Amrit Yoga – Saturn and Moon Conjunction

Amrit Yoga – Saturn and Moon Conjunction

What happens when two contradictory planets conjunct together in a Native’s horoscope? Does it cause inauspicious yoga or manifest into a raj yoga?

One of the most confusing combinations of planets is Saturn and Moon. Conjunction of Saturn and Moon forms this yoga. However, this combination is not considered auspicious as malefic Saturn may affect the fragile moon. Is it true?
Moon stays in a zodiac sign for two and a half days, where Saturn stays in a zodiac sign for two and a half years!
Moon is a natural benefic, while Saturn is a natural malefic.
Moon can never become a malefic planet, but only remains powerless and inactive, due to placement in certain houses. Saturn can never become a benefic planet, but can bestow a man with all prosperities in life only when it is placed in certain houses.

Generally, combination of Saturn and Moon meant to be very malefic as the fierce Saturn impact the weak moon. Since Moon represent mother, conjunction with Saturn may affect mother’s health and life. However, these rules are not applicable in all cases. There are many exceptions that lead to Amrit Yoga.

Amrit Yoga is not a rare yoga. It forms every month. As mentioned above, Saturn stays in a zodiac house for two and a half years and moon complete a full transit in a month, which forms this yoga once a month. For instance, currently, in 2016 Saturn is placed in Scorpio and remains in Scorpio until 2017. Those who are born under the moon sign Scorpio have this combination.

Amrit means nectar and eternal life. Amrit yoga blesses the native with everything from education to wealth, and enables leading a happy and harmonious life. Most of the natives with Amrit Yoga achieve great success towards the end of first part of life, i.e in early 30s, where they reap the benefits for decades.

When the presence of Saturn or Moon is malefic in a horoscope, it become Vish Yoga, which means poisonous yoga.
How Amrit Yoga is formed?
Mere combination of Saturn and Moon does not form this yoga.

Amrit yoga forms when the conjunction of Saturn and Moon is not influenced or afflicted by any malefic planet. Amrit yoga is very auspicious when it is formed in 10th and 11th house of the native’s horoscope. In generally, Amrit yoga formed in any house is beneficial. If it forms in the houses related to Saturn and Moon, it is more beneficial and provides auspicious results.

Amrit yoga is very auspicious if formed in,

Houses related to moon – Taurus, Cancer

Houses related to Venus – Pisces, Libra (Venus is the best friend of the Moon and Moon is exalted in Taurus, which is ruled by Taurus)

Houses related to Jupiter –Sagittarius (Pisces and Cancer is already included above) (Moon rules Cancer and Jupiter is exalted)

Houses related to Saturn – Capricorn, Aquarius and Libra

When Amrit Yoga is ineffective?
Amrit yoga becomes ineffective in Aries and Scorpio. Saturn is debilitated in Aries and Moon is debilitated in Scorpio, which affects the auspiciousness of this conjunction. Both these houses are ruled by Mars.

Types of Amrit Yoga

Conjunction of other planets with Saturn and Moon forms more auspicious Amrit yoga. Mere conjunction of any plane twitch Saturn and Moon does not form these yogas. It becomes fruitful only when the other planet associates with Amrit yoga.

Jupiter with Saturn and Moon forms Hamsa Amrit Yoga, which bestows the native with abundance knowledge, education and profitable career.

Venus with Saturn and Moon forms Malavya Amrit Yoga, which provides abundance of wealth and blissful marital life.

Mercury with Saturn and Moon forms Badra Amrit Yoga, which provides the native with in-depth knowledge, blessings from the ancestors, etc.

Combination of more than one planet with Saturn and Moon forms Raj Maha Amrit Yoga, which makes the native lead a kingly life.

Conjunction of Rahu, Ketu, Sun and Mars does not form any special Amrit Yoga and these combinations may nullify the effects of Amrit Yoga.


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