Purva Asadha Nakshatra

All you want to know about Purva Asadha Nakshatra
Purva Asadha Nakshatra is the twentieth nakshatra out of the 27 nakshatras in vedic astrology. The natives born under this nakshatra are greatly influenced by Venus, as the controlling planet of this nakshatra is Venus, the ruling deity of which is Goddess Lakshmi. Natives are very optimistic. The presiding deity of this nakshatra is Apas, the cosmic waters worshipped as God, and thus brings the native a close connection with water element or fluidity. The natives have lots of power, ability to energize and inspire others. They are fearless in nature and this leads them to mental aggression and confrontation. Purvashadha also has a reputation of being indecisive and obstinate.

The translated meaning of this nakshatra is "Former Invincible One", "Former Unconquered" or "Undefeated". The very meaning of this nakshatra implies that the natives are of independent nature and they have the feeling that they are invisible. and so optimistic that they feel that they cannot lose anything in life. This nakshatra is present within the zodiac sign Sagittarius and all invisible qualities of this zodiac like as adventure, faith, ambition, exuberance and philosophy are characterized by this nakshatra.

A fan, a winnowing basket, a bed or an elephant tusk: In the night sky, this nakshatra is represented by three stars placed in the middle of the zodiac sign Sagittarius and these 3 stars give the appearance of a fan. On the other hand, some are of opinion that the 3 stars form a right angle, giving the appearance of an elephant task

Animal Symbol: A Male Monkey

Positive Characteristics of Natives Born with Purva Asadha Nakshatra
The natives born with Purva Asadha Nakshatra are considered very kind hearted and compassionate
They have a great helping nature and are popular in the society for being friendly
The natives are known to be cordial in their behavior.
The natives are very empathetic about others problems and try all means to solve others’ problems which is one of their best qualities.
They are hard working in nature and work sincerely to achieve their goals and aspirations
They are God fearing and very truthful with no show-off skills
They are good advisors too
They have a tremendous quality of convincing people
They are self-made and remain confident in life
They are honest, humble and far from hypocrisy.

Negative Characteristics of Natives Born with Purva Asadha Nakshatra

At times, the natives are too confident of themselves which give them an arrogant attitude
When they decide to do something, they will do it by any means, which can at times bring a negative impact to themselves
They are not ready to accept advices of others. This is one of their negative characteristics as they get themselves in problems
Their decision making ability is very poor
The natives are very obstinate and stubborn in nature
They are egotistical and have a superiority complex
They are also dictatorial in nature

Career Options for Purva Ashada Nakshatra Born People

The natives have varied career interests.
Being presided by the God of Water, they are very fond of travelling and sailing and best suited for broad traveling career and sailing
Jobs related to the fields of medicine, fine arts, science, philosophy are recommended
A good combination of Venus with Mercury can make the native a good poet.
The natives pursue their career interest only in their middle age
The native does not have good managing qualities and hence should never opt for doing his own business
His career life is full of struggles till 32 years of age and after that he rises up in the career ladder.

Family life
No benefits are bestowed on the native from his parents but he will derive maximum benefits from his siblings. He will stay out of his home and spend his life in a foreign land. His marriage is most likely to be delayed but he will have a more or less a happy life. He will be very attached to his wife and her parents. Even though, there can be marital conflicts, yet he will enjoy his wife’s company and find solace in her. His children will also be talented and respectful, who will bring name and fame to his family.

The female native will also have a good marital life and will be attached to her husband. She will be very good in household activities. She will also benefit from her children but not to the same extent as the male Purva Asadha nakshatra native.

Purva Ashada Nakshatra Compatibility and Incompatibility

Rohini, Ashwini and Hasta nakshatras are considered to be compatible nakshatras with this nakshatra
The incompatible nakshatras with Purva Ashadha Nakshatra are Purva Phalguni and Ardra.

Padas or Quarters

First Pada: The first pada falls on the Leo Navamsa. This is ruled by the Sun. Arrogance, confidence, strong spiritual urge, strong ethics sense, popularity are highlighted in this pada.
Second Pada: It falls on the Virgo Navamsa and is governed by Mercury. Alchemical and intellectual aspects, hard work, rewards, spiritual success are emphasized here.
Third Pada: The third pada falls on the Libra Navamsa. This is ruled by Venus. Relaxation, luxury, fruits of labor, good material results, partnerships are highlighted in this pada.
Fourth pada: The fourth pada falls on the Scorpio Navamsa. This is ruled by Mars. Mysterious, secretive nature, material perversity, great occult wisdom are emphasized here.


Worshiping Goddesses Laxmi, Lalita and Tripurasundari is helpful
Chanting the root mantra "Om Bam" 108 times is recommended
Wearing ornate and pastel colors like white, light pink/blue is favorable.


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