Jupiter in 12 Houses by indranil ray

Jupiter in 12 Houses

By Indranil Ray

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Email: indranilray2008@gmail.com

The Jupiter is one of the most auspicious planets.

Jupiter in 1st house: Jupiter in ascendant would bestow the native. The natives of Jupiter in 1st house are believed to be wiser souls. Jupiter in ascendant would carry a practical vision towards life. It possesses a mature understanding with dignified manners. These people have broad mind, respected by many. They would possess special significance of spirituality. They attain good heights through a fresh path. They have principled path even during difficult times. They will make others learn from them. They are stunning, long lived, believer of astrology, scholar and truthful. It gives hare fall or teeth problems in young age. The person does never recognize the things without proof. They are healthy and beautiful. Most of the benefice results are seen for Sagittarius and Pisces ascendant. If Jupiter in 1st house is in Cancer lagna, which is exalted Jupiter, with Mars and Venus, person may be loose character, drug addict and always in some difficulties. If Jupiter is in Taurus sign, the persons have sexual satisfaction with wife.

Jupiter in 2nd house: The native with fortune without many efforts at most of the places. They have sharp mind for making money. They possess all the worthy stuff. They have many channels of income. It makes the native with a wiser composition of mind. If the other planetary placements in the horoscope are not favoring the positive impacts of Jupiter in 2nd bhava then, the native should pursue social services and donations to the needy and poor people. They can be in astrology field. If Mercury is well placed and Saturn belongs to 8th house of horoscope, the perditions made by person will be correct. They are a poet or lover of poetry, honoured by government. They will be helpful to minimise problems of others. They may have the Yoga of two marriages. It makes the person a successful businessman. If 10th house is affected by some malefic planets like Rahu or Saturn, person will have differences with father. Saturn’s effect on 2nd house will be reason of breaks in education and bad relationship with family members. Jupiter in Aries sign can make a person harsh speaker. If Jupiter in 2nd house is in benefice condition and strong, the person can convince any rigid person to do his work.

Jupiter in 3rd house: It may bring supreme learning to the person. The natives having Jupiter in 3rd house are born with insatiable curiosity. They could do amazingly good in arenas like writing, communication and publishing as they really likes to share their learning with others. They would develop good and true relations with brothers and sisters and with almost everyone around. The placement of Saturn in the 9th bhava with this placement of Jupiter brings longevity to the person. Saturn is placed in the 2nd bhava, then the person could become ingenious and hypocritical in attitude. Besides this, Saturn in 4th house brings the danger of robbery to the person by his/her friends. Jupiter in 3rd house is accompanied by enemies, it would bring greater harms to the native. They should worship Goddess Durga and should offer food and sweets to little girls in a very pious manner. He/she should stay away from flatterers. The native may have a grand vehicle. He will be good writer, knower of the literature lover, may be a good businessman and very erotic person. Even women take advantages of his erotic nature. Native may be a selfish but a scholar too. He will have only one thing in life between respect and money. In case of respect he won’t have much money and in case of money, he won’t have much respect. Jupiter in 3rd house can make a person a teacher or they may be active in educational field. If 2nd and 11th house lords are in good position, native can earn good money from an educational field, like tuitions act. If they teach student free of cost, they achieve lots of respect in society. When Jupiter placed in male element signs like Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius there will be difficulties and obstacles in education and native may not complete education.

Jupiter in 4th house:
These natives will carry immense stability of mind. These people will appear as matured. They are truly devoted their home. These people pay all possible services and respect to their parents. They live for their loved ones. They are endowed with strong educational path in their early life. They will enjoy good fortune later in life. They may lead a pleasant during their old age. They will attain good professional and social heights. Native will be blessed with a loving mother, property, vehicle and luxury living. The native gets benefits from state and government. They may be benefited of inheritance property. The person may be a good businessman or can be a famous astrologer or a politician or high post. To be an astrologer there will also be need help of Mercury in birth chart.


Jupiter in 5th house:
They are wiser and learned. Their professions like teaching, ministry, entertainment and artistic arena. Apart from this, the placement of planet Mercury, Venus and Rahu in 2nd, 9th, 11th or 12th bhava will result in the malefic effects from Jupiter. The placement of Sun, Ketu and Jupiter in 5th will bring mixed results. They should pay services to the needy. The person is master of political science, famous in society, earns money from gambling and share markets, scholar. They can more than one sexual relations. These persons can be successful in field of law and justice. The people in 5th would not very heartily touch to any one in life. Even they can hide things from their life partners. These people can difficulties in education. The person may not complete studies. But if Jupiter is lord of any Kendra (1, 4, 7, 10), so person can complete higher education. If native is in business from the starting of his career, he/she can be successful in his/her business. If Jupiter is placed in male signs like Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius, the person gets success in educational field. Such person should never ignore problems related to liver and jaundice. Such person will have good income in Jupiter dasha or antar dasha. They possibly do love marriage.

Jupiter in 6th house:
It may definitely provide its benefic impacts to somewhat extent. They won't appear snobbish. They don't demand superiors or form juniors. The placement of Jupiter in the 6th house would bring the blend of impacts of planets Mercury, Jupiter and Ketu to the native. The benefic placement of Jupiter in 6th would make the person spiritual. Donating and providing services to needy from the sides of elders will bring more positive impacts upon the native's life. The benefic placement of Ketu along with this placement would make the person somewhat self centered. But the malefic placement of Ketu in 6th bhava along with malefic placed Mercury would bring misfortune to the native till the age of 34 yrs.Besides which it will bring asthma problems to the native's father. Generally Jupiter gives good results more. But there is a bad result for native’s maternal uncle and aunty. But if Jupiter is in enemy signs or retrograde, the person may have enemies. He will have a stable income. The natives may be a funny person. It may make the person an astrologer of high level. People get his patient as weakness. If Jupiter is placed in Saturn signs of Aquarius and Capricorn, the person has to be sick for a long time. And if Rahu is also looking at Jupiter the person will be unhealthy. If Jupiter is placed in 6th with any benefice planet then the native can earn a huge income. If the Jupiter is in Gemini, Libra, Aquarius or Capricorn the person will have depth of loan. If Jupiter is placed with malefic, the person may have abdominal and lever disease. If Jupiter is placed in 6th in signs like Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius the person is indulge in his savings in gambling, prostitutions and drinking alcohol.

Jupiter in 7th house:
Jupiter would bestow good and pleasing path of marriage and relationships. They would be liked by many people bind to them for long. A jewel or treasury, could also be over optimistic. The placement of malefic Jupiter in 7th house and Saturn in the 9th bhava will take the person towards immoral pursuits. These people should devotedly worship Lord Shiva. The person is blessed with a beautiful spouse. The native is a good speaker and gets more benefits in foreign countries. They are very emotional. In the sign like Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn or Pisces is resistible for marital happiness. The person may not have interest in marriage or with the influence of Sun there may be divorce also.It it is signs like Cancer or Libra, the person may have two marriages. Jupiter in female signs may treat their spouse as an object of sex. In Aries, Leo, Sagittarius or Gemini, in 7th house, the person may be child problems.

Jupiter in 8th house:

They would attain good affluence upon land through variant ways. They possess a strong financial stature. They are born with a strong intellect. They are proficient enough to reach the depth of all the complex oceans and to bring out the new and easier ways. They lead towards a quiet complex path of life. The person is long lived but rest of the field like career are difficult for him. The person will be attracted to sexual activities. Jupiter may give results according to the planet in conjunction with it. If Jupiter is in the influence of any benefice planet the person will be a scholar of an occult science. He will be an expert of Mantra. Some time he may not have any child. He will have selfish friends. Due to a benefice Jupiter will have, lot of faith in astrology. He can become a famous astrologer.

Jupiter in 9th house:

The natives carry a truly mature and wiser approach towards life. There is a very significant place of education in their life. They are perceived to reach high in the arena of teaching. They are the lovers of traveling. Jupiter is the natural karaka of 9th .Its placement here further strengthens the planet. They have wealth since their birth. They bring more wealth into the family. The malefic placement of Jupiter would discard the native form the positive impacts. It can make a person honest but there is conjunction of Rahu. This can make that person a cheater. As combination of Jupiter and Rahu make Guru Chandal Yoga. Jupiter in 9th may be a miser. They are very popular in female circle. They can be a profession or business of Philosophy, Publishing, Astrology, Teacher, Advocate and exporter or importer. Conjunction of Ketu can make this person deep into spirituality. Conjunction of Mars and Saturn can make accidental combination in long travels. Jupiter in 9th in earthy signs like Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn gives interest in science. They may be a scientist but selfish.

Jupiter in 10th house:
It provide respected and admirable place to natives in the professional as well as social arena. They are the deep believers of honesty. The placement of Venus & Mars in the 4th house along with this placement would result in more than one marriage of the native. Apart from this, the placement of friendly planets in 2nd, 4th & 6th bhavas would be positive for wealth. The malefic impacts in 10th bhava would bring agony. The people born in this placement are advised not to build a temple within the house arena. They should always put a tilak of saffron over their head and should offer almonds in the religious places whenever possible. When Jupiter placed in the signs like cancer, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, and Scorpio the person has to take lots of responsibilities from his childhood. As he may have to lose his parents in his childhood. They will never be successful in any business in partnership. Such father and son should never do any business together. When Jupiter placed in the signs like Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius the person will have fewer children. Such people will be successful in educational field, individual business, and import export business act.


Jupiter in 11th house:
The persons are blessed with supreme heights of success. They would develop strong relationships around in the social arena. They remain truly helpful for almost every one. They are free souls. The natives of this placement would live a comfortable life till the time he/she would live with father and in a joint family comprising mother, sisters and brothers. These natives should always wear something of gold as that would reduce the malefic impacts. Where Jupiter sits, gives bad results to the person related to matter of particular house significance. So when Jupiter placed in 11th house of horoscope it gives difficulties and problems of income. The person cannot get good income in his career time. If Jupiter is in Pisces, Cancer or Virgo sign, the person will have one of the things either wealth or children only. When Jupiter placed in 11th house of horoscope, such person should never take loans as they will be in depths for a long time period.

Jupiter in 12th house

The planet Jupiter is one of the most auspicious planets in the celestial arena as it provides pleasing impacts upon the native’s life. The placement of Jupiter in 12th house, would keep the person strong at mind. The placement of Jupiter here would provide the combined impacts of Jupiter & Rahu to the person. These people will stay involved in religious pursuits. These natives would get benefits and growth in the business associated with machinery motor, trucks and cars. They should stay away from immoral drinks and food. The natives should pay services and donations to the sages. Jupiter gives bad results in 12th house as this house is for expenditures. The person have bad image in society or childless, indulged in misdeeds, lazy and low level worker. If Jupiter is positive in horoscope, the person will be a trawler, scientist, lazy and expensive, such person can get success in field of editing. The person is altruistic but tendency of evil and greedy as well. Such person is lucky for his friends. Such person may have two marriages, spends money on good deeds, and gets struggled life in starting and second half of life gets success. The native will have the ability to take over his enemy. These people will very expensive, some time spends out of range due to ego. The natives may have to take loans as well. If Jupiter is in 12th house in Sagittarius, Pieces and Virgo ascendant, the person may settle abroad. In Aquarius ascendant the person will be earning through abroad. Jupiter in 12th house gives higher education. Jupiter in the sign of Gemini and Virgo can give job and service abroad. Jupiter in Taurus and Leo can give business related import and export and person may get married to a foreigner. Rahu or Saturn conjunction with Jupiter in 12th house can give cholesterol, heart and diabetic health issues.


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