year 2013 for Sagittarius Rising

From June 2013 to June 2014 Jupiter is Transiting over 7th house. From Nov 2011 to Nov 2014 Saturn is Transiting 11th house. From Dec 2012 to July 2014 rahu is transiting over 11th house and ketu transiting over 5th house.

Jupiter’s Transit: This is very fortunate period for Sagittarius rising in terms of Cordial relationship with partner. If you are not into relationship then you may get opportunity to get into relationship during Transit of Jupiter over your 7th house.  
But for Sagittarius Rising 7th house is a dual sign of mercury due to which people born under Sagittarius rising are likely to change their relationship often if their 7th house is  under the influence of Malefic planets in birth chart.
7th house also stands for all kinds of from June 2013 to June 2014 Jupiter gives fortune in terms of partnership also to Sagittarius Rising.
From 7th house Jupiter also influence house of Gains and friends due to which to some extent it may bring some improvement in terms of relation with your friends and siblings.

Rahu (north node)-Ketu (south node) Transit: Nodes and Saturn are negatively influencing houses of Learning and gains and profits.
At least up to Nov 2014 Sagittarius are not into fortunate period if they are involved in any kind of learning. Nodes are likely to give you some sort of intense desire to know or learn something which is obstructed by aspect of Saturn.
So possibly if you are going under some training or trying to learn something by yourself then you are likely to work hard for it. But due to aspect of Saturn you may not get satisfying results. But you should not lose hope because Jupiter Transiting 7th house still aspect your 1st house and 11th house to provide you some appreciation.

In Brief this year for:

Students: Students are likely to show good interest in Learning and their teachers or elders may give full attention to them. This year is nice for good relationship with teachers. 

Searching for job: If you are searching for job for better prospects then up to 2014 Nov you are running under auspicious period. Best of luck.

Already in job: If you are going for some training then that training is likely to get cancel. Take care of all your important documents because you are likely to pay less attention to your things.
Your relations with your colleagues are likely to improve.

Businessmen: For business people period from June 2013 to June 2014 is good because this period may bring good clients or customers for you and your relation with existing customers or clients may improve.        

Housewives: At least up to 2014 Nov you are not into auspicious period in terms of cordial relationship with your up to 2014 Nov you may find your kids more rebellious than usual and this year your complete concentration will be on your kids. Also Before Nov 2014 there are chances that your kids go away from you for some time.

Relationship: From June 2013 to June 2014 environment of you house is likely to affect more to your partner. Not only environment but your personality may have more impact on your partner so be careful of your action because your negative action may have direct impact on your partner.


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