year 2013 for Aries Rising

From June 2013 to June 2014 Jupiter is transiting 3rd house. From Nov 2011 to Nov 2014 Saturn is transiting 7th house. From Dec 2012 to July 2014 Rahu is transiting 7th house and ketu is Transiting 1st house.

Transit of Rahu(north node) and ketu(south node):For Aries Rising Rahu will leave its 8th house and will enter 7th house.7th house is seen to study how stars are favorable in terms of partnership.7th house is already occupied by Saturn which is indicating opportunities to get into relationships. But this year Rahu is also in 7th house which is likely to destroy opportunities given by exalted position of Saturn. This could mean that yet now whatever opportunity you enjoyed in terms of relationship or any kind of partnership are likely to get vanished.
If you are thinking to get into relationship then first 18 months from Jan 2013 are not favorable because if you get into relationship in between these 18 months then possibly that relationship may not last for longer period and your partner is likely to hide something from you.
If you are already married or already into relationship then your interest in your partner is likely to reduce.
Rahu and ketu are always 180 degree when Rahu change its position from Scorpio to Libra it’s obvious that Ketu will change its position From Taurus to Aries. So now For Aries Ketu enters 1st house which is already being aspected by Saturn. This is likely to increase your concentration and dedication.

Jupiter Transit: up to May 2013 Jupiter continue to remain in your 2nd house and then it will enter your 3rd from June 2013 to May 2014 it is a beneficial period for meeting your old friends and also good for improving relationship with your friends , siblings and relatives.  

In brief this year for:

Students: Neither good nor bad

Searching for job: up to May 2012 chances of getting job are bright.

Already in job: only to some extent this year seems good

Business men: If you are into business then your action is likely to have great impact on your clients. First 18 months from Jan 2013 are likely to vanish your clients. Because of transit of Jupiter flow of cash seems good up to May 2012.Deal cautiously for 18 months from Jan 2013.

Housewives: up to May 2012 jup remain in 2nd house so if u are thinking to earn some money then up to May 2012 period is beneficial. After 4 or 5 months when Rahu will show its effect then you are likely to pay less attention towards your husband.

Relationship: you may not get time to be with your partner, you may show less interest in your partner and at last you may misunderstand your partner.



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