Kemadruma Yoga – An Inauspicious Yoga

Kemadruma Yoga – An Inauspicious Yoga

Kemadruma yoga aka Kemadrum dosha is one of the important, inauspicious yoga. This yoga is formed by moon.

Moon is one of the most auspicious planets in the Vedic Astrology. Based on the context of Vedic astrology, moon is a friendly planet. The placement of moon in certain zodiac signs and in certain houses from ascendant affects the auspicious results provided by moon. For instance, moon is debilitated in Scorpio and cannot remains powerless to the natives who born under the zodiac sign Scorpio. Similarly, moon in 6th, 8th and 12 house remains inauspicious due to the malefic effect of these evil houses.

When this yoga is formed?
While the power of moon is reduced in the above mentioned placements, a certain position of moon forms a dosha, called Kemadruma Yoga.

When the moon is placed alone in any house, without any planet in front and back of the house it is placed, forms this yoga. If second and twelfth house from moon remains vacant, it forms this yoga.

For instance, if moon is placed in Pisces, when the second house from Pisces, Aries remain empty without any planet and the twelfth house from Pisces, Aquarius remain empty without any planet, this yoga is formed.

When the moon is conjoined with another planet, but does not have planets in the preceding and succeeding house, this yoga is not formed.

However, Rahu and Ketu, being shadow planets are not considered in exception of this yoga. It means, presence of Rahu or Ketu, along with or before or after the moon does not exempt the native from this yoga.

For instance, if Moon is placed along with Rahu in Virgo, but no planets in Leo and Libra, this yoga is formed.

If Rahu is placed in Leo or Libra when moon is placed in Virgo, it is not counted as a placement of planet before or next to moon, which forms this yoga. The similar rule applies to Ketu.

Evil effects of Kemadruma yoga
Moon represents mind and mother. If cause lack of stability of the mind. Natives born with this yoga are more likely to suffer from inconsistent mind, unable to make decisions, always remain dependant on others, etc. Besides, it also causes lack of intimacy with mother or affects the maternal relationships. This yoga prevents the native to use the mental strength and make right decisions.

Kemadruma yoga results in poverty. Natives with this yoga experience poverty at least once in their life, in form of loss of wealth, job or financial struggle in life.

The negative effects of Kemadruma yoga can be powerful when Moon is placed with Rahu and Ketu.

Exceptions to Kemadruma Yoga
The ill effects of this yoga are reduced to some extent under following circumstances.
If this yoga is formed due to position of moon in Taurus or Cancer. (Moon is exalted in Taurus and rules Cancer)
If Moon receives the aspect from Jupiter or Venus (For instance, if moon is placed in gemini as 2nd house and aspected by Jupiter placed in Taurus, this evil effects are nullified)
If any benefic planet aspect the moon
If any planet is placed right opposite to the moon. (For instance, if moon is placed in 4th house, presence of any planet in 10th house nullifies the yoga)

Kemadruma yoga will be converted into Raj Yoga when any of the above exceptional rules is found in horoscope. However, the effect of this yoga will be experienced by the native at least once in his or her life.

To reduce the ill effects of Kemadruma yoga,
Observe fasting on full moon day, which strengthens the moon.
Visit temple on Monday and offer milk to Shiv Linga. Worshipping Lord Shiva eliminates the ill effects of Moon.
Wear silver, pearl and white colored clothes that symbolize moon.


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