3 types of Aquarius

Mainly all Satarine's think a lot and always remain tensed on some or the other matter. Aquarians are also known as one of the good people who are into social work.        

Man of action

1st type of Aquarius always remain in two minds.May be they are confused about so many things.such people wanted to think on both sides.They are very much good in strategy.1st type of aquarius are very rebelion and they may have rigid views and opinions. They have inherit nature to do for people aggressively. They are hard working and helpful and reserved when it comes to friendship. Overall they are man of action.       

Mysterious-outwardly Simple 

2nd type of Aquarius are very secretive.They may have inferioir feelings to some extent.People often underestimate them because of their simplicity.They are very much interested in occult subjects.They think a lot but are unable to find solution of their problem. They may lack self confidence.They have some sort of fear from certain situations and environment.sometimes their fear is without any reason. 2nd type of aquarius are likely to suffer from Phobia. Only few may know their hidden talents.  

Knowledgeable and wealthy

3rd type of Aquarius may be very much money oriented but very good and nice people.They love to help people and solve their problem.They may have lot of respect for traditions and custom.They may be very much interested in Ancient Tradition and customs. Most of them will be good in communication.   


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