Understanding sign and planets

There are two types of signs. One is tropical which is completely based on position of earth around the sun.The other type of sign is sidereal which is completely based on stars in the sky.

The Indian astrology follows sidereal zodiac of the sky.so in Indian astrology when they say your sun is in aries it means when we look at sun from earth then sun will be found in front of group of stars who are called aries.

The entire sky has been divided in 12 houses,12 signs and 27 nakshatra.

Understanding the house is as simple as understanding 4 directions. The east direction of the sky forms the 1st house of birth chart,west direction is 7th house of the birth chart.north direction of sky is 4th house and south direction of sky is considered 10th house which is always on our top of the head.if you look at sky straight up on top of your head then that area of sky will be treated as 10th house.

The best way to get idea of the houses is look at rising and setting of sun. If sun is rising it means sun is in 1st house. As the sun rises in sky it also moves backward in birth chart. For example itz noon and sun is on top of your head this means at present moment sun is in 10th house from your standing point.

So in short houses are nothing but represent in which direction the planet is placed. The each direction or house produce different results on the mind of the people.

Now you understand what actually houses are in astrology. Now in same way signs are also represented same.signs are nothing but group of stars in the sky.for example if we take group of stars which are identified as Aries.when this group of stars called Aries rises in East direction we say Ascendant is Aries and if at the moment of your birth Aries was rising in East it means you are Aries ascendant.

Planets are revolving body in sky where as stars are fixed in the sky.Astrologically when we say Venus is in gemini it means the planet Venus is in front of group of stars called gemini.

The astrological philosophy of planet and sign is the planet has to follow the order of sign. Sign is the master and and planet has to obey the orders of master. It is like the planet employee is working sometime in Aries company and sometimes in Taurus company.

For example Jupiter is placed in Aries. Here Jupiter has to follow the order of Mars because Jupiter is placed in aries.This is the reason planets feel most comfortable in their own signs but planets when placed in their own they become less creative.

Whenever planet is placed in unfavorable sign it means planet has to obey order of the king whose thought and ideas doesn't agree with the planet. In this case it is planet who suffer and not the sign.

For example Mars is a fighter but the purpose of fighting is identified from sign in which it is placed. For example Mars is placed in cancer then fight of the person will be towards bringing nourishment, bringing people together.

All the nine planets contribute some qualities and variation of such qualities is identified in which sign the planet is placed.for example our sensitive mind is represented by moon.The presence of moon in a different sign decides our mind is sensitive towards which qualities of life which in turn may become our mental tendency.


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