Saraswati Yog

Saraswati Yog

Saraswati Yog comes into being when the three naturally benefic planets Jupiter, Venus and Mercury co-operate with each other in an auspicious Yog.
The person born under this Yog is not only an extremely erudite orator, he is also prosperous, wealthy and extremely popular.
This Yog is named after Saraswati, the zone of learning and wisdom, the heavenly or oracular voice, the reigning patron of art, education, music and knowledge.
This Yog was initially mentioned in the Astrological Classic Phaladeepika written by Sage Mantreswar.

How is Saraswati Yog formed?
• Jupiter, an extremely benefic Planet which brings along with it immensely good fortune, if favourable and also improvement on the intellectual level in addition to wisdom and wealth.

• Venus offers one a rich and luxurious life and also makes the patron creative and passionate.

• Mercury indicates education as he is the reigning planet of intelligence, communication, knowledge, language proficiency, reasoning, intellect and analytical skills.

• In a Yog, where all these planets come together, it augurs well on the educational and prosperity front.
It is formed in Hindu astrology when Jupiter, Mercury and Venus occupy the Kendra / Ascendant 4th, 7th or 10th House ) or Trikona(5th and 9th House ) or in 2nd House and Jupiter is in its own exaltation or friendly sign, the native is naturally blessed with fame, knowledge, skills, riches, appreciation from all quarters , solid family life and healthy offspring relation.
So, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus should be placed in their Ascendant or in 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th House from Ascendant and Jupiter must be strong in exaltation.
The Yog is also enhanced with an exalted Jupiter in its own House or a strongly present Ascendant.
The three planets arte so strong, that given their potency even their individual presence can bestow the native with the benefits of Saraswati Yog.

Benefits of Saraswati Yog:

  • The native shall be extremely sharp and intelligent.
  • He will be adept in the creation of prose, poetry, drama and will be well—versed in Alankar Shastra and Mathematics.
  • He will be proficient in creating prose or narrative composition and in the exposition of sacred texts and hymns.
  • He shall be extremely popular on an international level.
  • He will be extremely rich and a happy, family life.
  • He shall have enhanced communication skills thereby ensuring a good education and professional life.
  • The native shall be naturally inclined towards art, music and knowledge since Maa Saraswati is the reigning duty of education and arts.
  • Jupiter shall grant wisdom, Mercury shall proffer quick learning capability and a firm grasp of finance and Venus shall bestow the native with arts and music proficiency.
  • Saraswati Yog does not only bestows riches but also makes the native famous and well-respected. It not only bestows wisdom and knowledge nut also makes the native have a sharp aesthetic sense and equally inclined towards music and arts.

    Manifestation of Saraswati Yog:

    1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th House is known as the Kendra House which forms the core of a person’s horoscope and in Vedic text, known as ‘Vishnu Sthana’.
    The 5th and 9th is known as Trikona / ‘Laxmi Sthana’.
    When all the benefic planets occupy either the Kendra or the Trikona Houses, the strength of the Horoscope increased multiple times.
    It is also to be notices that 4th House is the House of education, 5th House is the House of intellect, 7th House also reflects on a person’s education and career, 9th House indicates higher education and enhanced knowledge acquisition and 10th House is the House of Career growth. So, everything revolves around education, career, wisdom and knowledge. In Saraswati Yog the most beneficial planets of the Zodiac influence these Houses positively. Consequently the person is blessed by both Maa Saraswati and Laxmi.
    If the Yog occurs due to Lagna or Ascendant, it is of normal potency but in cases, where it is affected by both Lagna and Rashi, it is doubly strong.
    If Saraswati Yog occurs in other important divisional chart like Navamsa / Dasamsa, it can propel the native to unimaginable heights of success.

    Case in Point :
    Pandit Ravi Shankar who is blessed with Saraswati Yog in his chart.
    Kavi Guru Rabindranath Tagore was also blessed with this Yog in his Birth Chart.
    Not only men of arts and literature, even renowned scientists need the blessing of goddess Saraswati. Albert Einstein, too was under the influence of this Yog. Remember, even though he was one of the sharpest scientific minds of all times, he was equally inclined towards music and played the violin very well.

    Interpretations of this Yog based on the birth chart of renowned people under its Circle of Influence

    At least one of the three planets, i.e. Jupiter/ Mercury or Venus must be in its own exalted sign. If more than 1 planet is in its exalted sign, so much the better.
    The planets must be strong in either Navamsa or Dasamsa. If Saraswati Yog also occurs in the divisional charts, the native achieves disproportional levels of success.
    The Dasha / direction of the planets must also be favourable and the native must get them in the correct timing of his / her life.
    The planets must not be afflicted by malefics like Rahu or Ketu which will reduce its strength and potency.
    If some other Yog also occurs simultaneously, the strength of Saraswati Yog shall be subsequently enhanced.
    If Saraswati Yog occurs due to Lagna as well as Moon, the benefits are even more pronounced.
    The presence of Yog in astrological chart is not adequate. It needs to be strong in its manifestation to produce favourable results.

    note:Only an expert astrologer can provide detailed insights on how individual planets or their combination can influence your life and whether they form any benefic or malefic Yogs since it all depends on the planets involved and their position in the horoscope.







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