year 2013 for gemini rising

For Gemini Jupiter is Transiting over 12th house. Jupiter will be transiting over    1st house from June 2013 to June 2014.   Rahu(north node) will be Transiting over  5th house and ketu (south node) over 11th house from Dec 2012 to July 2014.Saturn is Transiting over 5th house from Nov 2011 to Nov 2014.

Jupiter’s Transit: From June 2013 Jupiter will enter Gemini and leave Taurus sign. Jupiter is always beneficial planet even while transiting Taurus for Gemini it brings somewhat extra expenditure but still this expenditure gives joy. For Gemini Jupiter rules house of partner, action and profession. While Transiting Taurus Jupiter may be producing some unwanted environment in your profession and family from June 2013 Jupiter while leaving Taurus sign it also takes away your troubles related to your partner and profession.
From June 2013 to June 2014 Jupiter will be Transiting your 1st house. This Transit is good for relationship with partner and is also likely to bring good results in your profession.
From one year Saturn is influencing house of relationship and to some extent creating trouble in relationship but from June 2013 to June 2014 Jupiter also influence house of relationship which is reducing negative of Saturn through its 5th and 7th aspect which improves relationship with partner ,business partner and close friends.
Rahu (north node)-Ketu (south node) Transit: From one year Saturn is Transiting over 5th house which is good for more opportunities in Education. This year Rahu (north node) will also be Transiting your house of Education which is not favorable for your education. This node is likely to reduce your interest in education or there may even be no opportunities for further education. But still negative effect of node is not strong due to exalted position of Saturn and aspect of Jupiter from June 2013 to June 2014.
Please don’t be careless towards education. Choose subjects wisely otherwise in future it may be of no use to you.
 If you have kids then you are likely to pay less attention towards kids. Year 2012 and 2013 could be important in terms of Education and kids.
In Brief this year for:

Students: Focus towards education may not be good. There is also possibility that you may be wrongly informed about something which could influence your exams, competitive exams or other similar important things.

Searching for job: For a fresher this year may be tough because this year is not favorable for training.

Already in job: If you are already in job then to some extent you may get appreciation for your work and next year you may get some financial benefits. But if you need to go for training for better prospects then it may not be beneficial year. 

Businessmen: If you are planning to start new business then this year is not beneficial Otherwise this year and next year seems beneficial which is likely to bring wealthy clients for you.

Housewives: Housewives need to pay attention on their kids.

Relationship: This year is good for your partner and next year financially year is good for your partner.  



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