year 2013 for Aquarius rising

From June 2013 to June 2014 Jupiter is Transiting 5th house. From Nov 2011 to Nov 2014 Saturn is Transiting 9th house. From Dec 2012 to July 2014 Rahu is Transiting 9th house and ketu is transiting 3rd house.

Jupiter’s Transit: Up to June 2013 Jupiter is Transiting over 4th house without Nodes which is auspicious for peace of mind and improvement in environment of your house. It is also good period for cordial relationship with family members.
From June 2013 to June 2014 Jupiter will be transiting over 5th house of Education/Training and Kids. So if some of you planning for kid then period from June 2013 to June 2014 can be considered.    
Also if some you of planning to go under some training or thinking to apply for further education then from June 2013 to June 2014 is favorable period.
By its 9th aspect Jupiter reduces trouble created by Nodes and Saturn in your house of fortune.

Rahu (north node)-Ketu (south node) Transit: Now Nodes have left your 4th and 10th house and shifted to 3rd and 9th house. So if you faced any trouble in your profession or job due to nodes then you should relax because nodes have shifted to 3rd and 9th house.  
Nodes and Saturn negatively are influencing 3rd and 9th house for both year 2013 and year 2014.Due to this combination for both year Aquarians may not enjoy cordial relationship with their brother and sister or cousin brother and sister ,friends and Relatives.
Aquarian’s one of brother or sister or cousin brother or sister is likely to go away for some time.  
Nodes and Saturn jointly are also influencing your 9th house which Stands for journey. So there is possibility of Travel to far place. There is possibility of Travel to Native place if you travel before June 2013. 

In brief this year for:

Students: From June 2013 to June 2014 Jupiter will transiting over house of education which is beneficial for students.

Searching for job: If you are thinking to change your field of job then from June 2013 to June 2014 you running auspicious period.

Already in job: If you are already in job then through training there are chances you may get promoted.

Businessmen: For businessmen it is nothing specific but just good period from June 2013 to June 2014. 

Housewives: From June 2013 to June 2014 it is a nice period for cordial relationship with kid’s .Relation with In-Laws may not be cordial for both year 2013 and 2014.

Relationship: In terms of Relationship for Aquarians there is nothing specific but just good year.



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