People born under LIBRA ascendant
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People born under LIBRA ascendant
- Compare to any other rising people born under this rising have good personality. They are handsome/beautiful.
- They have little bit aggressiveness in their speech. They are quick in answering and passing counter argument.
- These people work hard to earn money.
- These people want descent friends . They don't like indecent people.
- They understand their friends and enemies very well. They know very well who is their friend and who is their enemy. They learn from their friends and enemies both.
- Sometimes they quarrel with their parents.
- They desire for high education .
- Their life partner are courageous with superiority complex.
- These people get number of opportunities in their life. These people get opportunities suddenly.
- These people have calm behavior. Before doing any work they have imagination. They do their work peacefully .
- They desire for high achievements.
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