planetry results in leo by indranil ray

Planetary Results in Leo

By Indranil Ray

WhatsApp: 91-9433031757

The Sun in Leo:


Sun is in its own sign when placed in Leo. It is a fiery masculine energy and Leo is also a fixed fire sign. When this placement occurs in a horoscope, the native is as if the king. Such a person inclined to be a courageous. Native always wins the competition. It gives strong aggressive instincts, at some time selfish and egoistic. They have strong a leadership persona. Their appearances are bright. Their personality is bold. They are fond of spending time, out-of-doors, traveling in the forests, mountains and fortress. These natives indulge in noble work . It may be revolutionary. They always stand by the ideas. They tend to earn a lot of wealth .They have fame in life. They especially do well in areas related to administration. They have a definite thinking with a well-built sense of what is right and what is wrong. It gives a liking towards non-vegetarian food. These natives have the aptitude to talk continually.

The Moon in Leo:

The Moon shares a friendly relationship with Leo. The Sun and Moon works like father and mother who balance domestic life, even with their dissimilarity. When the fire of Sun is too much to grip, the watery Moon balances the energy. They are a positive person, with a strong need to lead. You connect your sensation to work .Life is quite positive to them. They maintain personality as royal. They maintain dress code as their personality. Their love is never ending and luxuries too. They are sociable, happy, generous, and dutiful. People listen to them. Sometimes they feel alone. Their earning is handsome. However, it causes belly related disorders.


Mars in Leo:

Both Mars and Sun are masculine fiery planets.  This is a positive placement. The native get the ability from Mars and the confidence from the Sun. They are intelligent. It also gives a liking for travel. They love in hilly places and forests. Affinity for poetry and fine arts is also possible. It gives great capacity to learn. Their physical energy is ceaseless. They create outperform. These people also have a strong determination. Leadership quality is embedded in them .They are quite affectionate beings from inside. These people are always in a thrilled mood. They are proud in their sexual abilities. Excess of obsession and smugness can also bring them insult.


Mercury in Leo:

Sun is the lord of Leo and Mercury is friends with it. Mercury rules communication and when it is placed in the fierce sign of Leo, the native often has a regal manner of speech. Such people have a strong voice. These natives tend to be quite intelligent. They have a strong idea. Their leadership skills are excellent. They want others’ attention also. They seek independence. These natives do well in position of authority. They get success in leaders, politicians, astrologers, teachers, counselors, administrators etc.

Jupiter in Leo:


It is a friendly relationship. While Sun can be malefic at times, Jupiter’s position in Sun’s sign reduces its negative impact. Since both planets are friends towards each other, Jupiter’s placement in Leo works in the native’s help. People having Jupiter in Leo in their horoscope have a lot of self-confidence and self-esteem. Though they have superiority complex at times. These people have the ability to lead and administer. They never forget to be grateful who manners them. They are quite motivated in their career .They have a permissive approach. There is also a tendency to show off about their status. Their physical constitution is strong. They have a lot of energy. They also like hilly places. When Jupiter is placed in Leo, the charitable instincts of the person increase even more.

Venus in Leo:

Venus and Sun are inimical towards each other .But this doesn’t affect this placement negatively. Sun is considered as a powerful planet. The fire of Sun here fades away the watery energy of Venus. Thus creates fair qualities. They are compassionate beings. They have a strong desire of self-expression. Venus gives them with the creative energy and Sun gives them the assurance. These people are showmen. They do well in drama and all these. Love gives them happiness. Their courtship is marked by attraction and romance. They are a trustworthy partner. Their way of loving is quite plentiful also their lifestyle.

Saturn in Leo:

It is the inimical relationship between Sun and Saturn. Saturn in Leo has a lot of aggression in their personality. It causes problems in relationship of the native with his or her father or authoritative figure. Such people like to live in isolation. They want to live like free. Such people are usually very obstinate. They work hard in life. They often work towards attaining the leadership role. They are skillful. As parents, these natives tend to be quite restricted. Such people have a lot of interest in creative fields. They know that they have the aptitude. But effort to express themselves artistically. They likely to be faithful. However they feel unfortunate.

Rahu in Leo:

Rahu shares a hostile relationship with Sun, which is why their conjunction is also held to bring harmful results. Rahu magnify the Sun’s quality. These people also have a strong desire to get their principles admired. It detaches the native from family. Moreover, such a person also shares misunderstanding and conflict with father. They are sharp mind. Egos are high in these people. They face problems with children and progeny matters. They are good debaters.

Ketu in Leo:

The Sun gives aggression. When Ketu is placed in Leo, it makes the person impulsive. Due to the confusion imposed by Ketu, the native often gets angry without any reasons. Such people feel a lot of uncertainty before anything .These natives has fear of poison. It makes stomach related issues. They know many languages. Their interests in artistic pursuits. These people generally get success in politics. They are self-dependent. They have strong managerial skills.



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