Guru Shukra Yog

Guru Shukra Yog
A Yog is a special disposition of a planet or planets in a Vedic astrology chart which can produce specific results. Guru means Jupiter and Shukra mean Venus. These two are the most beneficent planets in a person’s natal chart. They are first rated benefics in astrological world. When these two benefic planets come together in the same House, then it hints at the the onset of Guru Shukra Yog in Birth Chart.
However, in Vedic Astrology, Jupiter is not in favourable terms with terms whereas Venus does not have any such difference with Jupiter. The magnitude of Guru Shukra Yog shall actually depend on the dominance of the respective planets. The assignment of planet in a particular House tends to give different outcome of this Yog.

When Guru and Shukra conjuncts in the 10th House, the result is extremely auspicious and this forms the basis of Guru Shukra Yog.
While the two planets are widely dissimilar in many ways, they share their core fundamentals with each other.

Differences between the two Planets:

While Jupiter is essentially masculine in nature, Venus is feminine.
The native who possess this particular Yog are extremely magnetic in temperament and they have the power to charm people of opposite sex inherently.
Jupiter is Satvic in nature, while Venus is Rajasik.
Jupiter is the mentor of Gods, while Venus is the mentor of demons. While one helps to attain spiritual success, Shukra helps to attain material success.
Venus is responsible for bestowing a luxurious lifestyle to its native and grants him all sorts of worldly pleasures. Venus is the Karaka for material conveyance, spouse, landed property etc. It indicates passion, sensuousness and enjoyment of all things material. Shukra is the Guru of the Asuras and highly knowledgeable. He grants knowledge that is practical and helps to attain material success. He helps to strategize and win battles. That is why Shukra has never been vanquished in planetary wars.
Jupiter on the other hand grants the person knowledge, wisdom and a philosophical bent of mind and keeps him connected with his inner consciousness. Jupiter is also responsible for extending prosperity and affluence. The person under influence of this planets strives to achieve all world pleasures as well as remains interested in spiritual matters of the heart. Jupiter is the karaka of wealth and morality. It signifies spiritual salvation and a pious bent of mind.
Jupiter is essentially and extremely auspicious planet and Venus too is known to reward its native manifold. The coming together of these two planets help to magnify their strength many times over. As long as Jupiter has a dominant hand in this Yog, the result shall always be beneficial. But if, Venus is the dominant force and the native is gives to pleasuring his senses more than practicing his wisdom, there shall be hurdles on his path to leading a happy life.

Conditional Factors:

One needs to see which House they are placed in and in which zodiac/ Rashi.
One also needs to check in, if they are in conjunction with each other or remain independent.
Also, to be noticed is which nakshatra they occupy and where is the Lord of the Nakshatra positioned in the horoscope.
The position of the sub-Lord is also of paramount significance.
The other planets which are aspecting these two planets must also need to be taken into account.
Only, after observing all these factors can any substantial conclusion be drawn about its effects.
When these two planets comes together in Guru Shukra Yog without any affliction, then the natives is blessed with an understanding partner, mutual respect and deep attachment.
Effects of this Yog
The conjunction shall also grant good children, provided 5th House and 5th Lord is well-placed.
If the conjunction takes place in 10th House, it gives good government figure
The native has to maintain a wholesome balance between spiritual and worldly matters.
Such a native achieves monumental success by dint of his knowledge and hard work .
This is one of the most non-threatening Yogs. The native under its influence tends to become peace-loving and cordial and an embodiment of generosity and harmony. He shall act as the mediator in case of any conflicts and armed with his repertoire of knowledge a formidable mediator.
His aesthetic sense shall be very refined. He shall prefer beautiful setting and nice ambience in keeping with his temperament. Venus is the ruler of money so the native shall have enough to splurge and Jupiter shall make him beneficent enough to keep donating for good causes.
Prosperity shall automatically come to such a person. Generating money shall not take much effort on the native’s part.
Social calendar shall be choc-a-block and the person shall find himself surrounded by friends, admirers and well-wishers. He shall be a social butterfly who shall thrive in the company of others and shall reach phenomenal heights in the shadow of an influential circle.
It is the perfect time for building wealth and assets and jewellery and property. Investments shall give manifold returns and a sudden and unexpected windfall is also on the cards to make the person even richer.
There is a negative side to this Yog too which manifests itself in the need to always maintain a balance between the Yog and the Bhog. Jupiter draws one towards spirituality while Venus draws one towards an indulgent lifestyle and extravagance. This oscillation between self-control and indulgence shall depend on the nature of the karmic stand that ultimately prevails in the native.

Manifestation of the Yog:

The effects of the Yog shall only be visible when either planets Dasa-Antardasa comes in Birth Chart.
However, if Venus comes in the 4th House, very less results shall be observed.
If Jupiter comes in the 4th House the results shall be much more pronounced as Jupiter lingers there for more than a year whereas Venus does not for more than 30 days.


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