Venus Mahadasha – A fortune or misfortune?

Venus Mahadasha – A fortune or misfortune?

Planets rule our lives. Placement of planets in the natal chart, transits and dasha influence the lives. Astrology is not perceived the right way by many people. Mostly the common misbeliefs ruins the life of the people. One such very common misconception strongly believed by most of the people is the effects of Venus Mahadasha.

Venus aka Shukra is a benefic planet and widely considered to bestow the people with unlimited wealth, prosperity, name and fame, a massive fortune. However, this is completely wrong. Venus dasha is not just good for everyone. This can be totally a disaster, even worser than sani dasha in many people.In fact, this dasa would bring the fortune only for a few people who passes through the period. Let us have a brief look into Venus Mahadasha, a fortune or a misfortune?

Venus as a Planet
Venus, the planet of love, pleasure, happiness, wealth, prosperity and luxurious life is a benefic planet in the astrology. Called as Shukra, Venus is the most auspicious planet. Based on the placement of Venus in the natal chart and based on the planets that aspects Venus, the results would vary.

When it comes to venus dasha, this is the longest dasha of all. It lasts for 20 years. An individual born in the following birth stars will begin their life with Venus dasha.

Results of Venus Dasha:
As per common beliefs, the venus bestows the life of the native with abundance of wealth and happiness during the dasha, provided the placement of venus is auspicious.

Some of the benefits that the native can derive during the period of venus dasha is as follows:
Materialistic wealth and luxury
Happy life
Will be able to excel in career especially can reach great heights when the native is involved in arts and creative fields
Reduced effects of hurdles and enjoys overall prosperity
Recovery from disease and good health
Harmonious personal relationships
Respect, fame and admiration

In addition, the onset of this dasha makes the native cool and composed. They do start admiring arts, beauty and nature. It provides a developed sense and insight to appreciate the beauty of life.

These are the best results of Venus during its dasha period. However, not all natives who pass by this dasha are entitled to receive these auspicious results of this planet.

Adverse effects of venus dasha:

As said earlier, the venus dasha would make the native suffer to the core and be like the worst dasha of all. Some of the worst effects of Venus mahadasha include,

Severe health ailments
Terrible setback in business
Loss of wealth and health
Bitter relationships

Simply, the venus dasha would turn completely upside down based on placements of Venus and other planets.


Who will suffer the most during the venus mahadasha?

Now, this will be next question, who will experience the worst of Venus Mahadasha. This can’t be just limited with one or a couple of elements.
Venus exalted in its own sign or in the signs of Kendra, will be highly beneficial. Placement of venus in the 8th and 12th houses are not considered auspicious. Besides, the impact of venus mahadasha is also influenced by the placement of Sun and shadow planets, Rahu and Ketu.


In fact, even the natives with best placements of Venus Mahadasha will have to undergo ups and downs during this 20 years, although the overall effects will be excellent. Here is the brief view of Venus Mahadasha and Antardasha period.
Venus and Venus: An excellent period to experience pleasure and comfort
Venus and Sun: An average period with ups and downs
Venus and Moon: Can be good or bad based on the placement of moon as both Moon and Venus are soft planets
Venus and Mars: A Balanced Peiod
Venus and Mercury: Adds positive effects and brings harmony, comfort, joy, wealth, healthy relationships, etc
Venus and Jupiter: Mostly beneficial, but malefic placement in the natal chart makes this dasha the worst one.
Venus and Saturn: A Balanced period
Venus and Rahu: Moderately negative period
Venus and Ketu: Moderately negative period
In addition, Venus Mahadasha would be generally considered an adverse, rather worst period for the natives who born in Mesha or Aries Lagan and Vrichika or Scorpion Lagan.

So, having the venus mahadasha period in your natal chart doesn’t mean you hit the jackpot and you will be rewarded like the king of the world. While it happens for a few, who dramatically rose to fame with abundance of wealth, it is not just for everyone. As mentioned above, the placements of malefic planets would influence the overall effects of Venus Mahadasha.


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