An Overview of Lunar Phases

An Overview of Lunar Phases

Moon has a significant position in western astrology. It is earth’s natural satellite. The different phases of lunar in the birth chart influence the native in a lot of ways. The cycles of moon and the ways she transit including her eclipses and nodes marks intense changes in the natural as well as human phenomena. The planet moon exalts in Taurus, rules Cancer and debilitates in Scorpio.

Moon is the only natural satellite that travels around the earth, in two major phases, waning to waxing, which starts on new moon to eve of new moon. The moon transits are classified under 8 different phases. Let us see an overview of lunar phases.
Lunar Phase 1: New Moon
Angle between Sun and Moon – 0 – 45 degrees
The moon rise along with sun and sets along with sun.

Characters: Spontaneity, Sensitivity, Instinct, Daring

This is the lunar phase where moon and sun conjuncts in a horoscope. A person born on a new moon day is considered as reincarnation. It marks the birth of first incarnation, which multifold into 8 births. Simply, if in any horoscope, when sun and moon are placed together, be assured that the child is born on a New Moon day.

Lunar Phase 2: Waxing Crescent

Angle between Sun and Moon – 45 – 90 degrees

The moon rises three hours after sunrise and sets three hours after sun set.

Characters: Success, drive to accomplish victory, extremist,

Also called as Crescent moon, it represents breakthrough. People born under second lunar phase are self-assertive and has a very intense subconscious drive to overcome all odds of life.
Lunar Phase 3: First Quarter
Angle between Sun and Moon – 90 – 135 degrees

The moon rises at the mid-noon and sets at the mid-night.

Characters: Positivity, tension between self and others, sacrificing, idealistic principles

It represents the two way pull between the sun and the moon. Sun and moon are placed apart in this phase. It means, sun is brighter and moon also illuminates as the darkness reduces. The two-way pull affect the emotions, which make you wave between contradictory feelings. The powerful trait is being very positive.

Lunar Phase 4: Waxing Gibbous

Angle between Sun and Moon – 135-180 degrees

The moon rises three hours before sunset and sets three hours before sunrise.

Characters: Ecstasy, sexual energy, identified as ideal of a group

Personal growth is considered an important factor as moon shines with glory. Regardless of the area the natives work, they will prove to be highly beneficial, valuable and creative. Always remain energetic and will show the compassion to others and help them grow.
Lunar Phase 5: Full Moon
Angle between Sun and Moon – 180 – 225 degrees
The moon rises at sunset and sets at sunrise.

Characters: Artist, complexities due to stubbornness, care giving, expressive

Full moon represents the first phase of the waning moon. Moon is place right opposite to the sun and receives the luminosity from the sun and reflects it bright. Full moon represents strong emotions and no wavering thoughts. Generally, natives born on a full moon day shows strong influence on the people around others, attracts the people who challenge them. There is no room for lukewarm emotions.

Lunar Phase 6: Disseminating Moon / Waning Gibbous
Angle between Sun and Moon – 225 – 275 degrees
The moon rises three hours after sunset and sets three hours after sunrise.

Characters: Ability to intervene others psychic work, gratitude, primitive, deep inner work,

Generally, people born under the lunar phase of waning gibbous carry an intense but hidden desire to disconnect from the outer world crisis. The light of the sun slowly gets diminished due to darkness of the moon. Carry strong belief and express your opinion based on your experiences.

Lunar Phase 7: Last Quarter
Angle between Sun and Moon – 270 – 315 degrees
The moon rises at midnight and sets at the middle of the day

Characters: Inner search quest, artistic but moody

This lunar phase represents two ends of a coin. Bitterness and sweet; sad and happiness; sweet sorrow; romantic tragedy and a lot more. These traits influence the natives born under this lunar phase. Lack of flexibility affects the futuristic goals.

Lunar Phase 8: Balsamic Moon

Angle between Sun and Moon – 315 – 360 degrees

The moon rises three hours before the sunrise and sets three hours before the sunset.

Characters: Visionary, psychic sensitivity, keen observation,

People born on balsamic moon phase have the tendency to predict the future and extreme aware about what is about to happen in the near future. The awareness and the inner power provide a superficial force to succeed, which at some time becomes negative.

The influence of moon on the nature and individuals vary with other planets aspecting it.


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