Leos are very expressive.It is easy to understand their intention and mind because they have tendency towards self exposure. Leos are like a LION in the jungle.Leos are the only signs which are very open minded.

Fame and publicity is Leo's prime desire.Fame,publicity and importance are like energy of Leo's.They can't live without these things.

Generally Leo's are bossy,egoistic,demanding,very frank,open minded,Tendency towards self exposure,fond of competitions,lover of racing games.


1. Highly stubborn and insensitive Leo

2. Very Sweet Leo

3. Simply the best

1. Highly stubborn and insensitive Leo: It may difficult to resist this type of Leo. The other two types of Leo are not that egoistic compare to this Leo.This is highly egoistic Leo.

This Leo can be very rude and harsh.It may be hard to resist their stubbornness

Positive traits of above Leos is that

1. Their will power is very strong.
2. They are very dedicated.
3. Their concentration is very strong.

2. Very Sweet Leo- Second type of Leo's are very much fond of pleasure and fun in the life. They don't have shyness at all. They can say "I love u" to their lover in front of everybody.Very popular in girls.They are known for their artistic qualities.

They may have desire to be best in the field of art and fashion.

As we know that Leo's always wanted to show people that how great they are.Similarly these type of Leo's always wanted to show that are most sweet and fun loving person. These type of Leo's always like to show their artistic qualities on the stage.These Leo love drama,acting,dance etc.

3. Simply the best : The last kind of Leo are purely Leo. They are not harsh and not even loving like other two kinds of Leo.


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