Gaj kesari yog(conjuction or square between moon and jupiter)

Gaj-Kesari Yog

Let us understand the meaning of ‘Yog’ first. When a person is born with a combination of planets which are favorable for him/her, these are called ‘Yog’. Many gets confuse whether Yog has positive or negative influence. A Yog is a favorable combination of planets. The unfavorable combinations are called ‘Arishtas’.

Gaj-Kesari Yog is one such favorable Yog which results in achieving success in most fields by a person. The person is likely to achieve more knowledge, vision, fame and power. Many people can have this yog on their Kundli because this yog is formed four times every month.

Gaj-Kesari Yog is formed when Moon and planet Jupiter forms a square position. This happens when Jupiter is placed in 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th position from the moon. As this yog is formed 4 times in a month, their can be a lot of people born with this yog. Thus its positive effects will not be same for all, as there planet combination cannot be alike.

It depends on how much powerful the yog is on a person. For some people have Gaj-Kesari yog, but their Jupiter or Moon is placed in either of 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th house, the positives of the yog gets reduced. Note that positive effects may reduce but does not get vanished completely since the required combination of Jupiter and Moon is present.

As per ancient Astrological books, Jupiter is planet which enhances knowledge and Moon is said to be the planet of Imagination and Mind. When these two combines in a favorable yog, it results in enhancement of knowledge, mind power and vision. It makes a person practical in approach. He is likely to get success in many fields and can achieve power and fame.

One person of Gaj-Kesari yog may be more successful in comparision to another person of the same yog. This happens because the former has born with a stronger Gaj-kesari yog than the latter.
A strong Gaj-Kesari Yog is formed considering the following:
Firstly, Jupiter and Moon should not be the owner of 3rd, 6th, 8th of 12th house.
Secondly, Jupiter and Moon must not be influenced by other planets like Mars, Saturn and nodes of Moon.
Thirdly, If the position of Moon and Jupiter are forming conjunctions with each other, it is the strongest Yog.
The Second strongest Yog is formed when Jupiter and Moon are placed in opposite of each other.
Lastly, Note that whether Jupiter and Moon are strong in ‘Shasbala’. Shasbala is a combination of 6 types of strength.

When does Gaj-Kesari Yog shows its effects in one’s life?

The time when either a Major period of Jupiter or a Major period of Moon runs in one’s life, Gaj-Kesari yog can create favourable circumstances to its full extent. Even when either a Minor period of Moon or a Minor period of Jupiter runs, but still supports a major period of it, this Yog effects to a good extent.

So, if one is fortunate to born in Gaj-Kesari Yog, he is more likely to achieve knowledge, practical vision, leadership qualities, fame and success in every sphere of life.


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