People born under LEO ascendant

Extracted from full post

People born under LEO ascendant

  1. People born under this rising have high thinking . They are open minded person.
  2. They are talkative and quite tricky in their speech.
  3. They don't have shyness .
  4. Their relationship with friends is loving. They love their friends.
  5. Girls born under this ascendant have many male friends and vice versa.
  6. Sometimes they quarrel with their parents.
  7. They like to learn things . They are good in education.
  8. They may have long term disease .
  9. If they have enemies then that is long lasting.
  10. Their life partners think a lot. Their partners are good thinker. Sometimes they may quarrel with their life partner.
  11. These people don't have any bad habit.
  12. These people desire for progress in life as soon as it is possible. Compare to others these people progress fast in their life.
  13. These people have sweet and loving behavior.
  14. They like to achieve small small things which can be achieved within short period of life.
  15. To some extent they are sensitive and cant see fingers pointing towards them . They also desire to take revenges.


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