Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga

Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga

Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga is a very popular yoga and common term. However, the significance and the real effects of this yoga are rarely understood. Neecha Bhanga raj yoga is a very powerful yoga. It can be summed up in a single line; it makes the native a wealthy and prosperous.

Neecha Bhanga raja yoga gives a big rise from very unwanted and difficult circumstances, providing great relief to the natives. A native can reach great heights from a very disturbing lowliness.

Neecha means debilitation. Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga means cancellation of debilitation.
Neecha – powerless, debilitation
Bhanga – Cancellation, damage, defeat etc

It indicates the debilitated planet which has no power gains double the power when Neecha Bhanga occurs.

Great success after breaking the obstacles!’ This yoga literally confers the native with unimaginable heights.

Common effects of Neecha planets
The effects of Neecha planet vary based on number of the house in which the planet placed from ascendant.

Consider the following examples:
Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn.

Common aspects represented by Jupiter will also be affected. For instance, education, knowledge, spouse, job, etc.

In case of Sagittarius ascendant, Capricorn represents 2nd house. Debilitated Jupiter in Capricorn affect things related to 2nd house, namely family, education, investments, money, etc.

In case of Aries ascendant, Capricorn represents 10th house. It affects the things related to 10th house like job, career, business, profession, etc.

If you consider Venus in place of Jupiter, debilitated Venus may not bless the native with wealth, luxuries, spouse, etc.

So, when Neecha Bhanga Raj yoga forms, these negative aspects turn into double positive, conferring more benefits and blessings to the native.

Neecha Grahas – Planets and their Debilitation Houses
Every planet in the Vedic Astrology has its own house or houses, i.e ruling house, exalted house and debilitated house. Debilitation of a planet means the planets lose all its power and remains ineffective.

Every planet debilitates in the house or the sign that is directly opposite to the exalted house.

Aries is the first house – Sun is exalted in Aries whereas debilitated in the seventh house in Libra

Taurus – Second house – Moon is exalted in Taurus debilitated in the eight house in Scorpio

According to the Vedic text, any exalted planet gets debilitated in the 7th house from the house of exaltation and vice versa.

List of debilitated planets.

Sun – Debilitated in Libra
Moon – Debilitated in Scorpio
Mars – Debilitated in Cancer
Mercury – Debilitated in Pisces
Venus – Debilitated in Virgo
Saturn – Debilitated in Aries
Jupiter – Debilitated in Capricorn

No planet is debilitated or exalted in the following houses:

Gemini – Ruled by Mercury
Leo – Ruled by Sun
Sagittarius – Ruled by Jupiter
Aquarius – Ruled by Saturn
No planet is debilitated in Taurus, ruled by Venus where Moon is exalted (Except the contradictory opinions about Rahu and Ketu placement, which is discussed later).

The effects of Neecha planets are experienced mostly during the dasha period and sub-dasa period. Since the planets lose their power, the dasa period of the specific Neecha planet remains troublesome for the native. To the contrary, when the Neecha planet forms into raja yoga, particular dasha period, will be fruitful.

Not all Neecha Bhanga forms Raja Yoga
Many times, this yoga is mistaken as Raj yoga. Not all debilitation becomes a Raj Yoga. A debilitated planet carries no power and may affect the native, with respect to the house in which it is located. A debilitated planet may get cancellation of debilitation. However, in all cases it does not confer Raj yoga.

What are the Clauses that form Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga?
We have seen the planets in the debilitated houses. What are the conditions that form cancellation of debilitation which result into Neecha Bhanga raja yoga?

Difference between cancellation of debilitation and such cancellation that forms Raja yoga:

The major difference is, the former won’t be able to bestow the native with kingly life, it just makes that there is no debilitated planet in the horoscope. The later is actually Raja yoga and the native will be wealthy and prosperous.

Let us see the placement of planets that cancels the debilitation of the planet:

These clauses form only cancellation of Neecha effect, not Neecha bhanga raja yoga.
When debilitated planet is placed in Kendra house from Ascendant, namely 1, 4, 7 or 10.
Saturn is debilitated in Aries. When Saturn is debilitated in 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house, it cancels the Neecha effect of the planet.
When the debilitated is placed in Kendra house from Moon, only if the moon is very strong.
This is the special condition that applies only to Taurus and Cancer zodiac signs as Moon is exalted and owned respectively, which indicates a stronger moon.

If any niche planet is placed in Kendra from moon, (irrespective if it’s placed or not from Ascendant) it cancels the debilitation.
When the lord of the debilitated sign is exalted
If Moon is debilitated in Scorpio, exaltation of Mars (lord of Scorpio) in Capricorn forms this yoga.
When the lord of the debilitated sign is placed in its own sign
If moon is debilitated in Scorpio and mars placed either Scorpio or Aries, it cancels the debilitation.
When the lord of the sign where the debilitated planet, exalts is exalted.
Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn, but exalted in Cancer. Lord of Cancer is Moon. When moon is exalted in Taurus, it cancels debilitation.

Another example: Sun is debilitated in Libra. Sun exalts in Aries and when Mars is exalted, it cancels debilitation of Sun.
When debilitated planet is placed with ruling planet
Debilitated Moon in Scorpio is placed with ruling Mars. Debilitated Mercury is placed with Jupiter.
If the debilitated planet occupies exalted position in Navamsa
Debilitated Sun in Libra exalts in Aries in Navamsa.
When debilitated planet is aspected by the lord of the sign where the debilitation occurred
Debilitated Jupiter is aspected by Saturn placed in Scorpio.
When Jupiter aspects any debilitated planet and Jupiter should be a natural benefic in the horoscope (Jupiter 2, 5, 7 and 10 house)
Jupiter in Sagittarius aspecting debilitated Saturn (Aries) (5th house)

Jupiter in Gemini aspecting debilitated Mars (Cancer) (2nd house)
When a retrograde planet is debilitated, it automatically cancels debilitation
Retrograde Mars in Cancer.

All the above mentioned conditions causes Neecha Bhanga, not Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga. It cancels the Neecha effect and counter balances the negative bad effects of Neecha planet. There are only a few conditions that give rise to Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga.

Combination / placement of planets that forms Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga

When debilitated planet is placed with exalted planet on the same house

Following combination forms powerful Neecha Bhanga raja yoga.
Venus is exalted Pisces but mercury is debilitated, which cancels Mercury’s Neecha effect.

Exalted Sun and debilitated Saturn in Aries

Exalted Jupiter and debilitated Mars in Cancer

Exalted Mercury and debilitated Venus in Virgo

Exalted Saturn and debilitated Sun in Libra

Exalted Mars and debilitated Jupiter in Capricorn
When two debilitated planet aspect each other
Saturn in Aries and Sun in Libra

Mars in Cancer and Jupiter in Capricorn.

Venus in Virgo and Mercury in Pisces
When the Neecha effect is cancelled by many combinations (any combination mentioned above), it forms a powerful Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga.
Example 1:

Moon in Taurus, Jupiter in Cancer in Navamsa, Saturn in Scorpio

Jupiter is debilitated in 10th house Capricorn, conditions that form cancellation of debilitation and formation of Raja yoga.
10th house is Kendra
Lord of the sign where the debilitated planet exalts is exalted (Jupiter exalts in cancer, lord of sign is Moon and Moon is exalted in Taurus)
Saturn aspects its own sign, Capricorn
Jupiter is exalted in Navamsa

Example 2:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi:

Moon is debilitated in Scorpio. Scorpio is the ascendant. Jupiter in Aquarius. Mars is the lord of debilitated sign is placed in Scorpio.
Debilitated planet is placed in Kendra (1st house)
Lord of the debilitated sign, rules the sign (Mars is placed along with moon in Scorpio)
Lord of ascendant is placed in ascendant with debilitated planet
Jupiter from 4th house aspects Moon with 10th house aspect.

When the Neecha effect is cancelled in multiple ways or multiple planetary combinations, it forms a very powerful Raja yoga.

Cancellation of debilitation will not be effective in the following cases:
When the debilitated planet receives cancellation but placed in hidden houses, 6th, 8th and 12th.
Debilitated Mars in cancer, in 6th house is ineffective.
When the Neecha Bhanga planet is placed in retrograde movement (reverse direction)

Does Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga Apply for Rahu and Ketu – An Overview
Being a shadow planets with no own houses, Rahu and Ketu imbibe the qualities of the houses they stay. However, the following planetary position makes Rahu and Ketu exalted and debilitated respectively.

There are two views considered with respect to exaltation and debilitation of Rahu Ketu.

It becomes immaterial if Rahu and Ketu are exalted or debilitated. Both these shadow planets aspect each other sitting opposite to their respective houses. If rahu occupies first house, ketu occupies seventh house. Rahu is exalted in Taurus and Ketu is exalted in Scorpio.

Contradictory placement to the above, Rahu is debilitated in Scorpio and Ketu in Taurus. When an debilitated planet is aspected by another debilitated planet, it cancels debilitation and leads to Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga.

In another point of view, Rahu is exalted in Gemini and Ketu is exalted in Sagittarius. The contrary placement of the above, Rahu in Sagittarius and Ketu in Gemini lead to debilitation of both planets. Mutual aspect of these two debilitated planets lead to Neecha Bhanga raja yoga, but has no significance power.

According to Vedic texts, Rahu is exalted in Gemini, being a natural benefic and friend to Mercury and Ketu is exalted in Sagittarius, being a friendly and benefic to Jupiter, ruler of the house. This planetary combination turns adverse when Rahu is placed with Sagittarius and Ketu in Gemini, which causes debilitation of both planets. Debilitation of both planets atomically cancels the debilitation and forms the Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga.

Regardless of debilitation or exaltation, Rahu and Ketu confer the benefits or trouble the natives based on the planets they afflict and get afflicted. So, it makes no big difference if these two planets are exalted or debilitated or if the native has Neecha Bhanga raja yoga. Just because Rahu and Ketu form Neecha Bhanga raja yoga, they cannot provide the fruitful results.

For instance, if this yoga occurs in Rahu in 4th house and Ketu in 10th house, it certainly affects the things associated with these houses without any exceptions.

Combination of other planets with Rahu or Ketu does not make Neecha Bhanga.
Debilitation of Moon and Mercury
Considering all other planets, debilitation of Moon and Mercury has some limitations. Similar to Rahu and Ketu, there can be any debilitation for these two planets.

Mercury Debilitation
Mercury is debilitated in Pisces and exalts in Virgo, which is also ruled by Mercury. (both houses placed mutually aspecting each other as 7th house) Debilitation of a planet that aspects its own exalting and ruling house cancels the Neecha effect. It means, even if Mercury is Pisces, there can be any Neecha effect from mercury.

Moon Debilitation
When there is no sign of exaltation, there is no sign of debilitation. This rule applies to Leo, Aquarius, Sagittarius, and Gemini. The exception is Scorpio.

When considering the basic context that exalted planet gets debilitated in the 7th house from house of exaltation, Moon exalts in Taurus and debilitates in Scorpio. (Scorpio is the 7th house from Taurus).

However, considering the above mentioned context, no planet exalts in Scorpio, which is ruled by Mars. Besides, the rules to Mercury are also applied here. Moon placed in Scorpio aspects its exaltation house Taurus (7th house), which cancels debilitation.

So, there cancellation of debilitation applies naturally without considering any other planetary positions to Mercury and Moon.

A word to note on effects of Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga
One of the drawbacks of this yoga is, the natives will experience or undergo the ‘neecha’ effect of the debilitated planet for a period of 20 years to 33 years.

It is like the ill effects are more likely to retain for a certain period. A person born with Neecha planet indicates the effects of bad karma from the past birth. Neecha effects are also considered a testing time for an individual.

Bittergourd remains bitter even if it soaked in honey. While it gives the sweet flavor, it carries the mild bitterness.

So, the effects of Neecha planet affect the individual for a few years but dramatically change the life during the second phase of life.

The Neecha effect won’t be effective if the debilitated planet do not form Raja yoga.
In most cases, it is believed that the ‘neecha’ or debilitated planet makes the native succumb to the debilitation during the first part of the second, where the cancellation of debilitation flourishes the natives with worldly materials.


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