year 2013 for Capricorn Rising
From June
2013 to June 2014 Jupiter is Transiting over 6th house. From Nov
2011 to Nov 2014 Saturn is Transiting over 10th house. From Dec 2012
to July 2014 Rahu is Transiting over 10th house and ketu over 4th
Transit: Up to June
2013 Jupiter is Transiting over 5th house which is auspicious for
learning new things, going for training or applying for further education.
In terms of kids
up to June 2013 period is auspicious. If some of you planning for kids then
it’s a good period. This Transit creates cordial relationship with kids.
From June
2013 to June 2014 Jupiter is Transiting over 6th house which is
likely to create enmity with your Brothers or sisters or cousin brothers or
sisters. Other than your siblings you are likely to face trouble from your
Friends or Relatives.
From 6th
house Jupiter aspects 2nd house and 2nd lord and 10th
house which may prove auspicious in financial matters.
If you are
student or going under some training then due to misunderstanding you are
likely to be troubled by Teachers. In their eyes you may be the culprit even if
there may be no mistake from your side.
node)-ketu(south node)Transit: Nodes have left 5th and 11th house due
to which trouble created by nodes in terms of kids and education may get solved
when benefit planet Transit your 5th house.
nodes have left your house of kids, educations and career which is good because
now Jupiter is free from affliction which may help you to prosper in terms of
Education/Training and also good for cordial relationship with kids up to June
Now for one
and half year Nodes will be influencing your house of career, home environment
and mental peace along with Saturn which is not beneficial. Due to joint
influence of nodes and Saturn you may lack mental peace and environment of home
may start disturbing your mind.
To some
extent there may change in your actions. These nodes may affect your positive
qualities and suddenly you may start getting Lazy. Due to one or other reason
you may be less interested to do something. So my suggestion is don’t let nodes
control your mind which are telling you some reasons for not doing things.
If your 10th
house and mars are strong in your Birth chart then above effect is very much
modified. If your 10th house is strong and mars which is planet of
action is well placed in your birth chart then you may feel Lazy only to some
extent and you may meet your toughest competitor. Somehow nodes have eclipsed
your rewards only to some extent.
In Brief
this year for:
Students: Up to June 2013 it is good period
for learning .From June 2013 to June 2014 it is not auspicious period because
in eyes of teacher you could be culprit.
for job: Both year
2013 and 2014 could be tough for you until you are running under favorable
Dasha. In this period your job may not last for longer period or you may land
into wrong job.
in job: After June
2013 you are not into fortunate period in terms of guidance .you may not get
guided properly or you may not find somebody for proper guidance.
Businessmen: Year 2013 and 2014 may give you less
opportunity for money. But still Jupiter may be of some overall it’s a
moderate year financially.
Housewives: Both year 2013 and 2014 are not
auspicious for peaceful environment at home. I suggest keeping your mind calm
through some meditative technique or anything else which helps to keep your
mind calm.
Relationship: To some extent relationship may not
be smooth but after June 2014 you can expect improvement in relationship.
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