Shakat Yoga - A Malefic Yoga that cause Diseases

Shakat Yoga - A Malefic Yoga that cause Diseases

Conjunction, association and affliction of Moon and Jupiter form many auspicious yogas. Yes, both Moon and Jupiter are natural benefic planets.

An inauspicious yoga formed by specific placement of Moon and Jupiter forms Shakat Yoga.

Shakat means Cart Wheel. Generally, wheel goes up and down. This yoga make the native suffer from a lot of ups and downs in life, especially in terms of diseases.

Shakat Yoga is a malefic yoga that represents diseases. There are a few individuals in the world who suffer a lot from different diseases. Regardless of the remedies they consider, medical treatments they prefer, and medical expenses they incur, the diseases will make the native suffer immensely. Besides, it may affect the wealth of the individual. Shakat yoga deprives the native off the wealth, irrespective of the fact whether he or she is born in rich and affluent family.

How Shakat Yoga is formed?
Generally, Jupiter and Moon are friendly planets in the Vedic Astrology. Shakat yoga is formed based on moon. Moon is the planet that determines the zodiac sign of an individual. Placement of Jupiter from Moon impacts the effects of the moon, which in turn impact other major elements.

Shakat yoga is formed when Jupiter is placed in 6th ,12th or 8th house from moon.

For instance, if Moon is placed in Leo, placement of Jupiter in Capricorn (6th house from moon) or in Pisces (8th house from moon) or in Cancer (12th house from moon), forms Shakat yoga.

This is the only rule that forms Shakat Yoga. According Vedic texts, Shakat yoga indicates the karmic problem and it is inherited in the family, like a genetic disease.

Clauses under Shakat Yoga is Cancelled
However, there are many exceptions to Shakat Yoga. Following are the circumstances that nullify the evil effects of Shakat yoga.
When the moon is powerful, Shakat yoga is cancelled.
When the moon is placed in Taurus (the exalted sign) or in Cancer (rules the house), Shakat yoga is cancelled.
When the moon is placed in the Kendra houses (1, 4, 7 or 10), this yoga is cancelled or nullified.
When there is a connection between moon and Venus, this yoga is cancelled. For instance, Moon exalted in the house of Venus (Taurus) or placed in Libra or Venus placed in Cancer or both mutually aspect each other, etc.
When Jupiter rules in Pisces or Sagittarius or exalts in Cancer, the negative effects of the dosha is reduced. (Consider the above example)
When Rahu is placed with moon in a horoscope that forms Shakat yoga, it is nullified. Rahu is the only plant that can affect Jupiter. Conjunction of Rahu and Jupiter forms Chandal dosha, which makes Jupiter powerless.

The life of the natives with Shakat yoga will revolve like cart wheels. Although they may lose the health, suffer from too many diseases and lose their wealth, they would regain the same, after fulfilling the karma.


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