Viparita Raj Yoga – Goodness from wicked Planets

Viparita Raj Yoga – Goodness from wicked Planets

Viparita Raj Yoga is form of Raj yoga arise from inauspicious planets or lord of planets corresponding to inauspicious houses. Generally, good yogas are formed by auspicious planets, arise from auspicious houses and good combination of planets. Viparita Raj Yoga is quite contrary to the good yogas, but bestows the native with good effects. Viparita is a Sanskrit term, which means ‘opposite’ and synonymously indicates unexpected gains.

Viparita Raj Yoga – How it bestows the native?
Viparita Raj Yoga – Gives the worldly things and unexpected opportunities when all things are likely to go in a wrong direction.
It appears at the right time at the right place when things go bad and prevent the bad things from affecting the natives.

Natives with Viparita raj yoga are bestowed with following:
They win over their enemies and effortlessly achieve victory.
The native is blessed with good family, education, wealth, life partner, status and name and fame in the society.
Blessed with good fortune and luxuries.
All conflicts and hardships will be melted like snow dew.
Enjoy long life and good health if the lord of 8th house causes this yoga (placed in 6th or 8th or 12th house)
Earns a lot of wealth on his or her efforts.

This yoga arises from evil house and the lord of the evil houses. In general, 6th, 8th and 12th houses from the Ascendant are considered evil / inauspicious houses. While the evil houses or the respective planets provide malefic effects causing loss of wealth, pain, difficulties in all sorts of life, diseases, etc, this yoga nullifies it all and creates adverse results, which turns benefic to the native.

When this yoga forms?
Viparita raj yoga arises when the lord of the malefic houses (6th, 8th and 12th) are individually or jointly connected with any of these malefic houses. It forms when,
The lord of the any of these malefic houses placed in any of these malefic houses )The 6th house lord is placed in 8th house or 12th house or vice versa.)
If any of the lord of these malefic houses mutually exchange their houses.
If lord of malefic houses conjunct in any of the malefic house.

Example 1: For Aries ascendant, Virgo is the 6th house and mercury is the lord of the sixth house. If mercury is placed in 8th house, Scorpio or 12th house Pisces, it forms Viparita raj yoga.

Example 2: Considering Aries ascendant, the lord of 8th house is mars. If mars is placed in virgo and mercury is placed in Scorpio, (mutual exchange of house) it forms Viparita raj yoga.

Example 3: If mars and mercury, mars and Jupiter or Jupiter and mercury is placed in Virgo or Scorpio or Pisces, it forms this yoga.

Types of Viparita Raj Yoga
This yoga is classified into three types,
Harsh Yoga – Lord of 6th house is placed in 8th house or 12th house.
Saral Yoga – Lord of 8th house is placed in 6th house or 12th house
Vimal Yoga – Lord of 12th house is placed is 6th house or 8th house

Exceptions to Viparita Raj Yoga
There are quite a few exceptions to this yoga. According to Vedic astrology, the following placement of planets in malefic houses does not confer this yoga.
Lord of 6th house placed in 6th house
Lord of 8th house placed in 8th house
Lord of 12 house placed in 12th house

Yet, it provides longer life to the native.

For Taurus ascendant, which is ruled by Venus, it is the lord of the sixth house, Libra. So, it does not confer Viparita raj yoga.

Similarly, mars also do not fall under this category for Scorpion Ascendant. Mars rules Scorpio. For scorpion ascendants, Mars is the lord of the ascendant and lord of sixth house. The above given rule is applied is.

For Aquarius ascendant, the lord of the sign Saturn becomes the lord of the 12th house, Capricorn, which does not form Viparita raj yoga.

These are the general effects of Viparita raj yoga. When the planets belonging to malefic houses are not aspected or afflicted by planets of other houses, the native can enjoy all goodness in life.


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