People born under GEMINI ascendant

Extracted from full post

People born under GEMINI ascendant

  1. People born under this rising are talkative and quit intelligent .
  2. By speech they are soft and calm. They don't speak in a hurry.
  3. Their friends or relatives are dominating ,rich and well known.
  4. They like to learn drawing, cooking,painting,singing,dancing,animation or such kind of things.
  5. They are quick in creating enemies because they don't hesitate to go against others.
  6. They have good life partner who will understand them very well. Their life partner have maturity. Their life partner are well educated and from respected family.
  7. These people may have bad habits .
  8. These people are knowledgeable. They have descent and mature behavior. They know very well how to do the the things.
  9. They are ready to give efforts for their achievements and goals. They want to reach their goal as soon as it is possible.
  10. They always spend their money in buying fashionable things. Most of the time they spend their money in clothes,watches, make up kits, shoes, etc.


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