year 2013 for Libra Rising

Jupiter will be transiting over 9th house from June 2013 to June 2014.Saturn still transiting over 1st house and will continue up to November 2014.Rahu will be transiting over 1st house from Dec 2012 to July 2014.Ketu will be transiting over 7th house from Dec 2012 to July 2014. 

Rahu (north node)-ketu (south node) Transit: This year you are likely to show more interest in occult subjects. In terms of relationship you are not running into fortunate year.
In this year if you enter into relationship then that person by nature is likely to be stubborn, rebellion and of restless mind. If you are running into benefic Dasha then above words can be ignored.     
Also this year your personality may not appear pleasing to people. This year people may not judge you correctly. Either they may overestimate you or underestimate you.
Please don’t disturb your mind from above unpleasing interpretation because still Saturn is also transiting over your Ascendant up to Nov 2014 which is very beneficial period for bright career.

Jupiter’s Transit: 9th house is known as the house of fortune and Jupiter is known as planet of fortune. From this you may realize that presence of fortunate planet in fortunate house create a fortunate year.
But it is in a sign of mercury in which Jupiter is this fortunate year is like fortune in installments. You may feel the luck but in an interval of short periods.

In brief this year for:

Students: 5th lord is transiting its exaltation sign and 5th house is under the aspect of Jupiter. So this year and even coming years are favorable for bright studies.

Searching for job: Up to Nov 2014 period is nice for a bright career. After June 2013 potential of getting job increases.

Already in job: If you already in job then also up to November 2014 it’s a prosperous period.

Businessmen:  Business men are not running into favorable period up to November 2014 in terms of clients or customers. You are not likely to get good customer or client. If you get good client or customer then they are likely to come in some trouble which indirectly may affect your deal with them.

Housewives: Nice year for cordial relationship with In-laws.

Relationship: Up to Nov 2014 it is not favorable period for cordial relationship with partner.  


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