuine heart people and they enjoy the trust and love of other people by virtue of their magnanimous self.
A person, born in this Yog has knowledge of the sacred hymns.
The native has his sense organs under control and is blessed with an innate aesthetic sense which makes him look for and appreciate beauty in all its aspects.
The native is fortunate and is blessed by the Lord Shiva.


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