year 2013 for Leo Rising

Jupiter will be transiting over 11th house from June 2013 to june2014.Rahu will be transiting over 3rd house from Dec 2012 to July 2014.Ketu will be Transiting over 9th house from Dec 2012 to July 2014.Saturn is still Transiting over 3rd house.

Jupiter’s Transit: Absolutely beneficial Transit. Period of June 2013-june 2014 is likely to bring beneficial results. During this transit there would be gains and achievements which may make you happy.
From 11th house Jupiter also aspects 3rd house and 7th house. This position of Jupiter helps to maintain cordial relationship with siblings, friends, partner and relatives.      

Rahu (north node)-ketu (south node) Transit: Saturn and Rahu together are Transiting over 3rd house. This Transit is not auspicious for cordial relationship with siblings or cousins, friends, and neighbors. Avoid any difference of opinion because difference of opinion could be on silly reason. This combination creates some kind of illusive image between you and your siblings or cousins, friends and neighbors. Due to this each other are likely to blame for something which has not happened in reality. But still the intensity of all this blame game is not high because fiery planets are not involved to heat up the situation. Also after 6 months due to beneficial Transit of Jupiter negative aspects are reduced.
So if you have come to know some activities of your Friends or siblings or cousins which are disturbing your mind then I suggest you to act wisely and don’t take hasty decisions because there is a possibility that you might possess wrong information.
Nodes will be Transiting up to July up to July 2014 there is a possibility that your sibling or cousin may go away from you for some time.

In brief this year for:

Students: In terms of education year seems moderate. You are likely to earn some appreciation from your teachers or elders. 

Searching for job: Jupiter is transiting Taurus and then will be transiting there are good chances of getting nice job.

Already in job: If you are already in job then up to June 2014 it is a beneficial period which may bring appreciation and possibility of getting promoted.  

Businessmen: It is a beneficial year.

Housewives: From June 2013 to June 2014 Jupiter will help to improve relationship with partner and In-laws.

Relationship: From June 2013 to June 2014 is average period during which Jupiter helps to maintain good relationship with partner.


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