Jupiter transit Sagittarius

Jupiter transit Sagittarius

from November 2019

to November 2020

Note1:As per Vedic astrology where sidereal zodiac is considered instead of tropical zodiac it becomes obvious to find some difference in dates of transit if calculation is as per western astrology. Here in this blog though you find western astrology articles too but still forecast calculation is based on Indian which keeps difference of approx. 23 degrees.  
Note 2: The results of transit are based on your Ascendant sign and not based on your moon sign or sun sign.   
Jupiter is one of the most promising and most fruitful planet of all the planets in astrology. The transit of Jupiter over 2nd and 11th house brings wealth opportunity which is for Aquarius Ascendant in year 2019.Jupiter transit over 3rd,7th and 11th is fruitful to improve relations which is for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius Ascendant. Jupiter transit over 5th house brings immense opportunity towards growth and progress in life which is for Aquarius and Leo Ascendant. This same Jupiter brings luck or coincidences which surely goes in your support which is for Aries and Libra Ascendant. For some Ascendant the year is more likely to bring travels to native place and expenditures which is for Capricorn Ascendant. If you Scorpio Ascendant and trying for your first source of income then yes the year 2019 is blessed by Jupiter. Cancer Ascendant need to take care of health a bit.
Every year Jupiter transit some or the other house but this time Jupiter transit the sign after saturn which would help to boost the those areas of life. It is almost like continuation where Jupiter will correct and organize the bigger project which was actually taken up by Saturn.   
The Jupiter transit after Saturn transit are likely to bring bigger results for most of the people. So here anyone who have just the started making money in their life would have big profits in year 2019. If you have just started something very special in life then year 2019 will be most promising.
Different Ascendant are likely to experience different results. some signs may experience great results and some Ascending sign may experience moderate results. In terms of strength of rewards in Descending order I am describing below how the year 2019 would be most rewarding to signs and less rewarding to signs.
The most rewarding Ascendant sign will be Aquarius Ascendant because Jupiter will be transiting 11th house of gains and recognition. People born under Aquarius Ascendant are likely to experience great results of their hard work     
Next most rewarding period will be for Leo Ascendant who are likely to excel excellent in education or any training program which in turn would help them to get excellent opportunity.     
Third best Ascendant is Aries Ascendant who are likely to get ample opportunity from lucky coincidences. If you are into gambling business then the year 2019 will be most rewarding. The Jupiter transit for Aries Ascendant in year 2019 works like magic wand.
4th best Ascendant is Scorpio who are likely to get opportunity to make some small cash or small prize. Since Saturn would be about enter 3rd house it is advisable not to depend upon luck. The money opportunity will be solely depend upon your skill and any reference may not work.
5th best Ascendant is Sagittarius ascendant. The year 2019 is more like self improvement and peace of mind. Being in Ascendant the year is also fortunate to improve social network.
6th best Ascendant is Gemini Ascendant. The Gemini Ascendant would have ample opportunity in social networking and most specially love life. There would possibility of entering new relationship or enjoying the company of existing relationship to full is expected.
7th best Ascendant is Taurus for whom Jupiter is giving them sudden opportunity towards income. Though the opportunity may not be that big but opportunity will be worth a lot of few dollars.
8th best Ascendant is Libra for whom Jupiter contributes his blessing to improve the relationship with friends, relatives and siblings. Its direct aspect on 9th house also gives immense fortune in luck which suggest that collaboration with friends, relatives or siblings are likely to prove awesome.
9th best Ascendant is Virgo Ascendant for whom Jupiter brings lots of happiness and enjoyable environment at home. Relationship with family members will be most cooperative and most understanding in the Jupiter transit over Sagittarius.
10th best opportunity is given to Pisces Ascendant because special responsibility and duties will be given to Pisces which may also bring much respect and appreciation to work.
11th opportunity is given to Cancer ascendant. It is time for Cancer Ascendant people to look for their physical health. Proper diet and food is very necessary in this period for Cancer Ascendant.
12th opportunity is given to Capricorn Ascendant. Capricorn Ascendant in this period are likely to spend more attention towards relaxing and enjoying the life. Great year to have vacation at some awesome place.                                                  


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