Fixed stars

Fixed Stars in Western Astrology

Fixed stars, constellations and lunar mansions are the astrological heritage available to mankind. Long before the formulation of horoscopes , aspects , houses or any documented evidence of writing or sign language, the priest astrologers of Egypt, Arab, India, Greece and other ancient civilizations carefully observed, analysed and recorded the patterns of the sky and attempted to relate them to their experiences of human mankind.

The lunar mansions are probably older than either the constellations or the ordinary solar zodiac now in use. These mansions are around 28 or 27 in number each of which roughly marks the distance travelled by the Moon in one day.

But modern astrologers had, but till recently not made much use of fixed stars since the available star list was limited and their position was outdated and new information was hard to compile. By the mid-19th Century, astrologers used the wandering planets more than the fixed stars. With improved technical abilities now made possible on account of enhanced software, the fixed stars are beginning to make a comeback in the present day Astrology.

Fixed Stars do not move. What moves is the Vernal Equinox, which is the point from where the positions are measured. The VE moves backwards against the background of stars at a rate of 50.23 seconds per year, which roughly translates to 5 minutes of a degree every 6 years or 1 full degree every 72 years.
The Fixed Stars were so called by the ancients to distinguish them from planets which are celestial bodies that are dynamic in heaven. Fixed Stars do not move across the elliptic in the same way as Planets do and in Classical times were believed to be fixed to a gigantic celestial sphere.

Origin of Fixed Stars

Hipparchus devised the first known catalogue of fixed stars in 129 B.C when he projected 850 stars into the ecliptic. Ptolemy, the renowned astrologer n, astronomer and mathematician from Alexandria expanded the earlier work. By the end of 149 A.D, Ptolemy had listed 1022 stars by longitude and latitude. He took extreme care to maintain precision in his work. It was later published in the astronomical work ‘Almagest’.

What are the Fixed Stars?

Fixed Stars appear to be stationery, relative to the Earth and to each other are grouped into symbolic patters known as Constellations, although in truth they do travel imperceptibly @ less than one minute per year, so needing around 72 years to move slightly more than a degree of arc.
In modern times, scientists have found these stars to be moving on their own and growing larger sowing the seeds of the Big Bang theory of the origin of the Universe.
The fixed stars needs to be within one degree and in conjunction to one of the personal planets to have a reasonable impact. Also, please note that literal meanings need to be interpreted. For example ’Caput Algol’ is the fixed star for beheading , which figuratively means losing one’s head or logic or reasoning when it comes to love affairs. The four Persian Royal Fixed stars used to be at the solstice and equinox points, however due to the precession of equinox, they are now at different positions.

Important Points to Note:
1. Degrees of all stars indicate the onset of important milestones in one’s life with predictive astrology such as solar and lunar returns.
2. Degrees of all signs bring about the culmination of important events such as relationships, migration from one place and so forth.
3. Degrees of Cancer, Aries, Libra and Capricorn are extremely critical degrees both in predictive and natal astrology. These are the four Cardinal signs, the solstice points of the Zodiac.

Western Astrology

Tropical or Western Zodiac take preference of the Earth’s orientation relative to the Sun based on its seasonal movement. This is more directly rooted in the physical reality of the life on Earth and a considerably new phenomenon as compared to Vedic Astrology. The seeds of Western astrology can be traced back to the Greek and Eqyptian civilisation and is an outcome of the evolved intellect and exploration of the European mind.

The four most prominent fixed stars are in Western Astrology are :

• Aldebaran; 9 degrees of Gemini
• Regulus; 29 degrees of Leo
• Antares; 9 degrees of Sagittarius
• Formalhaut; 3 degrees of Pisces
These stars can also be prominent in magic.

• Aldebaran is known as "Watcher of the East."
• Regulus is known as "Watcher of the North."
• Antares, is known as "Watcher of the West."
• Formalhaut is known as "Watcher of the South."

1. ALPHERATZ - [Sirrah] [14 Degrees Aries]
Freedom, love of movement, speed, intellectual and can indicate riches and honours. The personality often has strong motivation, wilfulness and the ability to take action. Those with this placement often come before the public and are popular with the masses. There is a considerate and harmonious nature, which is good for relationships.

2. BATEN KAITOS - [20 degrees of Aries]
There can be forced migration, accidents, and shipwreck.

3. MIRACH - [0 Degrees Taurus]
This star can give happiness in marriage, bestow artistic talent, and give a love of beauty. There is often strong intuition, along with a brilliant mind, and much creative talent. The disposition is generous and loving. These people often make friends easily and inspire others. Mirach gives beauty, and a love of the home and family.

4. HAMAL - [6 Degrees of Taurus]
There is a need for personal independence. These people often have a strong will, and dislike authority. This placement gives independent thought and leadership ability. In some cases, there can be cruelty and premeditated crime.

5. ALMACH [Alamack] - [14 degrees of Taurus]
This star gives a popular influence, making one well liked and bringing benefits come from others, along with a prominent position, and possible fame. There is often artistic ability.

6. CAPUT ALGOL - [25 Degrees of Taurus]
Caput Algol is one of the most violent stars in the zodiac. In natal charts, this gives a most violent disposition, along with murderous tendencies. These violent tendencies are intensified when one is intoxicated with drugs and/or alcohol. Here is the nasty, violent, mean, and vicious drunk. On the upside, it can bestow athletic ability. The intense nature, when sublimated, can give the drive to reach the top, but the affairs of the planet occupying this degree often end in disaster and misfortune. When conjunct the descendent, violence can come from others, especially the lover or marriage partner. People under its influence can be pathological liars.

7. ALCYONE - THE PLEIADES - [29 Degrees of Taurus]
This star is bad for the eyesight and can even bring blindness. It also brings sorrowful events with something to cry about. There can be keen insight, strong ambition, and a harshly judgmental nature. There is often a love of nature, and the outdoors. There can be possible injuries to the face.

8. HYADES - [5 Degrees of Gemini]
Hyades gives a powerful sex drive, along with a greedy, overindulgent and excessive nature. These people are often exploitive of others. There can be tremendous success in life, but a lack of control and bad habits can cause one's ruin. There is often much vitality and the energy level is high. This placement gives a talent for martial activities and the military.

This star gives artistic talent, writing ability, popularity, scientific and occult ability, and is often prominent in the charts of astrologers. These people often make outstanding contributions in their chosen fields.

10. ALDEBARAN - [9 Degrees of Gemini]
Watcher of the East
Aldebaran rules the hands and fingers. There is a tendency to weakness of the lungs and possible pneumonia. The death is often violent. Those with this placement have high ambitions, and they often attract dangerous enemies.

11. RIGEL - [16 Degrees of Gemini]
Rigel gives lasting riches, honours and favour. When prominent, it is good for military careers, [especially if in conjunction with the mid-heaven] and mechanical ability. There is teaching ability and the personality is somewhat conforming. Ambitious and hardworking, these people can stay on top, as long as effort is maintained.

12. BELLATRIX - [20 degrees of Gemini]
Bellatrix brings military and other honours which can end in disaster. This star is bad for the eyesight. There is an aptitude for quick decision-making. Those with this star prominent are often strongly opinionated, and have a belligerent, daring, and adventuresome nature. If Bellatrix is in conjunction with the mid-heaven, one may be a swindler or forger.

13. CAPELLA - [21 degrees of Gemini]
There is often superior intelligence, along with a love of learning and research. Capella brings martial and/or ecclesiastical honours and riches, often followed by squander and waste, leading to ruin. The personality can be eccentric and unusual in some way.

14. ALNILAM - [23 degrees of Gemini]
Alnilam bestows honours, especially when in conjunction with the mid-heaven.

15. POLARIS - [28 degrees of Gemini]
Polaris can give spiritual powers and much respect gained from them. There can be possible chronic illness and/or physical problems. Money coming from others can encounter problems and loss. When this star is prominent, the instincts and common sense is strong along with the ability to find one's way.

16. BETELGEUSE - [28 degrees of Gemini]
This is one of the most fortunate of fixed stars and is frequently prominent in the charts of those who have had major success in life. Betelgeuse brings wealth, honour, fame and fortune.

Powerful position in government, along with honour and fame. There can be danger from dogs, along with being vulnerable to violence.

18. CASTOR - [20 degrees of Cancer]
Possible violence, along with sudden fame, followed by prison or disgrace. Castor brings weakness of the eyes, and injuries to the face. The disposition is usually well mannered, with strong principles.

19. POLLUX - [23 degrees of Cancer]
Pollux gives athletic ability, and is favourable for martial artists, boxers, fighters and warriors. This star is bad for the eyesight, and can bring injuries to the eyes and face. There can be connections with poisons. Honour is often followed by disgrace, and possible imprisonment. There can be a cruel, subtle, and scheming nature.

20. PROCYON - [25 degrees of Cancer]
A love of dogs, but there can be danger from their bites. Achievement comes through personal efforts. Danger from liquids, poisons and gases. The nature is often jealous, combative, and strong willed. These people like to see ideas put into action.

21. PRAESEPE - [7 degrees into Leo]
Praesepe is very bad for the eyesight. Losses can come from others. The character is adventuresome, brutal, perverse, and reckless.

22. ALPHARD - [26 degrees into Leo]
Lack of control, violence, unethical, subject to imprisonment and tragedy. Connection with poisons and toxins.

23. REGULUS - [29 degrees into Leo]
Watcher of the North.
Astrological ability, independent and high spirited. There can be destructive tendencies, and military honours. These people often obtain positions of power, along with success, and have leadership ability. There is also the possibility of disgrace and a disastrous fall from a prominent position.

24. ZOSMA - [9 degrees of Virgo]
Victimization, unhappiness, suffering, subject to disadvantage and abuse. Those with this star prominent often seriously suffer in some way. There can be physical problems and/or disabilities.

25. DENEBOLA - [21 degrees into Virgo]
Honour and wealth, impulsiveness, disgrace, regrets, misfortunes through natural forces.

26. VINDEMIATRIX - [9 degrees into Libra]
There can be a tendency to having spinal problems. The marriage can be unfortunate and in some cases, the loss of the partner through death. There are often major problems and losses through women. [Bill Clinton being a perfect example of this].

27. ALGORAB - [13 degrees of Libra]
One who is destructive, malevolent, fiendish, deceitful and lying. Here is the dishonest businessperson or politician. The character is self-centred and can be charming and sly. There is a very strong tendency towards dishonesty.

28. SPICA - [23 degrees of Libra]
There can be wealth and honour along with fortune and fame. Spica gives ability in the sciences, in the arts, writing ability, musical talents, and much creativity. These people are usually sociable. Spica is a great benefactor to any planet it is conjunct.

29. ARCTURUS - [23 degrees of Libra]
Lasting success through personal effort and self-determination. Fortune can come through travel. The nature can be hot tempered.

30. PRINCEPS - [2 degrees of Scorpio]
Above average in intelligence, good for research and a talent for science.

31. ALPHECCA - [11 degrees of Scorpio]
This star makes one artistic, with a talent for poetry, and the occult and healing ability. There is often success in business along with leadership ability. There is a tendency to be a loner.

32. SOUTH SCALE - [14 degrees of Scorpio]
This star can bring troubles, as it is conjunct 15 degrees. There can be physical anomalies and/or serious health problems. It has a reputation for making one susceptible to poisoning.

33. NORTH SCALE - [18 degrees of Scorpio]
This star often gives honour, distinction, ambition, and good fortune.

32. UNUKALHAI - [21 degrees of Scorpio]
This star indicates a loss in some area, both natally and in prediction. This loss is not always negative in prediction. There can be perversions, a lack of self-control and a danger of poisons. The personality can be crude and vulgar.

34. ANTARES - [9 degrees of Sagittarius]
Watcher of the West
The nature can be impulsive, headstrong, stubborn, and courageous. The life meets with unpredictable events, unexpected upsets and changes, and a loss of success can come from self-undoing. There is military and martial aptitude, bringing honour and favours. This is a warrior star. Those who have this star prominent in their charts often rebel against spiritual and religious oppression, bringing drastic changes in these areas.

35. LESATH - [23 degrees into Sagittarius]
Outspoken, perverse, associated with acids, and danger.

36. ACULEUS - [25 degrees into Sagittarius]
There can be trouble with the eyesight. Aculeus bestows leadership ability, but makes one subject to mental, verbal, and/or spiritual attack. These people are often victims of gossip.

37. ACUMEN - [27 degrees into Sagittarius]
These people on the down side can get worn down by life and just not care anymore. There can be disgrace, legal problems, and possible imprisonment.

38. WEGA - [15 degrees into Capricorn]
Occult talent, along with riches and fame. The nature is idealistic, pretentious, hopeful, artistic and refined.

39. DENEB - [19 degrees into Capricorn]
Good for military, successful warriors, ability for leadership and command. The nature is often benevolent.

40. TEREBELLUM - [24 degrees into Capricorn]
Greedy, scheming, shrewd. There can be fortune, but with guilt and possibly a bad reputation.

41. ALTAIR - [1 degree into Aquarius]
Bold, confident, stubborn, sudden wealth, position of high command, danger from reptiles, and adventuresome risk taker.

42. GIEDI - [2 degrees into Aquarius]
Sacrifices are often made, and strange events occur in the life. There is much suspicion and mistrust.

43. ARMUS - [11 degrees into Aquarius]
Nagging, unstable, contemptible, spiteful.

44. DENEB ALGEDI - [23 degrees into Aquarius]
One's life is often full of changes, along with living on the edge. These people are usually trustworthy, just and fair with a knowledge of human nature.

45. FORMALHAUT - [3 degrees of Pisces]
Watcher of the South.
The effects of this star can be variable, for better or for worse. This star can bring success and financial wealth, but there is often very hard work along with plenty of responsibility. It can increases and amplify whatever planet it conjuncts.

46. DENEB ADIGE - [4 degrees of Pisces]
This star often gives above average intelligence and an idealistic nature. Money can be made through the arts and sciences. There is often psychic talent and  a likeable disposition.

47. ACHERNAR - [15 degrees of Pisces]
Royal honours, success in public office, philosophical, patient, inclined to religion. There can be misfortune and problems with any planet at 15 degrees.

48. MARKAB - [23 degrees of Pisces]
There is a tendency to danger from fire, fever, cuts and blows. This star can bring good fortune, and is favourable for spiritual pursuits and meditation. Ones ambitions are often not realized.

49. SCHEAT - [28 degrees into Pisces]
There can be misfortune, possible suicide, drowning, one's being murdered, along with rapidly gaining and also losing friends. The nature is often unpredictable, with a tendency to fantasize.

Sidereal / Vedic Astrology

This takes into account the actual stars and based on dashas and these dashas are based on the position of planets in the fixed zodiac, making Vedic astrology more accurate. The Sidereal year is the time taken by the Earth to revolve around the Sun with respect to the fixed star ‘Chitra’ and the duration is apparently 20 minutes longer than the tropical year.
Fixed Stars also identified as nakshatra of vedic astrology given below.

1. Krittika. eta Taurus [ALCYONE]. 00GEM 05' in 2007. The General of the Celestial Armies. Symbol, a Flame or Razor. Regent, Agni, god of fire. Ruled by the Sun. A soft and sharp mansion or asterism belonging to the Brahmin caste and producing mixed effects. Those born on the lunar day will delight in white flowers, perform sacrifice, and will be magicians, metaphysicians, diggers, barbers, potters, priests or astronomers. With the Moon here at birth the native will be a glutton, adulterous, handsome and famous. Rules forests and the head.

2. Rohini. alpha Taurus [ALDEBARAN]. 9GEM52' in 2007. A Red Deer. Symbol, a Temple or Wagon Regent, Prajapati, the creator. Ruled by the Moon. A stable asterism belonging to the Shudra caste and favourable for coronations, expiatory ceremonies, planting of trees, sowing of seeds, building of towns, and matters of a permanent nature when containing the Moon. Those born on the lunar day will be devout, rich, merchants, rulers, drivers, possessed of wealth and cattle. With Moon here at birth native will be truthful, polite, steady, handsome, cleanly and uncovetous. Rules vinegar pots and the forehead.

3. Mrigasiras. lambda Orion [Meissa]. 23GEM47' in 2007. The Head of the Stag. Regent, Soma, the Moon. {77} Ruled by Mars. A soft asterism belonging to the serving caste and favourable for friendship, married love, purchase and making of clothes and ornaments, music, and auspicious deeds when containing the Moon. Those born on the lunar day will deal in perfumes, flowers, ornaments, and animals, will be lascivious and good writers or painters. With Moon here at birth native will be timid, capricious, skilful, talkative, rich, fond of pleasure. Rules cots and the brows.

4. Ardra. alpha Orion [Betelgeuse]. 28GEM51' in 2007. Moist, so called because of its stormy influence. Symbol, a Gem. Regent, Rudra, the storm god. Ruled by the Dragon's Head. A sharp asterism belonging to the butcher caste and favourable for punishment, torture, imprisonment, exorcism, mesmerism and separation or union when containing the Moon. Those born on the lunar day will deal in pod-grains, black magic, sorcery, exorcism, and will delight in murder, torture, lying, theft, cheating and adultery. With Moon here at birth native will be insincere, proud, ungrateful, cruel, sinful, deceitful and wicked. Rules temples and the eyes.

5. Punarvarsu. beta Gemini (Pollux). 23CAN18' in 2007. The Two Good Again. Regent, Aditi, the sky goddess. Ruled by Jupiter. An asterism belonging to the Vaisya caste and favourable for shaving Those born on the lunar day will be truthful, generous, cleanly, respectable, handsome, famous and wealthy, {78} fond of service, friendly with painters and sculptors, honourable merchants. With Moon here at birth native will be devout, quiet, happy, and good-tempered, of wrong views, sickly, thirsty and pleased with trifles. Rules granaries and the nose.

6. Pushya. gamma Cancer (ASELLUS BOREALIS). 7LEO36' in 2007. A Flower. Symbol, a Crescent on the Head of an Arrow. Regent, Brihaspati, the teacher of the gods. Ruled by Saturn. A light asterism belonging to the Kshatriya caste and favourable for sales, art, sculpture, learning, marital love, wearing of ornaments, medicine and purchase of carriages when containing the moon. Those born on the lunar day will deal in barley, cereals, and crops, will be ministers or rulers and will live by water. With Moon here at birth, native will be popular, self-controlled, learned, wealthy, and charitable. Rules houses and the face or upper lip.

7. Aslesha. epsilon Hydra. 12LEO26' in 2007. The Embracer. Symbol, a Wheel. Regents. Sarpas, the Serpents. Ruled by Mercury. A sharp asterism belonging to the lowest caste and favourable for punishment, torture, imprisonment, exorcism, mesmerism and separation or union when containing the Moon. Those born on the lunar day will deal in perfumes, roots, fruits, reptiles and poison, will be skilled in medicine and dishonest. With Moon here at birth native will be dishonest, ungrateful, a clever swindler and a promiscuous eater. Rules dust heaps and the ears or lower lip.

8. Magha. alpha Leo [Regulus]. 29LEO55'. in 2007 The Mighty. Symbol, a House. Regents, the Pitris (the spirits of the dead ancestors), Fathers. Ruled by the Dragon's Tail. A severe asterism belonging to the Shudra caste and favourable for acts of disgrace, destruction, deceit, imprisonment, beating, burning and poison when containing the Moon. Those born on the lunar day will be wealthy, fond of hills, merchants, valiant, and women haters. With Moon here at birth native will be wealthy, religious, contented, well served, and fond of life. Rules grain boxes and the lips and upper mouth.

9. Purva Phalguni. delta Leo [Zosma]. 11VIR24' in 2007. The Former Bad One. Symbol, a Bed or Couch. Regents, the Adityas, Aryaman and Bagha. Ruled by Venus. A severe asterism belonging to the Brahmin caste and favorable for acts of disgrace, destruction, deceit, imprisonment, beating, burning and poison when containing the Moon. Those born on the lunar day will be fond of women, dancing, art and trade, will remain youthful and deal in natural produce. With Moon here at birth native will be generous, handsome, submissive, of wandering habits and good speech. Rules uninhabited houses and the right arm.

10. Uttara Phalguni. beta Leo [Denebola]. 21VIR42' in 2007. The Latter Bad One. Symbol, a Bed or Couch. Regents, the Adityas, Aryaman and Bagha. Ruled by the Sun. A stable asterism belonging to the Kshatriya caste and favourable for coronations, {80} expiatory ceremonies, planting of trees, sowing of seeds, building of towns, and matters of a permanent nature when containing the Moon. Those born on the lunar day will be mild, cleanly, wealthy, virtuous, generous, learned, modest and heretical and will have influential friends. With Moon here at birth native will be popular, learned, free from cares and will have an enjoyable life. Rules lakes and the left arm.

11. Hasta. delta Corvus [ALGORAB]. 13LIB32' in 2007. The Hand. Regent, Savitar, the Sun. Ruled by the Moon. A light asterism belonging to the Vaisya caste and favourable for sales, art, sculpture, learning, marital love, wearing of ornaments, medicine, and purchase of carriages when containing the Moon. Those born on the lunar day will be thieves, dealers in large animals, painters, merchants, handsome and religious. With Moon here at birth native will be active, resourceful, shameless, merciless, and a thief and drunkard. Rules tanks and the fingers.

12. Citra. alpha Virgo [Spica]. 23LIB55' in 2007. Bright. Symbol, a Lamp or Pearl. Regent, Tvashtar, the artificer. Ruled by Mars. A soft asterism belonging to the serving caste and favourable for friendship, married love, purchase and making clothes and ornaments, music and auspicious deeds when containing the Moon. Those born on the lunar day will be mathematicians, surgeons, oculists, weavers, writers, singers, manufacturers of perfumes and dealers in jewels and cloth. With Moon here at birth native will be fond of clothes and flowers of many colours and will have beautiful eyes and limbs. Rules water banks and the neck.

13. Svati. alpha Bootes (Arcturus). 24LIB19' in 2007. The Good Goer, or Sword. Also called Nishtya, Outcast. Symbol, a Coral Bead, Gem, or Pearl. Regent, Vayu, the god of the wind. Ruled by the Dragon's Head. A mutable asterism belonging to the butcher caste and favourable for commencing work of an impermanent or moving character. Those born on the lunar day will be weak, abstemious, skilful, fond of animals and changeable in friendship. With Moon here at birth native will be quiet, polite, self-controlled, skilful, kind-hearted and charitable. Rules rice fields and the breast.

14. Visakha. alpha Libra [Zuben Elgenubi]. 15SCO10' in 2007. Branched. Symbol, a Decorated Gateway. Regent, Indragni. Ruled by Jupiter. A soft and sharp asterism belonging to the lowest caste and producing mixed effects. Those born on the lunar day will be religious, dealers in produce, and fond of red flowers. With Moon here at birth native will be jealous, mean, miserly, good-looking, clever in speech, and quarrelsome. Rules cotton fields and the nipples.

15. Anuradha. delta Scorpius [Dschubba]. 2SAG39' in 2007. Propitious or Successful. Symbol, a Row or Ridge. Regent, Mitra, one of the Adityas. Ruled by Saturn. A soft asterism belonging to the Shudra caste and favourable for friendship, married love, purchase and making of clothes and ornaments, music and auspicious deeds when containing the Moon. Those born on the lunar day will be valiant, influential and keep vehicles. With Moon here at birth native will be wealthy, of wandering habits, unable to bear hunger and resident abroad. Rules fields overgrown with flowers, and the stomach.

16. Jyestha. alpha Scorpius [Antares]. 9SAG51' in 2007. Oldest. Symbol, a Pendent Ear Jewel. Regent, Indra, the sky goddess. Ruled by Mercury. A sharp asterism belonging to the serving caste and favourable for punishment, torture, imprisonment, exorcism, mesmerism and separation or union when containing the Moon. Those born on the lunar day will be valiant, wealthy, famous, well born, somewhat dishonest, fond of travelling and in a high position. With Moon here at birth native will be cheerful, irascible, charitable, but will have few friends. Rules deserts and the right side of the body.

17. Mula. lambda Scorpius [Shaula]. 24SAG40' in 2007. The Root. Symbol, a Lion's Tail. Regent Nirrity, Calamity. Also called Vicritau, the Two Releasers, as the stars in this mansion were thought to bring relief from lingering diseases. Ruled by the Dragon's Tail. A sharp asterism belonging to the butcher caste and favourable for punishment, torture, imprisonment, exorcism, mesmerism and separation or union when containing the Moon. Those born on the lunar day will be druggists, dealers in flowers and fruit, rich and fond of gardening. With Moon here at birth native will be conceited, wealthy, luxurious, kind-hearted, happy and resolute. Rules stables and the left side of the body.

18. Purva Ashadha. zeta Sagittarius [Ascella]. 13CAP43' in 2007. The Former Unconquered. Symbol, an Elephant's Tusk, or, together with the next asterism, a Bed. Regents, Apas, Waters, and Visve Devas, the Combined Gods. Ruled by Venus. A severe asterism belonging to the Brahmin caste and favourable for acts of disgrace, destruction, deceit, imprisonment, beating, burning and poison when containing the Moon. Those born on the lunar day will be truthful, cleanly, wealthy, fond of fruit and flowers and sea voyages. With Moon here at birth native will be conceited, proud, constant in friendship and will have an agreeable life. Rules thatched houses and the back.

19. Uttara Ashadha. delta Sagittarius [Kaus Medius]. 4CAP40' in 2007. The Latter Unconquered. Symbol and Regent the same as for the last asterism. Ruled by the Sun. A stable asterism belonging to the Kshatriya caste and favourable for coronations, expiatory ceremonies, planting of trees, sowing of seeds, building of towns, and matters of a permanent nature when containing the Moon. Those born on the lunar day will be honourable, handsome, happy, religious, fond of large animals and will be soldiers or wrestlers. With Moon here at birth native will be obedient, polite, popular, grateful and have many friends. Rules wash-houses and the hips.

20. Abhijit. alpha [Vega]. 15CAP24' in 2007. Victorious. Symbol, a Triangle or Three-Cornered Nut. Under its influence the Gods vanquished the Asuras. It is an asterism belonging to the Vaisya caste and is used only in horary astrology.

21. SRAVANA. alpha Aquila [Altair]. 1CAP 52' in 2007. The Ear. Symbol, a Trident. Regent, Vishnu. Ruled by the Moon. A mutable asterism belonging to the lowest caste and favourable for commencing work of an impermanent or moving character. Those born on the lunar day will be cunning, active, bold, truthful, virtuous, religious and skilful. With Moon here at birth native will be rich, learned, famous, and have a good wife. Rules parade grounds and private parts.

22. Sravishtha. beta Delphinus [Rotanev]. 16AQU25' in 2007. Most Favourable. Symbol, a Drum or Tabor. Regents, the Vasus, Bright or Good Ones. Ruled by Mars. A mutable asterism belonging to the serving caste and favourable for commencing work of an impermanent or moving character. Those born on the lunar day will be shameless, rich, generous, women haters and will have few friends. With Moon here at birth native will be wealthy, liberal, fond of music, valiant, niggardly. Rules mills and the excretory system.

23. Catabhishaj. lambda Aquarius. 11PIS40' in 2007. The Hundred Physician. Regent, Varuna, goddess of the waters. Ruled by the Dragon's Head. A mutable asterism belonging to the butcher caste and favourable for commencing work of an impermanent or moving character. Those born on the lunar day will be fishermen, washermen, or dealers in wine, fish and birds. With Moon here at birth native will be eloquent, harsh in speech, truthful, adventurous, thoughtless, independent, gambler, fond of bad women and murderer of enemies. Rules streets and the right thigh.

24. Purva Bhadra-Pada. alpha Pegasus [Markab]. 23PIS34' in 2007. The Former Beautiful, Auspicious, or Happy Feet. Symbol, a Couch. Regents, Aja-Ekapat, the One-footed Goat and Ahi Budhya, the Bottom Snake. Ruled by Jupiter. A severe asterism belonging to the Brahmin caste and favorable for acts of disgrace, destruction, deceit, imprisonment, beating, burning and poison when containing the Moon. Those born on the lunar day will be wicked, mean, deceitful, shepherds, thieves, torturers, and irreligious. With Moon here at birth native will be sorrowful, wealthy, clever and submissive to women, miserly and of distinct speech. Rules the southeast of houses and the left thigh.

25. Uttara Bhadra-Pada. gamma Pegasus [Algenib]. 9ARI14' in 2007. The Latter Beautiful Feet. Symbol and Regents as in the last asterism. Ruled by Saturn. A stable asterism belonging to the Kshatriya caste and favourable for coronations, expiatory ceremonies, planting of trees, sowing of seeds, building of towns, and matters of a permanent nature when containing the Moon. Those born on the lunar day will be generous, devout, rich, and in influential positions. With Moon here at birth native will be happy, eloquent, charitable, and possess children and grandchildren. Rules swamps and the knees.

26. Revati. zeta Pisces. 20ARI05' in 2007. Rich. Symbol, a Drum or Tabor. Regent, Pusha, the Nourisher. Ruled by Mercury. The determinant star of this asterism marked the beginning of the celestial sphere in about 572 A.D., when it was 10' west of the vernal equinox. A soft asterism belonging to the Shudra caste and favourable for friendship, married love, purchase and making of clothes and ornaments, music and auspicious deeds when containing the Moon. Those born on the lunar day will be dealers in flowers, perfumes, or ornaments and may be boatmen. With Moon here at birth the native will be popular, a warrior, wealthy, of strict principle, uncovetous and will have a well-developed body. Rules flower gardens and the ankles.

27. Asvini. beta Aries [Sheratan]. 4TAU03' in 2007. The Horsemen. Symbol, a Horse's Head. Regents, the Ashvini Devas. Ruled by the Dragon's Tail. This mansion superseded Krittika as leader at about 400 B.C. It is a light asterism belonging to the Vaisya caste and favourable for sales, art, sculpture, learning, marital love, wearing of ornament, medicine and purchase of carriages when containing the Moon. Those born on the lunar day will be physicians, military commanders and dealers in horses. With Moon here at birth native will be polite, fond of ornaments, handsome, popular and intelligent. Rules towns and the upper part of the feet.

28. Bharani. 35 Aries. 17TAU01' in 2007. Bearer. Regent, Yama, God of Death. Ruled by Venus. A severe asterism belonging to the lowest caste and favourable for acts of destruction, deceit, burning and poison when containing the Moon. Those born on the lunar day will be wicked, and dealers in precious stones. With Moon here at birth native will be faithful, persevering, healthy, successful and free from cares. Rules streets and the soles of the feet.

Only 27 mansions or Nakshatras are commonly employed in Hindu astrology, Abhijit being included only in certain systems of horary astrology. When referred to the circle of the ecliptic they are made to consist of 13 20' each, beginning with Asvini at Aries. In the above descriptions the term "lunar day" refers to the day of the Full Moon that falls in the mansion.


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